Life Extension Is Kinda...Dumb

The cover of Time magazine 3/2/15 features an Anglo baby (so remarkably cute one wonders whether...

The 10 Best Obesity Books. Ever.

In the spirit of year end top 10 lists, but not restricting myself to 2015, I offer the following...

Cholesterol Treatment Gets Complicated

“Is my cholesterol too high?” may become an irrelevant question.There was a time when the total...

Poor Food Choices Are Rational

Why do we eat stuff that's bad for us when our stated aim is to lose weight or "get in shape?"...

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The best of these posts has been developed into a book entitled What Is Fat For? Now available, on Amazon as ebook,with print and audio, read by yours truly, coming very soon. Much additional material... Read More »

Searching for the perfect equation

You can discuss obesity and weight loss without using the same way you can discuss Astronomy without using math. While there may be a way to present a conjecture in either field using just logic and pure reason, math becomes necessary as the questions tackle more complex and defined aspects of the science. The mathematical regulation of body weight is easy understand and comes directly from a simple energy balance equation with “R” equaling the amount of weight gain or loss, based on calories in, “I”, minus calories expended, “E.”

In 1984, I was a Freshman in high school and much more interested in making the soccer team, getting kicked out of my honors classes and that girl sitting over there, than I was into the medical literature of the day. Which would explain why I missed an article by Rudolph Leibel and Jules Hirsch examining why we can't keep lost weight from coming back.

This was pre-Oprah, if such a thing can be imagined, so it seems that the public mostly missed this article as well. It appeared in the February issue of Metabolism and was titled "Diminished Energy Requirements in Reduced-Obese Patients." 

Let us start with nothing. A naive human has come to stay in your home. Perhaps it's a Tarzan type of character, just arrived from the wild, or, if you like a modern twist, it's a government agent who has been hit over the head and can't even remember his name. In any case, this naive human will, within a few hours of arrival, make his way to your kitchen and begin poking around, because he's hungry.