In The Big Bang and the Birth of Culture, we talked about the beginning of culture long before what anthropologists had previously assumed. In Supersynchrony And The Evolution Of Mass Culture, we talked about how even the most primitive components of the universe had a sort of retained memory and in The Big Burp And The Evolution of Elements we got into how that retained memory and supersynchrony really kicked things into overdrive.


In our last exciting episode we discussed how huge new atom communities, RNA and DNA, used membranes as fortifications, no-go zones, corrals within which RNA, DNA, and their membrane-weaving partners could maintain a specialized mini-sea, a Jell-O or Gatorade rich in vitamins, organic molecules, enzymes, sugars, carbohydrates, fatty acids, and proteins.

The Big Burp had produced cells. And each of these cells was a working community of 10^11 atoms(80)— a hundred trillion atoms combined to pursue a highly complex common purpose. But, more important, a hundred trillion atoms with a heritage passed on from mother to daughter, a past recorded in a literal inner-circle, an interior ring of genes.(81)

A hundred trillion atoms with the ability to evade danger and to find food. A hundred trillion atoms with the ability to make future predictions based on an accumulated data base, the store of information that gene-strings cadge, corner, and maintain.(82) And a hundred trillion atoms with the ability to rejigger their collective memory’s instructions on how to make the next move.

A hundred trillion atoms with the ability to reprogram their instruction-set, their genome.(83) In other words, these clusters of a hundred trillion atoms contained the first molecules in the history of the cosmos to have the advantage of culture. But how did these culture-driven molecular mobile cities manage to skyhook themselves into new niches, to turn new wastes into food, and to gain new abilities? The answer, once again, is sociality.

No cell is an island. The ancestral cells we’re talking about were bacteria. And no bacterium can live alone. Put a single bacterium in solitary confinement. Give it its own petri dish with agar spread across the bottom as food. The bacterium will not become pensive and reflective, enjoying its solitude. It will do the opposite. It will split over and over again, giving birth to a huge bacterial family.(84) And each new family member, in turn, will multiply like crazy to conquer more of the agar.(85)

Solitary bacterial cells create communities of unbelievable size around themselves in a very short amount of time. Give them a few weeks and the total bacterial tribe in your petri dish will have a population of 7 trillion(86) — more than all the humans who have ever lived. And that supersized society will not be a disorganized mass of individuals.(87) Far from it. Individual bacteria share their information with a complex chemical language.(88)

The result is an information-processing web, a massively parallel-processed computation-and-connection machine, what one leading researcher on this form of social integration among bacteria, Eshel Ben-Jacob of the University of Tel Aviv, calls a “creative web.”(89) Your bacterial culture, the bacterial mega-society in your petri dish, will be a research and development machine, a collective intelligence.

According to Ben-Jacob it will be capable of spotting problems and working to solve them, often producing solutions this cosmos has never previously seen. And at the heart of that collective expansion-and-innovation web will be, guess what? A culture.

A culture complete with monuments, with pyramids. The bacterial colonies of the first 3.5 billion years of life have left us their architecture, their massive public works projects. They’re called stromatolites.(90) Stromatolites are stone structures the size of your mattress, stone monuments poking from the shallow seas around Australia and fossilized in the rocks of Michigan.

How are they produced? They’re created by bacterial teams contributing to a massive multi-generational enterprise. A colony of bacteria exudes a gooey foundation on which it sits. Each bacterium sucks a key portion of its food—carbon dioxide—from the shallow waters of the sea. This triggers the precipitation of particles of calcium carbonate—grains of limestone—from the water. The falling microbits of stone pile up in the glue-like base of the bacterial colony.(91)

The next bacterial colony lives on top of this ultra-thin limestone residue, and in its lifetime leaves a second slick of lime. Millions or trillions of colonies later, those thin slicks of limestone add up. They create a monument nearly as big in comparison to a single bacterium as the moon is to you and me. Quite an accomplishment for creatures with collective computational powers and creativity, but without brains.

Bacteria were the founders of culture. But they were not the only cultural creatures to appear in the next 3.5 billion years of life’s evolution. They were not the only culture-gifted children of the Big Burp. In 1983, John Tyler Bonner wrote a classic book on The Evolution of Culture in Animals.(92) Bonner revealed culture in myxobacteria, slime molds, birds, whales, elephants, social insects, and chimpanzees.

Then came human culture, another multi-generational, multi-layered group project that accumulated memories, habits, and methods of turning new niches of barrenness into a paradise. We were born one of the most pathetic creatures this Earth has ever seen. Other animals were birthed with biological equipment for thermoregulation,(93) for making it through sizzling heat and biting cold. They were born with fur coats.

Not us. We were born as naked as hairless mole rats, like pieces of meat tossed to the crocodile jaws of the elements. Like our cousins, the chimps(94) and cheetahs, we were born with a lust to eat meat. We needed this high-protein diet to fuel our energy-hungry big brains.(95) But we were born without a stitch of hunting equipment. We emerged from the womb without fangs and teeth. We were born without the four legs that give horses, gazelles, and lions their speed.

We were also born without the equipment to be successful vegetarians. Our cousins, mountain apes,(96) had huge bellies capable of breaking down the cellulose fortresses that protect the cells of leaves. We, on the other hand, had relatively tiny tummies(97) that didn’t stand a chance against the vegetable roughage, the greenery that surrounded us.

Culture was our only means of rescuing ourselves. First we invented artificial fangs and teeth 2.5 million years ago.(98) We invented the Oldowan stone tool kit.(99) Then we tamed fire(100) and invented cooking,(101) a way to predigest our meals so that our compact digestive system (and its bacterial partners)(102) could extract the fuel from the toughest foods. The small abdomen that cooking made possible gave us a mobility our knuckle-walking cousins had never possessed.(103)

According to evolutionary neurobiologist John Skoyles, it also gave us the swiftness of marathon runners.(104) We couldn’t outrace a zebra or an antelope, but we could outlast it in a long-distance run,(105) then could take advantage of the animal’s fatigue to move in for the kill. What’s more, we were the first—and so far, the only—species able to hurl a stone at high velocity with perfect aim.(106) We were pitchers par excellence. We could literally knock a bird out of the sky with a stone or kill a fast-moving rat or rabbit with an overhand toss.(108) Which meant we could hunt small game in ways that claws and fangs had never made possible.

Somewhere along the line we also invented clothing(109) and marched off to the far north,(110) equipped to shield ourselves from winter snow, and ice. We also invented architecture during the ice ages, building palaces with frameworks of mammoth tusks and mammoth ribs and an outer skin made of mammoth hides.(111) And we invented ways to feed two needs that obsess us in a manner few animals will ever know—identity and vanity.(112)

We invented makeup 280,000 years ago(113) to differentiate your tribe from mine and to let you compete for attention with your tribemates, too. We invented long-distance trade(115) 140,000 years ago(116) so that folks in the interior of a continent could show off by wearing jewelry made of sea creatures’ shells(116) and so that coastal dwellers could make tools of obsidian mined far inland.

We invented beads(117) to let each other know who was on top of the tribe’s wealth and who was not.(118) Finally, ten thousand years ago, we invented agriculture(119) and cities.(120) Cities gave birth to subcultures,(121) and the competition between human cultures and subcultures went into overdrive.

Without material breakthroughs, human culture would never have achieved its current heights. In fact, without our host of material inventions—the spear, the plow, the fireplace, the coat, the boat, the brick, the book, and the laptop—we would have grubbed along forever as hunter-gatherers.

Human culture was a dance between material innovations and innovations of the mind. Human culture layered new concepts, new languages, and new forms of data-processing, data-storing, worldview-making, scenario-creating, and future prediction. Human culture worked with the multi-generational stubbornness of the bacteria that built stromatolites.

But instead of constructing physical monuments the size of moons, human cultures built new mind tools—concepts, metaphors, religions, stories, creation myths, tales of legendary heroes, sagas of triumphs and defeats, and entire worldviews(122) — mind tools that from the very first were celestomanic—sky-obsessed, turned to the heavens and the stars. These were new mind tools that could decipher the Earth below and the cosmos slowly wheeling above our heads.

One hundred and twenty five thousand generations of this layering have made us conscious…and have misled us into a peculiar arrogance. We think that we have reshaped this planet more than any creatures that have come before. We think that we have plundered the pitifully small pool of resources on this Earth and now must make sacrifices to appease a nature angered by our transgressions. We are wrong. Very wrong.


(80) Ed Rybicki, PhD, Department of Microbiology. University of Cape Town. How many atoms are in a cell? Biosci/Bionet. (BIOSCI promotes communication between professionals in the biological sciences.) Retrieved June 11, 2007, from the World Wide Web.
(81) James R. Lupski, George M. Weinstock, Frans J. de Bruijn. Bacterial Genomes: Physical Structure and Analysis. New York: Springer, 1998: p. 8.
(82) For more on RNA and DNA as memory-libraries see: Stephen J. Freeland, Robin D. Knight, Laura F. Landweber. Molecular Evolution: Do Proteins Predate DNA? Science, October 22, 1999: Vol. 286. no. 5440: pp. 690 - 692 DOI: 10.1126/science.286.5440.690
Retrieved August 19, 2007, from the World Wide Web Ronald R. Breaker. Making Catalytic DNAs. Science, December 15, 2000: Vol. 290. no. 5499, pp. 2095 – 2096. DOI: 10.1126/science.290.5499.2095. Walter Gilbert. DNA sequencing and gene structure. Science, December 18, 1981: pp. 1305-12. Retrieved February 28, 2008, from the World Wide Web
(83) E. Ben-Jacob, H. Shmueli, O. Shochet, A. Tenenbaum. "Adaptive Self-organization During Growth of Bacterial Colonies." Physica A, September 15, 1992: p. 378. E. Ben-Jacob, A. Tenenbaum, O. Shochet. "Holotransormations of bacterial colonies and genome cybernetics." Physica A. January 1994. J.A. Shapiro. "Natural genetic engineering in evolution." Genetica, 86:1-3 1992: pp. 99-111. J.A. Shapiro. "Natural genetic engineering of the bacterial genome." Current Opinion in Genetics and Development, December 1993: pp. 845-848. J.A. Shapiro. "Genome organization, natural genetic engineering and adaptive mutation." Trends in Genetics, March 13, 1997: pp. 98-104. Eshel Ben-Jacob. Personal communication, 1997-2001.
(84) James A. Shapiro. Personal Communication. February 9-September 24, 1999.
(85) E. Ben-Jacob, A. Tenenbaum, O. Shochet, I. Cohen, A. Czirók and T. Vicsek. "Cooperative Strategies in Formation of Complex Bacterial Patterns." Fractals, 3:4, 1995: pp. 849-868.
(86) Eshel Ben-Jacob. Personal Communication. January 15, 1999.
(87) James A. Shapiro. "Thinking About Bacterial Populations as Multicellular Organisms." Annual Review of Microbiology. Palo Alto, CA: Annual Reviews, 1998: pp. 81-104. Eshel Ben-Jacob, Israela Becker, Yoash Shapira, and Herbert Levine. Bacterial linguistic communication and social intelligence. Trends in Microbiology, 12, Issue 8, 1 August 2004: pp. 366-372.
(88) E. Ben-Jacob, A. Tenenbaum, O. Shochet, I. Cohen, A. Czirók and T. Vicsek. "Communication, Regulation and Control During Complex Patterning of Bacterial Colonies." Fractals Vol. 2:1 (1994): pp. 14-44.
(89) Eshel Ben-Jacob. "Bacterial wisdom, Gödel's theorem and creative genomic webs." Physica A, 248, 1998: pp. 57-76. Marguerite Holloway. Talking Bacteria. (Interview with Bonnie L. Bassler). Scientific American. February 2004. Retrieved February 28, 2008, from the World Wide Web Bonnie Bassler. Cell-to-Cell Communication in Bacteria. Department of Molecular Biology, Princeton University. Retrieved February 28, 2008, from the World Wide Web
(90) J.W. Schopf. Are the oldest 'fossils', fossils? Origins of Life and Evolution of the Biosphere, January 1976: pp. 19-36. J. William Schopf and Cornelius Klein, editors. Proterozoic Biosphere: A Multidisciplinary Study. New York: Cambridge University Press, 1992. J. William Schopf. "Microfossils of the Early Archean Apex Chert: New Evidence of the Antiquity of Life." Science. April 30, 1993: pp. 640-646. J. William Schopf. Cradle of Life: The Discovery of Earth's Earliest Fossils. Berkeley: University of California Press, 1999.
(91) University of California Museum of Paleontology. Cyanobacteria: Fossil Record. Retrieved February 28, 2008, from the World Wide Web
(92) John Tyler Bonner. The Evolution of Culture in Animals. Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press, 1983.
(93) Matt Richardson, M.Sc.(C), and Stephen Cheung, Ph.D. The basics of thermoregulation. Agriculture Personnel Management Program. University of California, Berkeley. Retrieved February 28, 2008, from the World Wide Web
(94) Craig B. Stanford. The Predatory Behavior and Ecology of Wild Chimpanzees. Department of Anthropology, University of Southern California, Los Angeles, CA. Retrieved from the World Wide Web April 04, 2004 Jane Goodall. In The Shadow of Man. Boston: Houghton Mifflin, 1983 (originally published 1971).
(95) Ann Gibbons. Solving the Brain's Energy Crisis. Science, Vol 280, Issue 5368, May 29, 1998: pp. 1345-1347. Clodagh O'Brien. Early humans smart but forgetful. September 13, 2002. Retrieved September 13, 2002, from the World Wide Web
(96) Dian Fossey. Gorillas In the Mist. Boston: Houghton Mifflin, 1983.
(97) Our stomachs are 40% smaller than those of other animals our size. The extra blood and energy it takes to operate a big belly is shunted to our brain. L.C. Aiello. The Expensive Tissue Hypothesis and the Evolution of the Human Adaptive Niche: A Study in Comparative Anatomy. In Science in Archaeology: An Agenda for the Future. Edited by J. Bayley. London: English Heritage, 1998: pp. 25-36. L.C. Aiello and P. Wheeler. The Expensive Tissue Hypothesis: the brain and the digestive system in human and primate evolution. Current Anthropology, 36: 1995: pp. 199-221.
(98) Stanley H. Ambrose. Paleolithic Technology and Human Evolution. Science, Vol 291, Issue 5509, March 2, 2001: pp. 1748-1753.
(99) S. Semaw, P. Renne, J.W.K. Harris, C.S. Feibel, R.L. Bernor, N. Fesseha, K. Mowbray. "2.5 million year old stone tools from Gona, Ethiopia." Nature, 23 January 1997: p. 333; Constance Holden. The First Tool Kit. Science, January 31, 1997: p. 623. Ken Swisher. "Rutgers scientists discover oldest stone tools to date." Press release. January 22, 1997. New Brunswick/Piscataway, NJ: Rutgers University. Downloaded April 15, 1998 from M.W. Marzke, K.L. Wullstein, S.F. Viegas. Evolution of the Power (“Squeeze”) Grip and Its Morphological Correlates in Hominids. American Journal of Physical Anthropology. November, 1992; Mary W. Marzke, N. Toth, K.N. An. "EMG Study of Hand Muscle Recruitment During Hard Hammer Percussion Manufacture of Oldowan Tools." American Journal of Physical Anthropology, March 1998.
(100) A. Skinner, J. Lloyd, C. Brain and F. Thackeray. Electron spin resonance and the first use of fire. Paper presented at the 2004 Paleoanthropology Society Annual Meeting in Montreal, March 30-31, 2004. Discovering Archaeology September/October 1999. Retrieved May, 2000, from the World Wide Web R. Rowlett, M. G. Davis, and R. B. Graber. 1999. “Friendly Fire: The First Campfires Helped Hominids Survive the Night.” Discovering Archaeology 1(5): pp. 82–89. N. Alperson-Afil and N. Goren-Inbar. Out of Africa and into Eurasia with controlled use of fire: Evidence from Gesher Benot Ya’aqov, Israel. Archaeology, Ethnology and Anthropology of Eurasia, Volume 28, Number 4, December, 2006: pp. 63-78.
(101) Richard Wrangham, Nancy Lou Conklin-Brittain. Cooking as a biological trait. Comparative Biochemistry & Physiology Part A: Molecular & Integrative Physiology, September 2003, Vol. 136 Issue 1: pp. 35-47. Richard Wrangham. Personal Communication, March 28, 2004. Natalie Angier. Cooking, and How It Slew the Beast Within. New York Times, May 28, 2002. Retrieved June 1, 2002, from the World Wide Web For a report on Richard Wrangham’s hypotheses about how cooking helped us eat inedible tubers, poisonous vegetables, see: Elizabeth Pennisi. Did Cooked Tubers Spur the Evolution of Big Brains? Science, Vol 283, Issue 5410, March 26, 1999: pp. 2004-2005.
(102) The Comm Tech Lab and the Center for Microbial Ecology at Michigan State University. The Microbe Zoo DLC ME Project, me/zoo/, downloaded September 1999. William B. Whitman, David C. Coleman, and William J. Wiebe. Prokaryotes: The unseen majority. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, Vol. 95, Issue 12, June 9, 1998: pp. 6578-6583. Richard Gallagher. "Monie a Mickle Maks a Muckle." Science, July 10, 1998: p. 186.
(103) L.C. Aiello. Hominine preadaptations for Language and Cognition. In Modelling the Early Human Mind, edited by P. Mellars and K. Gibson. Cambridge, UK: McDonald Institute Monographs, 1996: pp. 89-99. L.C. Aiello, Terrestriality, bipedalism and the origin of language. In: Evolution of Social Behaviour Patterns in Primates and Man, edited by J. Maynard-Smith. Proceedings of the British Academy, 88, 1996: pp. 269-289.
(104) John R. Skoyles. "Complete online text of selected papers and two books (Odyssey and Leviathan)." Retrieved August 20, 2000, from the World Wide Web, May, 1999.
(105) Dennis M. Bramble and Daniel E. Lieberman. Endurance running and the evolution of Homo. Nature, 432, November 18, 2004: pp. 345-352. Retrieved August 21, 2007, from the World Wide Web
(106) P. J. Darlington, Jr. Group selection, altruism, reinforcement, and throwing in human evolution. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. September 1975, Vol. 72, No. 9: pp. 3748-3752. For the changes in our physiology that made pitching and running a uniquely human killer combination, changes that arrived with Homo erectus 1.7 million years ago, see Alan Walker. The Search for "The Missing Link". Science & The City, Webzine of the New York Academy of Sciences. August 3, 2007. Podcast. Retrieved February 28, 2008, from the World Wide Web William H. Calvin. The Throwing Madonna: Essays On The Brain. New York: McGraw Hill, 1983.
(107) This is the literal source of the saying, "killing two birds with one stone".
(108) Richard W. Young. Evolution of the human hand: the role of throwing and clubbing. Journal of Anatomy, 2003, 202: 165-174. Retrieved February 28, 2008, from the World Wide Web Barbara Isaac. Throwing and human evolution. African Archaeological Review. Volume 5, Number 1, December 1987: pp. 3-17. Abstract retrieved February 28, 2008, from the World Wide Web For an Australian folk tale on killing an emu, a large, ostrich-like bird, with a stone toss, see: The Weeoonibeens and the Piggiebillah. The Internet Sacred Text Archive. Retrieved February 28, 2008, from the World Wide Web
(109) Certain forms of body lice only live in human clothing. By tracing the remains of these parasites, William J. Burroughs places the date of wearing apparel at 75,000 years ago. William James Burroughs. Climate Change in Prehistory: The End of the Reign of Chaos. New York: Cambridge University Press, 2005: p. 133. The most fascinating expert on early human clothing is archaeologist and former fashion industry insider Olga Soffer. For more on her views, see: Kate Wong. The Caveman's New Clothes. Profile Archaeologist Olga Soffer. Scientific American, November 2000, Vol. 283, Issue 5. Retrieved February 28, 2008, from the World Wide Web
(110) Patrick Manning. Migration In World History. London: Routledge, 2005. M.F. Hammer, T. Karafet, A. Rasanayagam, et al. "Out of Africa and back again: nested cladistic analysis of human Y chromosome variation." Molecular Biology and Evolution, 15, 1998: pp. 427-441. A.R. Templeton. Out of Africa? What do genes tell us? Current Opinion in Genetics and Development, 7, 1997: pp. 841 847. Kate Wong. Is Out of Africa Going Out the Door? Scientific American, August 1999. Retrieved July 1999, from the World Wide Web Clive Gamble. Timewalkers: The Prehistory of Global Colonization. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press,1994.
(111) Olga Soffer. The Upper Paleolithic of the Central Russian Plain. New York: Academic Press, 1985. C.R. Harington. Wooly Mammoth. In Animals of Beringia. December, 1995. Yukon Beringia Interpretive Centre. Retrieved November 1999, from the World Wide Web For a picture of a reconstructed hut made of mammoth bones and skin, see: "Mammoth bones saved Ice Age humans from winter's chill." Chicago: The Field Museum., May 1999. For further illustrations of mammoth-bone architecture and jewelry, and for a fascinating run-through of Ukrainian pre and ancient history, see: Andrew Gregorovich. "Ancient Inventions of Ukraine." Etobicoke, Ontario, Canada: InfoUkes. Retrieved May 1999, from the World Wide Web For the most complete set of illustrations of mammoth-bone structures and other ice age buildings, see:
Wadyslaw Jan Kowalski. "Stone Age Habitats." Retrieved May 1999, from the World Wide Web See also: David Lambert and the Diagram Group. The Field Guide to Early Man. New York: Facts on File Publications, 1987; and Kharlena Maria Ramanan. "Neandertal Architecture." Neandertals: A Cyber Perspective., May 1999.
(112) There is identity and vanity among animals. Bower birds build enormous architectural arches to woo mates. Other birds preen their elaborate plumage to get the attention of the girls. And some birds show off their plumage by dancing in ways that even Michael Jackson and Fred Astaire would find hard to outdo. On the identity front, whales sing songs that identify their pods and show who is part of our group and who is not. Fitting into one of these pods—and singing the right melody to prove it—can be a matter of life or death for a young whale. Janet Mann, Richard C. Connor, Peter L. Tyack and Hal Whitehead. Cetacean Societies: Field Studies of Dolphins and Whales. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 2000.
(113) Sally McBrearty, Alison S. Brooks (2000). The revolution that wasn't: a new interpretation of the origins of modern human behavior. Journal of Human Evolution, 39. 5: pp. 453-563. Lawrence S. Barham. Systematic Pigment Use in the Middle Pleistocene of South-Central Africa. Current Anthropology, Volume 43, Number 1, February 2002.
(114) Sally McBrearty, Alison S. Brooks. The revolution that wasn't: a new interpretation of the origins of modern human behavior. Journal of Human Evolution, 39. 5, 2000: pp. 453-563. Ben Marwick. Pleistocene Exchange Networks as Evidence for the Evolution of Language. Cambridge Archaeological Journal, April 2003, Vol. 13, Issue 1: p. 67. Stanley H. Ambrose. Paleolithic Technology and Human Evolution. Science, Vol 291, Issue 5509 ,March 2, 2001: pp. 1748-1753. Yaroslav V. Kuzmin. Michael D. Glascock, Hiroyuki Sato. Sources of Archaeological Obsidian on Sakhalin Island (Russian Far East). Journal of Archaeological Science, July 2002, Vol. 29 Issue 7: pp. 741-750. Carl Zimmer. New discoveries rewrite the book on who we are and where we came from. Discover Magazine, Vol. 24, No. 09, September 2003. J. Féblot-Augustins. Mobility strategies in the late Middle Paleolithic of Central Europe and Western Europe: Elements of stability and variability. In The Middle Paleolithic Occupation of Europe, edited by W. Roebroeks, C. Gamble, Leiden: University of Leiden Press, 1999, pp. 193-214. n.a. When did we become civilised? What drove Stone Age people to abandon a hunter-gatherer lifestyle that had served them well for millennia and take on the trappings of modernity? New Scientist Magazine Issue 18, September 2004: pp. 32-35. K. Liu. An Annotated Survey of Bead, Glass, Faience and Ornament. Archeological Publications. 25, no3, Spring 2002: pp. 22-25.
(115) Sally McBrearty, Alison S. Brooks. The revolution that wasn't: a new interpretation of the origins of modern human behavior. Journal of Human Evolution, 39, 5, 2000: pp. 453-563.
(116) Melville J. Herskovits. Economic Anthropology: The Economic Life of Primitive Peoples. New York: W.W. Norton, 1965 (originally published in 1940).
(117) Christopher Henshilwood, Francesco d'Errico, Marian Vanhaeren, Karen van Niekerk, Zenobia Jacobs. Middle Stone Age Shell Beads from South Africa. Science, Vol 304, Issue 5669, April 16, 2004: p. 16. Bryn Nelson. Constance Holden. Oldest Beads Suggest Early Symbolic Behavior. Science, April 16, 2004: p. 404. Bryn Nelson. Is this the oldest known piece of jewelry?, April 15, 2004.
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(118) Ian Tattersall. Becoming Human: Evolution and Human Uniqueness. New York: Harcourt, 1998. Chapter One: The Creative Explosion. Retrieved February 28, 2008, from the World Wide Web
(119) Heather Pringle. "The Slow Birth of Agriculture." Science, November 20, 1998: p. 1446. D.B. Grigg. The Agricultural Systems of the World: An Evolutionary Approach. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1974. Manfred Heun, Ralf Schafer-Pregl, Dieter Klawan, Renato Castagna, Monica Accerbi, Basilio Borghi, Francesco Salamini. "Site of Einkorn Wheat Domestication Identified by DNA Fingerprinting." Science, November 14, 1997: pp. 1312-1322. C. Mlot. "Wheat's DNA points to first farms." Science News, November 15, 1997: p. 308.
(120) Howard Bloom. Global Brain: The Evolution of Mass Mind From The Big Bang to the 21st Century. New York: John Wiley and Sons, 2000. Kathleen M. Kenyon. "Excavations at Jericho, 1957-58." Palestine Excavation Quarterly, 92, 1960: pp. 88-108; Purushottam Singh. Neolithic Cultures of Western Asia. New York: Seminar Press, 1974: pp. 33-47. James Mellaart. Catal-Huyuk: A Neolithic Town in Anatolia. New York: McGraw-Hill, 1967. Michael Balter. Why Settle Down? The Mystery of Communities. Science, November 20, 1998: pp. 1442-1445. Dora Jane Hamblin with C.C. Lamberg-Karlovsky and the editors of Time-Life Books. The Emergence of Man: The First Cities. New York: Time-Life Books, 1979: pp. 29-32, 910. David Ussishkin. Notes on the Fortifications of the Middle Bronze II Period at Jericho and Shechem. Bulletin of the American Schools of Oriental Research, November, 1989.
(121) Howard Bloom. Global Brain: The Evolution of Mass Mind From The Big Bang to the 21st Century. New York: John Wiley and Sons, 2000.
(122) Howard Bloom. The Lucifer Principle: a scientific expedition into the forces of history. New York: Atlantic Monthly Press, 1995.