What, a herd of cattle were poisoned by cyanide in Texas??  The culprit had to be a genetically-modified form of Bermuda grass!  Stupid scientists are out to kill us all with their right-wing, corporation-y greed.

Only if you get your science from CBS.  Or Sierra Club.  Or gullible commenters here on Science 2.0.

The Tifton 85 grass was indeed 'producing' cyanide - cyanide is a naturally occurring plant poison -   it just isn't genetically-modified grass.  It's instead the "genetic modification" done for thousands of years before scientists could precisely control genes; a hybrid.  A regular ol' hybrid used for decades that the anti-science fringe thinks is 'natural'. 

The latest GM scare journalism was certainly brought to the big stage by CBS but mostly spread by anti-GM bloggers who didn't bother to do even the simplest fact-checking.

Not everyone fell for it.  Grist got the science right

Deborah Blum defends science from the anti-science fringe at Knight Science Journalism Tracker.