In one airline I asked for a cup of tea (second time) during an 8 hr flight.  

The steward asked “ were you not served before? “

 I felt it was a mistake to ask a second time so I sheepishly changed my seat and went to another seat, as the flight had almost 80 percent seats vacant. After some time I was happy to note that steward found me and gave me cup of tea. Thanks. 

I asked the same question in another airline and the air hostess offered me second cup.

During subsequent tea time she did not forget to remember me among 350 or so odd passengers and offered second cup of tea by herself. She even told me I know you take two cups of tea.

In this plane the flight was full.

In first airline you are forced to feel guilty of asking for second cup of tea and second one knew it you need two cups of tea as a matter of habit.

The basic difference was attitude.

The world is divided in people having different attitude towards same things and having same attitude for different things.

Mostly it could be related to their political history, history of subjugation to foreign invaders, and a different system that ruled them for several hundred years.

In places which formed part of some consortium of such countries its common to find fear that something might go wrong, or something has gone wrong or something is going to go wrong now so we have to have checks at different levels. A file will travel from chota babu(dealing clerk) to bada sahib

( High level bureaucrat) through several departments and channels to ensure that nothing will go wrong.

However if something will still go wrong the enquiry which will be ordered immediately but can take several months or years and a second enquiry or commission be put to study the report of the first

This is to safeguard interests of all people including tormentors and the victims.

The system rests on mistrust. Now the foreign rulers are gone still the mistrust persists. Progress can wait as all things have to be ensured to be free from corruption and huge set up consumes almost 70 percent of the expenditure meant for the people is used up in maintaining huge government machinery to support welfare of the people in countries having government of the people by the people and for the people. A prominent leader even remarked that its only 15 paise that reaches the poor from every rupee that government spends on their welfare if I remember it correctly.

And if there is some corruption it has to be examined by the same channel again.

By the time the elections are declared and it’s left to the next people or people,s representatives to find faults in the previous system or body.

The chain persists. Developments can wait.

However this system has been changed at some place by some persons of courage and one can perceive the results. Congratulations for such people and such nations. An ocean of change has taken place recently in way of thinking and results are obvious. Despite of all the hurdles some governments and some people and some nations are making startling progress. Such nations are named by world powers again and again.

What governs human behaviour. Human attitue ?. Which hormones decide human attitude towards fellow citizens or the citizens of the world ? Oxytocin and dopamine excluded.

Rules have to be implemented.

Have a positive attitude for nature and love it and feel the difference.