Donald Trump does not have the power to rescind either constitutional amendments or federal laws by mere executive order, no matter how strongly he might wish otherwise. No president of the United States of America has that power. The media and public need to understand that anything he signs in that way is basically on par with a social-media post ranting about what he thinks should happen. At most, he can direct how the executive branch enforces existing laws and the Constitution, but if any order violates those higher authorities, it’s automatically invalid. Anyone who tries to carry it out risks being sued or even prosecuted for trampling on the civil rights those laws protect.


  1. Constitution
  2. Federal statutes and treaties (as long as they’re consistent with the Constitution)
  3. Executive Orders and agency regulations (must be consistent with both #1 and #2)

In short he can sign orders but orders are not laws.

No president can cancel a constitutional right.

The Fourteenth Amendment was adopted after the Civil War to ensure that people born under U.S. jurisdiction are citizens. If you can throw a migrant in jail under our criminal laws, then that person is obviously under our jurisdiction constitutionally as well. There is no logical way to say they’re subject to punishment but somehow excluded from the rights enumerated in the Constitution.

No president can repeal the Civil Rights Act either.

Congress passed it, the Supreme Court has upheld it over and over, and at this point it’s nearly as revered as the Constitution itself. It protects everyone based on race, sex, and religion. If you can’t fire a woman for wearing a dress, you can’t punish a man for wearing one. If you can’t discriminate against a person in a minority religion, you can’t discriminate against someone whose gender identity doesn’t line up with your assumptions.

Furthermore, no president can redefine transgender people as simply “male” or “female” by some trivial standard of biology, be that conception or adulthood.  He can change how the government might respond to us existing but that's not what bothers those who aren't trans but obsess with this issue it is the fact we exist.

Reasonable folks can argue over the scope of free speech: calling a trans woman “he,” or calling her “she.” But that person can just as easily respond by calling you a jerk, and others might agree. Everyone has the right to speak; nobody has the right to harass or discriminate. Yet some of Trump’s supporters want one-sided freedom, where they get to belittle others and call it their right.

Sure, a president can rename the Gulf of Mexico if he pleases, but that doesn’t mean people will start calling it “the Gulf of America.” It’s like insisting everyone say “Willis Tower” for the Sears Tower—only with even less legitimacy. He can have that one if he wants.

But overriding the Fourteenth Amendment, annihilating the Civil Rights Act, or erasing transgender people with a signature? That’s not how any of this works. Executive orders don’t outrank the Constitution or laws passed by Congress and the physical fact a group of people exist. The man can scrawl whatever he wants on fancy paper—doesn’t make it binding on the rest of us.

We need to have a 21st century bill of rights to ensure that all Americans are treated in a truly equal fashion.