Ashwani Kumar
About Ashwani
Professor Emeritus ,Former Head of the Department of Botany, and Director Life Sciences, University of Rajasthan, Jaipur. 302004, India At present freelance consultant with Bioenergia. Spain and SCMSPRI, Jaipur. Email Id is : AshwaniKumar214@gmail.com or Kumar.ashwani104@gmail.com or msku4@hotmail.com
Born in Rajasthan, B.Sc. Agra University, M.Sc.(Botany) University of Rajasthan, awarded gold medal for standing first in order of merit, Ph.D. (1971) on ‘Studies on growth physiology and biochemistry of some edible plant tissues in culture’ under supervision of Professor H.C.Arya and post doctoral with Professor Dr. K-H.Neumann, Justus Liebig Universitat, Giessen, Germany with award of Alexander von Humboldt Fellowship.
His initial education was at Mathura where he was taught by his father Professor Swami Dayal Tewari himself a Botanist who had opportunity to study with famous Botanists like Professor Birbal Sahani, Professor Shri Ranjan and among others at Allahabad University and he passed his M.Sc. Botany from Allahabad University, Allahabad in 1943 which was headed by Professor Julien Mitter.
Professor Ashwani Kumar was also selected through Indian Administrative Services examination 1972 into Indian Police Service. Deep inculcation of liking for Botany induced by his eminent teachers like Professor B. Tiagi and Professor Dalbir Singh and others made him continue to serve Botany being his family subject.
He was appointed Assistant Professor of Botany in 1986, Associate Professor of Botany in 1986 and Professor of Botany in 1996 at the University of Rajasthan, Jaipur. Throughout his carreerr he held many important administrative and research positions like Head Department of Botany and Co-ordinator SAP(1995-1998), Director, Life Sciences, 2001-2004, Director Central Library and Information Science (2000-2005), Member Senate, Research Board, Convener Board of Studies Botany and Biotechnology, VC nominee for the Academic Council of MDS University, Ajmer and VC nominee for governing body of Subodh PG College Jaipur. Member , Governing body Academic Staff College, University of Rajasthan Jaipur.
Member Board of studies and Academic Council of several Universities, Advisory committee on Biotechnology, Govt of Rajasthan, Medicinal plant board of state Government, member selection committees of Rajasthan and Himachal Public Service Commissions. He along with members of COC introduced Integrated Biotechnology 5 year course in Rajasthan which has also been adopted by several other Universities. He has also edited 4 Books on plant biotechnology and tissue culture including one along with Professor Dr Neumann published by Springer, Germany.
In recognition of his research contributions he was awarded Alexender von Humboldt Fellowship in 1977-1979, British Council Visitorship, U.K.(1986) Visiting Professorship at Tomyama Medical and Pharmaceutical University, Japan (1999-2000) INSA-DFG visiting Professorship at Germany, 1997 and DAAD award 1999. He had excellent knowledge of German language and has diploma in German besides certificate in French.
He has made important contributions to the understanding of development of photosynthetic apparatus in cultured plant tissues at light reaction and photosynthetic carbon fixation. He has also carried out research projects granted by UGC., USDA-ICAR., MNES, CSIR, DST and DBT and FACT.
He has been invited by various Universities including University of California and Chicago, USA, University of Laval, Canada, Wageningen University , Netherlands, and visited UK , Japan, France, Netherlands, Denmark, Sweden, Spain and Portugal for scientific interactions. He has been co-chair and chair at several International Conferences including International Botanical Conference, Berlin and several World European Union conferences held in Europe. He has published around 180 papers in National and International journals and is member of editorial board of IBS several journals including Current Trends in Biotechnology and Pharmacy,
He has also been awarded fellowships by different societies including FABAP -Fellow Association of Biotechnology and Pharmacology
FBS, (Fellow of Botanical Society), FPSI (Fellow of Phytopathological Society), FISMPP Indian Society of Mycology and Plant Pathology, FMA-Fellow Mendelian Association. He has guided research to 35 students to Ph.D. in various branches of botany including plant pathology, plant tissue culture and morphogenesis, plant biotechnology, plant physiology, pharmacognostisc and ethnobotany and renewable sources of energy. He is still continuing his researches on renewable sources of energy mainly Jatropha curcas and has been consultant in World Bank Project sanctioned to SPRI-HPPI. His wife Mrs Vijay R. Kumar has also been Professor of Botany at University of Rajasthan in her own stead.
Guided 39 students for Ph.D. degree on the following topics.
1 Studies on Ergot disease of bajra (Pennisetum typhoides (Burm) Stapf & Hubb. in Rajasthan: Shikha Roy.
2. Physiological studies on leaf blight of wheat caused by Alternaria triticia Prasada & Prabhu: Tanuja Vaidya.
3. Studies on Pyricularia leaf spot of bajra Pennisetum typhoides (Stapf. & Hubb.): Janki Kandhari
4. Investigations on some aspects of Mushroom production Agaricus bisporus (Log.) Sing: Nita Behl.
5. Studies on growth and physiology of some latex yielding plants: Jolly Garg.
6. Studies on growth and differentiation of some hydrocarbon yielding plants. Shobha Johari
7. Studies on growth and differentiation of Eucalyptus sp. in tissue culture: Neeta Bhargava
8. Studies on growth and physiology of some hydrocarbon yielding plants: Anshu Rani.
9. Studies on blight of clusterbean Cyamopsis tetragonoloba (Linn.) Taub: L.G. Bhatnagar.
10. Studies of effect of growth regulator on growth and flowering of Chrysanthemum: Sharad Godha.
11. Improvement of oil seeds crops of Rajasthan. Anupama Goyal.
12. Studies on cultivation, biochemical changes at different growth stages and post harvest storage of oyster mushroom Pleurotus citrionopileatus Singer. - S.K. Bhatnagar.
13. Micropropagation and improvement of oil yielding plants. Sushma Gupta.
14. Investigation on the Microbial and Pesticidal activity of organometallics on crop. plants. R.K.Saini.
15. Studies on epidemiology and management of blast disease of rice .Urmila Dua
16. Studies on foliar pathogens of wheat. Shaban Parveen.
17. Bioremediation of saline soils and micropropagation and improvement of peanut with respect to Rajasthan Vijendra Shekhawat.
18. Studies on biomass production and improvement in Rajasthan.- Amit Kotia
19. Studies of Ajmer city and its improvement using remote sensing data and geographic information systems. Manisha Saini.
20. Studies on growth and physiology of medicinally important plants of Rajasthan. Mamta Choudhary
21. Ethnobotanical and physiological evaluation of medicinal plants - Ritu Gupta
22. Studies on growth and physiology of some medicinal plants of semi-arid regions. Santosh Sharma
23. Ethnobotanical and pharmacognostical studies on crude drugs obtained from plant sources. Laxmi Kant Sharma
24. Studies on influence of salinity stress on plant growth and productivity- Sapna Vijayvargiya.
25. Ethnobotanical and pharmacognostical studies on some medicinal plants of hilly areas Ajanta Mishra
26. Studies on some of the medicinal plants of family Fabaceae used in Ayurvedic System Sapna Sanghi
27. Pharmacognostical studies on some selected medicinal plants. Himanshu Sharma
28. Studies on growth and bio-chemistry of some medicinal plants of Rajasthan. Neetu Vijay
29. Studies in physiology and biochemistry of medicinal plants - Seema Mahlawat
30. Pharmacognostical studies on some plants of family Euphorbiaceae. Avneesh Pareek
31. Screening and biochemical analysis of some anti-HIV drugs used in traditional system of medicine. K.P.Singh.
32. Documentation and development of databases of medicinal plants having veterinary use. Schuchi Chauhan.
33. Ethnobotanical and pharmacognostical studies of some medicinal plants Meghendra Kumar Sharma
34. Pharmacognostical and ethnobotanical studies on Bacopa moninieri (L.) Pennell (Brahmi) Maya Verma
35. Pharmacognostical and antimicrobial activities of some Acacia spp and Prosopis spp. Mohan Lal Saini.
36. Ethnobotanical and pharmacognostical studies on Citrullus spp. Parveen.
37. Screening of antimicrobial activities in some medicinal plants of Euphorbiaceae. Bhuvneshwar Upadhyay.
38. Study of Biodegradation of Xenobiotics by soil microorganisms. Nitika Mathur
39. Studies on dye degradation potential of native microflora of Sanganer. Nidhi Jodhi.
A. Books published :
1. Rana, A and Kumar, A (2012): Studies on production of hydrocarbons from Calotropis procera a biofuel plant. Germany LAMBERT Academic Publishers. Pp 220.
2. Neetika, M. and Kumar, A (2012): Study of Biodegradation of Xenobiotics by Soil Microorganisms. Germany LAMBERT Academic Publishers. pp 213
3. Seema and Kumar, A (2012) Ethnobotanical Studies on Medicinal Plants of Rajasthan. Germany LAMBERT Academic Publishers. (in press).
4. Dar, Z.A., Meena, P.D. and Kumar, A. ( 2012) Principles of plant breeding. Pointer Publishers, Jaipur pp 250.
5. Garg, J and Kumar, A. (2012): Growth and productivity of Euphorbia lathyris: a biofuel plant Hydrocarbons from Euphorbia lathyris for biodiesel production and environment protection. Germany LAMBERT Academic Publishers. 220.
6. Sharma M. and Kumar, A. (2011): Ethnobotanical and Pharmacognostical Studies of Some Medicinal Plants: Tribal Medicines For Health Care and Improving Quality of Life. Germany. LAMBERT Academic Publishers.
234 pp.
7. Sharma, H. and Kumar, A. (2011): Pharmacognostical Studies on Some Selected Medicinal Plants: Plants for Human Welfare. Germany. LAMBERT Academic Publishers. 229 pp.
8. Roy, A. and Kumar, A. (2011): Ethnobotanical Studies on Medicinal Plants of Himalayas: Traditional Medicine System of Himalayan Region. Germany. LAMBERT Academic Publishers.. 211 pp.
9. Chaudhary, M. and Kumar, A. (2011): Studies on Growth and Physiology of Medicinal Plants: Plantago spp.:Plantago ovata Forsk. (Isabgol) Cultivation and Improvement. Germany. LAMBERT Academic Publishers. 185pp.
10. Vijayvargiya, S. and Kumar, A. (2011): Influence of Salinity Stress on Plant Growth and Productivity:Salinity Stress Influences on Plant Growth. Germany. LAP LAMBERT Academic Publishers. 170 pp.
11. Kumar, A. and Roy, S. (2011): Plant Tissue Culture and Applied Plant Biotechnology. Jaipur. Avishkar Publishers. 346 pp.
12. Fernandez, H., Kumar, A. and Revilla, B.M.A. (2010): Working with Ferns: Issues and Applications. Germany. Springer. 350 pp
13. Kumar, A. and Sopory, S. (2010): Applications of Plant Biotechnology: In vitro Propagation, Plant Transformation and Secondary Metabolite Production. New Delhi. I.K. International. 606 pp.
14. Kumar, A. (2010): Plant Genetic Transformation and Molecular Markers. Jaipur. Pointer Publishers. 288 pp.
15. Neumann, K., Kumar, A. and Imani, J. (2009): Plant Cell and Tissue Culture - A Tool in Biotechnology Basics and Application. Germany. Springer. 333 pp.
16. Kumar, A. and Shekhawat, N.S. (2009): Plant Tissue Culture and Molecular Markers: Their Role in Improving Crop Productivity. New Delhi. I.K. International. 688 pp.
17. Kumar, A. and Sopory, S. (2008): Recent Advances in Plant Biotechnology and its Applications. New Delhi. I.K. International, 718 pp.
18. Kumar, A. and Roy, S. (2006): Plant Biotechnology and its Applications in Tissue Culture. Delhi. I.K. International. 307 pp.
14 Bender, L. and Kumar, A. (2001). From soil to cell: A broad approach to plant life. Giessen Electron. Library GEB, pp: 1-5.http://geb.uni-giessen.de/geb/volltexte/2006/3039/pdf/FestschriftNeumann-2001.pdf
15 Kant, U. and Kumar, A. (1973): Botany Practical. Jaipur. Panchsheel Publications. 110 pp.
16 Arya, H.C. and Kumar, A. (1969): Microbiology and Lichens. Jaipur. Rajasthan Hindi Granth Academy. 145 pp.
B.Articles in Journals/Contributions to Books
Garg J. and Kumar, A (2013)Some potential biofuel plants for production of biodiesel in semi-arid and arid conditions: A review. African Journal of Plant Science. 7: 124-127.
Roy Anindita. and Kumar A.(2013) Pretreatment Methods of Lignocellulosic Materials for Biofuel Production: A Review. Journal of Emerging Trends in Engineering and Applied Sciences (JETEAS) 4(2): 181-193
Mathur Neetika and Kumar A. (2013) Physico-Chemical Characterization of Industrial Effluents Contaminated Soil of Sanganer Journal of Emerging Trends in Engineering and Applied Sciences (JETEAS) 4(2): 226-228.
Agarwal, Shashi, Kumar V. R and Kumar A (2013) Ethnobotanical studies on Ocimum spp. in Rajasthan,Intl Res. Journal of Pharmacy. 4: (In press)
Agarwal Shashi, Kumar V.R and Kumar A. (2013) Pharmacognostical characterization of Ocimum spp. Journal of Pharmacognosy and Phytochemistry. 2:219-224.
Sharma, Meghendra and Kumar, A. (2013) Traditional medicinal plants of Rajasthan used in tribal medicine: A Review. Intl Journal of Life Science and Pharma Research. 3: 38-42.
Sharma, Meghendra. and Kumar, A. (2013) Leguminosae (Fabaceae) in Tribal Medicines. Journal of Pharmacognosy and Phytochemistry. 2: 276-283.
Sharma, Archana, Bhansali, Shikha, and Kumar, A. (2013) In vitro callus induction and regeneration in Eclipta alba (L.) Hassk. Intl Journal of Life Science and Pharma Research. 3: 38-42.
Sharma, Manorma, Sharma A, and Kumar, A. (2012) Immunomodulatory potential of Asparagus racemosus Wild and Chlorophytum arundinaceum Baker in Winster rats. J.Med. Sci. 1: 1-5.
Meena R, and Kumar A. (2012) Ethnobotanical survey of medicinal plants from Baran District of Rajasthan, India. The Journal of Ethnobiology and Traditional Medicine. Photon 117 : 199-203
Sharma, A, Meena, A, Meena, R. and Kumar, A. (2012) Isolation of phytosterols from static cultures of Ocimum tenuiflorum L. The Journal of Bioprocess Technology. Photon 96 : 125-129.
Sharma, Meghendra and Kumar, Ashwani (2012) Pharmacognostial Characterization of Some Selected Medicinal Plants of Semi-Arid Regions. Journal of Pharmacognosy and Phytochemistry. 1:217-228.
Mathur, N and Kumar, A. (2012) Decolorization of methyl red by an isolated Pseudomonas putida strain MR1. African Journal of Microbial Research. 7: 983-989.
1. Sagervanshi, A, Kumari,P, Nagee, A, and Kumar, A (2012) Media optimization for inorganic phosphate solubilizing bacteria isolated from Anand Agricultural soil. Intl Journal of Life Science and Pharma Research.2 (3): 245-255.
2. Sagervanshi, A, Kumari,P, Nagee, A, and Kumar, A (2012) Isolation and characterization of phosphate solubilizing bacteria from Anand Agricultural soil. Intl Journal of Life Science and Pharma Research.2 (3): 256-266.
3. Sharma, S., Roy, S., Raghuvanshi R.K., Kumar, A., (2012). Cassia fistula L. and Cassia occidentalis L.: Plants of Traditional Medicines. The Journal of Ethnobiology and Traditional Medicine. Photon 117 156-161.
4. Sharma, S., Roy, S., Raghuvanshi R.K., Kumar, A., 2012. Ethnobotanical studies on some medicinal plants: Cassia spp. The Journal of Ethnobiology and Traditional Medicine. Photon 117: 162-166.
5. Garg, J and Kumar, A. (2012) Effect of different soil types on growth and productivity of Euphorbial lathyris L. A hydrocarbon yielding plant. Intl Natl J. Life Science and Pharma Res. 2, 164-173.
6. Sharma, S and Kumar, A. ( 2012) Pharmacognostical studies on medicinal plants of Semi-arid region. Prime Research on Medicine.2 (3) : 505-512.
7. Sharma M , Sharma A , Kumar A (2012) Vital medicine Asparagus racemosus Willd. Current Trends in Biotechnology and Pharmacy. : 220-221.
8. Kumar, A. and Sharma, M. (2011): Wheat genome phylogeny and improvement. Australian Journal of Crop Science 5, 1120-1126.
9. Kumar, A. (2011): Biofuel resources for Green House Gas Mitigation and Environment Protection. In: Agriculture Biotechnology, Ed. Trivedi, P.C. (Jaipur +Avishkar Publishers), 221-246.
10. Upadhyay, B., Singh, K.P. and Kumar, A. (2011): Ethno-veterinary uses and informants consensus factor of medicinal plants of Sariska region, Rajasthan, India. Journal of Ethnopharmacology. 133, 14-25.
11. Sharma, H. and Kumar, A. (2011): Ethnobotanical studies on medicinal plants of Rajasthan (India): A review. Journal of Medicinal Plants Research 5.1107-1112.
12. Bhansali S , Sharma A and Kumar A (2011) Bhringraj (Eclipta alba (L.) Hassk): a medicinal plant of traditional value Bioherald, 1, 115-119.
13. Bhansali S , Sharma A and Kumar A (2011) A comprehensive notes on some asteraceous ethnomedicinal plants of Rajasthan, India Bioherald, 1, 169-191
14. Garg, J. and Kumar, A. (2011): Hydrocarbon from plants as renewable source of energy. Bioherald, 1, 31-35.
15. Garg, J. and Kumar, A. (2011): Laticiferous plants. Renewable sources of energy. International Journal of Current Research 3, 56-59.
16. Sharma, M., Sharma, A. and Kumar, A. (2011): Ethnopharmacological importance of Asparagus racemosus: A review. Journal of Pharmaceutical and Biomedical Sciences 6, 1-13.
17. Sharma, M., Sharma A., Kumar, A. and Basu, S.K. (2011). Enhancement of secondary Metabolites in Cultured Plant Cells Through Stress Stimulus. American Journal of Plant Physiology 6, 50-71
18. Saikat, B.K., Datta, M., Sharma, M. and Kumar, A. (2011): Haploid production technology in wheat and some selected higher plants. Australian Journal of Crop Science 5,1087-1093.
19. Viayjvargiya, S. and Kumar, A. (2011): Characterization of soil from semi-arid regions. International Journal of Current Science 3, 993-995.
20. Sharma, H. and Kumar, A. (2011): Effect of plant growth regulators and chemical fertilizers on plant growth and productivity of Chlorophytum tuberosum and Pergularia daemia Journal of Medicinal Plants Research 5, 2647-2651
21. Hartig, S., Kumar, A., Neubert, A. and Schubert, S. (2010): PEP-Carboxylase activity: A comparison of its role in a C4 and a C3 species under salt stress. J.Agronomy and Crop Science 196, 185-192
22. Arnholdt-Schmilt, B., Kumar, A. and Imani, R. (2010): In Memorium Dr. Karl-Hermann Neumann (1936-2009). Plant Tissue Organ Culture. 100, 121-122.
23. Singh, K.P., Upadhyay, B., Prasad, R. and Kumar, A. (2010): Screening of Adhatoda vasica Nees as Putative HIV-Protease inhibitor. Journal of Phytology Phytopharmacology 2, 78–82.
24. Upadhyay, B., Dhaker, A.K., Singh, K.P. and Kumar, A. (2010): Phytochemical Analysis and Influence of Edaphic Factors on Lawsone Content of Lawsonia inermis L. . Journal of Phytology Phytochemistry 2, 47–54.
25. Upadhyay, B., Parveen, Dhaker, A.K. and Kumar, A. (2010): Ethnomedicinal and ethnopharmaco-statistical studies of Eastern Rajasthan, India. Journal of Ethnopharmacology 129, 64-86.
26. Upadhyay, B., Singh, K.P. and Kumar, A. (2010): Pharmacognostical and antibacterial studies of different extracts of Euphorbia hirta L. . Journal of Phytology 2, 55–60
27. Upadhyay, B., Singh, K.P. and Kumar A. (2010): Ethno-medicinal, phytochemical and antimicrobial Studies of Euphorbia tirucalli L. . Journal of Phytology 2, 65–77.
28. Vijay, N., Kumar, A. and Bhoite, A. (2009): Influence of nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium fertilizer on biochemical contents of Asparagus racemosus (Willd.) Root Tubers. Research Journal of environmental Sciences 3, 285-291.
29. Kumar, A. (2008): Bioengineering of crops for biofuels and bioenergy. In: Recent Advances in Plant Biotechnology. Eds. Kumar, A. and Sopory, S (New Delhi + I.K. International), 346-360.
30. Kumar, A. (2008): Ayurvedic medicines: Some potential plants for medicine from India. In: Recent Advances in Plant Biotechnology, Eds. Kumar, A. and Spory, S. (New Delhi +I.K. International), 680-694.
31. Kumar, A. and Vijay, N. (2008): In vitro plantlet regeneration in Asparagus racemosus through shoot bud differentiation on nodal segments. In: Recent Advances in Plant Biotechnology. Eds. Kumar, A. and Spory, S. (New Delhi : I.K. International), 185-197.
32. Mathur, N., Nigam, V.K., Kumar, A. and Ghosh, P. (2008): Biodegradation of phenol by oxygenase producing thermophilic microorganisms. Asian J. Exp. Sci. 22, 55-65.
33. Saini, M.L., Saini, R., Roy, S. and Kumar, A. (2008): Comparative pharmacognostical and antimicrobial studies of Acacia species (Mimosaceae). Journal of Medicinal Plants Research 2, 378-386.
34. Shreevastava, B.P. and Kumar, A. (2007): Wetlands: Status and management strategies with special reference to Rajasthan, Conservation: Strategies and Policy Options with Special Reference to Rajasthan, SPRI Vision 2, 1-14.
35. Kumar, A. (2007): Calotropis procera (Ait). f. (Akra Sodom Apple) In : Agrotechnology Package for Bioenergy crops. Eds. Swarup, R. and Munshi, M. (New Delhi + D.B.T. Govt. of India), 24-26.
36. Parveen, Upadhyay, B., Roy, S. and Kumar, A. (2007): Traditional use of medicinal plants among the rural communities of Churu District in the Thar Desert, India Journal of Ethnopharmacology 113, 387-399.
37. Sharma, L.K. and Kumar, A. (2007): Traditional medicinal practices of Rajasthan. Indian Journal of Traditional Knowledge 6, 531-533.
38. Sharma, L.K. and Kumar, A. (2006): Ethnobotanical and phytochemical studies on some selected medicinal plants of Rajasthan. Indian Journal of Environmental Sciences 10, 51-53.
39. Sharma, L.K. and Kumar A. (2006): Antimicrobial activity of Ageratum conzoides Linn. A plant of extra-medicinal value. Asian J. Exp. Sci. 20, 41-46.
40. Shekhawat, V.P.S. and Kumar, A. (2006): Somaclonal variants for salt tolerance and in vitro propagation of peanut. In : Plant Biotechnology and its Application in Tissue Culture, Eds. Kumar, A., Roy, S. and Sopory, S.K. (Delhi +I.K. International), 82-196.
41. Shekhawat, V.P.S., Kumar, A. and Neumann, K-H. (2006): Effect of NaCl salinity on growth and ion accumulation in some chenopodiaceous halophytes. Communication in Soil Science and Plant analysis 37, 1933-1946.
42. Kumar, A. and Mahlawat, S. (2005): An ornamental medicinal plant. Floriculture Today 22.
43. Mahlawat, S. and Kumar, A. (2005): Study of some traditional medicinal plants used by tribal people of Rajasthan in Human ailments. Int. J Mendel 22, 47-48.
44. Mahlawat, S. and Kumar, A. (2005): A potential use of certain medicinal plants in curing indigenous ailments among rural women. Int. J. Mendel 22, 112.
45. Mehlawat, S. and Kumar, A. (2005): Chrysanthemum an attractive insecticide. Floriculture Today. 12-14.
46. Sharma, L.K. and Kumar, A. (2005): Antimicrobial activity of Ageratum conyzoides Linn. An important medicinal plant. Asian Journal of Experimental Science 20, 1-8.
47. Sharma, L.K. and Kumar, A. (2005): Medicinal plants in ancient belief and cure drugs from traditional systems of medicine in Rajasthan. In : Herbal medicine, Ed. Trivedi, P.C. (Jaipur + Avishkar Publisher), 207-224.
48. Sharma, L.K. and Kumar, A. (2005): Effect of growth and flowering of Ageratum conzoides. J. Phytol. Res. 18, 91-94.
49. Sharma, L.K. Dadhich, N.K. and Kumar, A. (2005): Mythological and religious approach of medicinal plants as in starry plants of India. Fashion and Advertisement World 8-9, 27-32.
50. Sharma, L.K., Dadhich, N.K. and Kumar, A. (2005): Plant based veterinary medicine from traditional knowledge of India. Bull. of Botanical Survey of India.47,43-52
51. Shekhawat, V.P.S., Kumar, A., and Neumann. K-H. (2005): Bio-reclamation of secondary salinized soils using halophytes. Biosaline Agriculture & Salinity tolerance in Plants. Eds. Ozturk, M. Waisal, Y.. Khan M.A and Gork, G. ( Switzerland + Birkhäuser Verlag), 145-152.
52. Vijay, N. and Kumar, A. (2005): Improving growth and productivity of Asparagus racemosus: effect of N.P.K. and growth regulators. Phytomorphology 55, 1-7.
53. Vijay, N. and Kumar, A. (2004): In vitro propagation of Asparagus racemosus: a plant of Ayurvedic medicine. Phytomorphology 55, 275-279.
54. Mahlawat, S. and Kumar, A. (2004): Ethnobotanical and pharmacognostical studies of medicinal plant Argemone maxicana L. Int. J. Mendel 21, 81-82.
55. Shekhawat, V.P.S. and Kumar, A. (2004): Effect of salinity on proline and reducing sugar content in selected halophytes and glycophyte species. Nature Env. and Pollution Technology 3, 365-368.
56. Verma, M., Kumar, A. and Tewari, M. (2003): Searching for anti-diarrhoel agents among traditional medicines. Int. J. Mendel 20, 77.
57. Verma, M., Kumar, A. and Tewari, M. (2003) : Ethnobotanical studies on medicinal plant. Palas. Int. J. Mendel 20, 78.
58. Sharma, S. and Kumar, A. (2003): Greening of wastelands using laticiferous plants. Nature Environment and Pollution Technology 2, 333-336.
59. Sharma L.K., Agrawal, G. and Kumar, A. (2003): Medicinal plants for skin and hair care, Indian Journal of Traditional Knowledge 2, 62-68.
60. Sharma S. and Kumar A. (2003) Ethnobotanical studies of medicinal plants: Chitrak. Botanical Electronic News (BEN) 317: December 2, ISSN 1188-603X
61. Chaudhary, M. and Kumar, A. (2002): Ayurvedic crude drugs for cure of diarrhoea and dysentery. Int. J. Mendel 19, 107-108.
62. Sharma, S and Kumar,A. (2002) Searching for anti-cardiac disease agents among traditional medicines. Int.J. Mendel 19, 130.
63. Sharma, S and Kumar,A. (2002) Ethnobotanical studies on medicinal plant chitrak. Int.J. Mendel 19, 129
Gupta, R. and Kumar, A. (2002): Ethnobotanical and ayurvedic applications of methi- Trigonella foenum-graceum Linn. Int J. Mendel 19, 124.
65. Sharma, L.K. and Kumar, A. (2002): Some specific plants used in various types of cancer from Ayurvedic Medicine System of India,. J. Swasthya 4, 43-45.
66. Sharma, L.K. and Kumar, A. (2002): Ayurvedic medicinal plants used in herbal cosmetics, Int. J Mendel 19, 11-12.
67. Sharad, G., Sharma, L.K. and Kumar, A. (2002): Study on the influence of growth regulators on growth and flowering of Chrysanthemum., J .Phytol. Res. 13, 175-178.
68. Shivani and Kumar, A. (2002): Some important medicinal plants of family solanaceae used in Ayurvedic system of medicines. Int. J. Mendel 19, 97-98.
69. Kumar, A. and Kumar, V.R.. (2002): Bioenergy potential of semi-arid regions of Rajasthan. In: Biomass for energy, Industry and climatic protection, Eds. Palz, W., Spitzer, J., Maniatis, K., Kwant, K., Helm, P. and Grassi, A. (Germany :+ ETA-Florence & WIP Munich), 372-374.
70. Kumar, V.R., Kumar, A. and Gupta, A.K. (2002): Calotropis procera: A potential bio-energy plant for arid and semi-arid regions. In Biomass for energy, Industry and climatic protection,. Eds. Palz, W., Spitzer, J., Maniatis, K., Kwant, K., Helm, P. and Grassi, A. (Germany + ETA-Florence & WIP Munich), 375-377.
71. Sharma, V. and Kumar, A. (2001): Studies on anti-paralytic crude drugs used in Ayurvedic system. Int. J. Mendel 18, 33-34.
72. Choudhary, M. and Kumar, A. (2001): Ayurvedic crude drugs for cure of diseases of the digestive system. Int. J. Mendel 18, 27-28.
73. Sharma, S. and Kumar, A. (2001): Ayurvedic plants for cure of hepatic diseases. Int. J. Mendel 18, 13-14.
74. Imani, J., Thi, L.T., Langan, G., Arnholdt-Schmitt, B., Roy, S., Kumar, A. and Neumann, K-H. (2001): Somatic embryogenesis and DNA organization of genomes from selected Daucus species. Plant Cell Reports 20, 537-541.
75. Kotia, A. and Kumar, A. (2001): Characterization of biomass during wasteland development in semi-arid regions. Journal of environment and pollution 8, 213-216.
76. Yadav, A. and Kumar, A. (2001): Studies on anti-malarial drugs used in Ayurvedic system. Int. J. Mendel 18, 29-30.
77. Kotia, A, and Kumar, A. (2001a): Characterization of weeds on wastelands and their role in eco-development . Int. J. Mendel 18, 7-8.
78. Kotia, A. and Kumar A. (2001b) Some of the common weeds of medicinal value from Rajasthan. Int. J. Mendel 18: 17-20.
79. Mishra, A. and Kumar, A. (2001a): Medicinally important trees of Rajasthan. Int. J. Mendel 18, 37-38.
80. Mishra, A. and Kumar, A. (2001b): Studies on Ayurvedic crude drugs for the cure of urinary tract stones. Int J. Mendel 18, 41-42.
81. Kumar, A. (2001) : Bioengineering of crops for biofuels and bioenergy. In: From soil to cell: A broad approach to plant life. Eds. Bender, L. and Kumar, A. (Giessen + Electron. Library GEB), 1-16. 1-5.http://geb.uni-giessen. de/geb/volltexte/2006/3039/pdf/FestschriftNeumann-2001.pdf
82. Sanghi, S. and Kumar, A. (2001). Characterization of some Ayurvedic medicinal plants of Family Fabaceae used for Rheumatic disease. Int. J. Mendel 18, 99-100.
83. Gupta, R. and Kumar A. (2000): Ayurvedic crude drugs as potential cure of diabetes. Int. J. Mendel 17, 127-128.
84. Vaidya, T. and Kumar, A. (2000): Influence of physical factors on toxin production by Alternaira triticina. J. Indian Bot. Society 79, 207-208.
85. Godha, S., Sharma, L.K. and Kumar, A. (2000): Study on the influence of growth regulators on growth and flowering of Chrysenthemum. J. Phytol. Res. 13, 175-178.
86. Sanghi, S. and Kumar, A. (2000): Characterization of some of the medicinal plants of family Leguminosae used in Ayurvedic system of medicines. Int J. Mendel 17, 109-110.
87. Shivani, and Kumar, A. (2000): Ayurvedic medicinal plants used for skin diseases. Int. J. Mendel 17, 105-106.
88. Kumar, A. (2000): Traditional Indian Ayurvedic Medicines : Some potential plants for medicine from India. Annual Report of Natural Medicine. Toyama Medical and Pharmaceutical University, Toyama, Japan, 27, 3-15.
89. Kumar, A. (2000): Hydrocarbon yielding plants and future prospects of biotechnological approach. In : Recent Advances in Biotechnology. Ed. Trivedi, P.C. (New Delhi + Panima Publisher), 194-212.
90. Kumar, A. and Neumann, K-H. (1999): Comparative investigations on plastid development of meristematic regions of seedlings and tissue cultures of Daucus carota L. Journal applied Botany Angewandte Botanik 73, 206-210.
91. Kumar, A., Bender, L. and Neumann, K-H. (1999): Characterization of the photosynthetic system (Ultrastructure of plastid, fluorescence induction profiles, low temperature spectra) of Arachis hypogaea L. callus cultures as influenced by sucrose and various hormonal treatments. Journal applied Botany- Angewandte Botanik 73, 211-216.
92. Kumar, A. (1998): Biomass energy crops of semi arid regions of India and their energy potential. In: Biomass for Energy and Industry, Eds. Kopetz, H. et al. (Germany + Carmen), 345-348.
93. Gupta, S. and Kumar, A. (1998): Influence of nitrogen sources on growth and differentiation of Arachis hypogaea . Int. J. Mendel 15, 55-56.
94. Roy, S. and Kumar, A. (1998): Non edible oil and seed plants as source of energy and biodiesel. In: Biomass for energy and Industry. Eds Kopetz, H. et. al., (Germany + Carmen), 616-619.
95. Gupta, S., Roy, S. and Kumar, A. (1998): Improvement of peanut and sunflower using in vitro techniques. Int. J. Mendel 15, 41-42.
96. Gupta, S., Roy, S. and Kumar, A. (1998): Improvement of peanut and sunflower using in vitro techniques as potential biofuel resources. In: Biomass for energy and Industry, Eds. Kopetz H. et al., (Germany + Carmen), 610-612.
97. Gupta, S., Roy, S. and Kumar, A. (l997): Micropropagation of Arachis hypogaea. J. Phytol Res. 10, 133-136.
98. Saini, R.K. and Kumar, A. (1997): Antifungal and antibacterial activity of silicon Y in compounds. J. Phytol. Res. 10, 141-144.
99. Saini, R.K., Roy, S., Kumar, A. and Singh, R.V. (1997): Synthesis and evaluation of new organometallic compounds and control of ergot of bajra. Int. J. Mendel 14, 57-58.
100. Kumar, A. (l996): Bioenergy plantations: A model system for restoration of semi arid regions. In: Biomass for energy and environment Eds. Chartier, P. Ferrero, G.L. Heinius, U.M. Hultberg, S, Sachau J, and Wiinblad, M. (London + Pergamon), 819-824.
101. Kumar, A. and Roy, S. (1996): Biomass resources of semi arid regions: Production and improvement of wood energy source. In: Biomass for energy and environment, Eds. Chartier, P. Ferrero, G.L. Heinius, U.M. Hultberg, S, Sachau J, and .Wiinblad, M. (London + Pergamon ), 721-724.
102. Rani, A., Roy, S. and Kumar, A. (1996): Effect of salinity stress on growth and hydrocarbon yield of Pedilanthus tithymaloides var. Green. J. Environment & Pollution 3, 21-26.
103. Kumar, A. (1995): Cultivation of hydrocarbon yielding plants in Rajasthan as an alternative energy source. J. Env. and Pollution 2, 67-70.
104. Kumar, A. and Garg, J. (1995): Effect of organic manures on growth and hydrocarbon yield of Euphorbia lathyris L. J. Environment & Pollution 2, 207-210.
105. Roy, S. and Kumar, A. (1995): Biodiversity of Rajasthan and its energy potentials. J. Environment & Pollution 2, 105-109.
106. Goyal, A., Roy, S. and Kumar, A. (1995): Micropropagation of Sesamum indicum var. Gujrat-1. J. Phytol, Res. 8, 177-180.
107. Kumar, A., Johari, S. and Roy, S. (1995): Production and improvement of bio-energy sources. J. Indian Bot. Soc. 74, 233-244.
108. Kumar, A. (1994): Laticifers as potential bioremedients for wasteland restoration. J. Environment & Pollution 1, 101-104.
109. Johari, S. and Kumar, A. (1994): Latex and biomass production by Euphorbia antisyphilitica under water stress conditions. J. Environment and Pollution 1, 3-4.
110. Johari, S. and Kumar, A. (1994): Influence of growth regulators on biomass and hydrocarbon yield from Euphorbia antisyphilitica (Zucc.). J. Phytol. Res 7, 65-68.
111. Johari, S. and Kumar, A. (1994): In vitro propagation of Euphorbia antisyphilitica. J. Indian Bot. Soc. 73, 60.
112. Khandhari, J. and Kumar, A. (1994): Factors affecting conidial germination of Pyricularia grisea. The causal agent of pearl millet leaf blight. J. Phytol. Res. 7, 33-36.
113. Rani, A. and Kumar, A. (1994): Effect of Edaphic factors on the growth and physiology of Pedilanthus tithymaloides Var. Green. Journal of Environment and Pollution 2, 5-8.
114. Rani, A. and Kumar, A. (1994): Micropropagation of Pedilanthus tithymaloides var. Green, a hydrocarbon yielding plant. J. of Phytol. Res. 7, 107-110.
115. Goyal, A., Roy, S. and Kumar, A. (1994): Micropropagation of Gossypium var. L.H. 900. J. Phytol. Res. 7, 143-146.
116. Johari, S. and Kumar, A. (1993): Charcoal rot of Candelilla (Euphorbia antisyphilitica Zucc.) caused by Macrophomina phaseolina (Tassi) Goid. Indian J. Mycol. Pl. Pathol. 23, 317.
117. Roy, S. and Kumar, A. (1993): Ergot disease of bajra: In vivo and in vitro studies, In: Vistas in Seed Biology, Eds. Singh, T. and Trivedi, P.C. (Jaipur + Printwell), 178-193.
118. Johari, S. and Kumar, A. (1992): Effect of N. P. and K. on growth and biocrude yield of Euphorbia antisyphilitica. Annals of Arid Zone 31, 313-314.
119. Rani, A. and Kumar, A. (1992): Comparative study on biomass production and hydrocarbon yield of three different varieties of Pedilanthus tithymaloides. Acta Ecol. 14, 77-79.
120. Kumar, A. and Roy, S. (1991): Photosynthesis in callus cultures derived from C3 and C4 plants. In : Botanical Researches in India. Eds. Aery, N.C. and Chodhary, B.L. (India) 544-554.
121. Kumar, A. (1990): Prospects of raising latex bearing plants in semi-arid and arid regions of Rajasthan. In: Biomass for Energy and Industry, Eds. Grassi, G., Gosse, G. and Santos, G. (London : Elsevier Applied Science), 1100-1107.
122. Roy, S. and Kumar, A. (1990): Prospects of wood energy production in semi-arid and arid regions of Rajasthan. In: Biomass for Energy and Industry, Eds. Grassi, G., Gosse, G. and Santos, G. (London +Applied Science), 1.153-1.156.
123. Garg, J. and Kumar, A. (1990). Improving the growth and hydrocarbon yield of Euphorbia lathyris L. in semi-arid regions of Rajasthan. In: Biomass for Energy and Industry, Eds. Grassi, G., Gosse, G. and Santos, G. (London + Elsevier Applied Science), 1.527-1.531.
124. Johari, S., Roy, S. and Kumar, A. (1990): Influence of edaphic and nutritional factors on growth and hydrocarbon yield of Euphorbia antisyphilitica Zucc. In: Biomass for Energy and Industry. Eds. Grassi, G., Gosse, G. and Santos, G. (London + Elsevier Applied Science), 1.522-1.526.
125. Rani, A., Roy, S. and Kumar, A. (1990): Influence of morphological and environmental factors on growth and hydrocarbon yield in Calotropis procera. In: Biomass for Energy and Industry. Eds. Grassi, G., Gosse, G. and Santos, G. (London + Elsevier Applied Science), 1.480-1.483.
126. Kumar, A., Roy, S. and Neumann, K.H. (1990): Activities of carbon dioxide fixing enzymes in maize tissue cultures in comparison to young seedlings. In: Current Research in Photosynthesis, Ed. Baltscheffsky, M. (The Netherland + Kluwer Academic Publishers), 275-278.
127. Roy, S. and Kumar. A. (1990): Development of photosynthetic apparatus in callus cultures derived from a C4 plant. In: Current Research in Photosynthesis, Ed. Baltscheffsky, M. (The Netherland + Kluwer Academic Publishers), 877-880.
128. Roy, S. and Kumar, A. (1990): In vitro studies on host-parasite interaction in ergot of bajra. J. Indian Bot. Soc. 69, 31-34.
129. Roy, S. and Kumar, A. (1989): Studies on physical and nutritional factors affecting growth and sporulation of ergot of bajra. Indian J. Mycol. & Pl. Pathol. 19, 98-100.
130. Garg, J. and Kumar, A. (1989): Potential petro crops for Rajasthan. J. Indian Bot. Soc. 68, 199-200.
131. Garg, J. and Kumar, A. (1989): Influence of salinity on growth and hydrocarbon yield of Euphorbia lathyris. J. Indian Bot. Soc. 68, 201-204.
132. Kumar, A., Roy S. and Neumann, K.H. (1989): Activities of carbon dioxide fixing enzymes in maize tissue cultures in comparison to young seedlings. Physiologia Plantarum, 76, 185.
133. Roy, S. and Kumar, A. (1989): Development of photosynthetic apparatus in callus cultures derived from a C4 plant (Zea mays). Physiologia Plantarum 76, 768.
134. Roy, S. and Kumar, A. (1988): Role of conidia in recurrence of ergot of bajra. Curr. Sci. 57, 394-395.
135. Roy, S. and Kumar, A. (1988). Screening of bajra cultivars against ergot disease. Indian Phytopathology 41, 189-191.
136. Roy, S. and Kumar, A. (1988): Development of photosynthetic apparatus in callus cultures derived from C4 plant - Zea mays L. J. Indian Bot. Soc. 67, 124.
137. Roy, S. and Kumar, A. (1988): In vitro and in vivo studies on control measures of ergot of bajra. Indian J. Mycol. & Pl. Pathol. 18, 66-67.
138. Roy, S. and Kumar, A. (1988): Carbohydrate metabolism in Claviceps fusiformis Lov. causing ergot of bajra. Indian J. Mycol. and Pl. Pathol. 18, 35-38.
139. Kumar, A., Bender, L. and Neumann, K-H. (1987): Some results of the photosynthetic system of mixotrophic carrot cells (Daucus carota). In :Progress in photosythesis Research, Ed. Biggins, J. (The Netherlands + Martinus Nijhoff Publishers), 363-366.
140. Vaidya, T. and Kumar, A. (1987): In vitro production of phytotoxin by Alternaria triticina. Influence of nutritional and hormonal factors. Indian J. Plant Pathology 5, 49-52.
141. Roy, S. and Kumar, A. (1987): Certain observation on the incidence of ergot of bajra. Indian J. Mycol. & Pl Pathology 17, 52-53.
142. Garg, J. and Kumar, A. (1987): Some studies on charcoal rot of Euphorbia lathyris caused by Macrophomina phaseolina. Indian Phytopathology 41, 257-260.
143. Garg, J. and Kumar, A. (1987): Effect of growth regulators on the growth, chlorophyll development and productivity of Euphorbia lathyris L., a hydrocarbon yielding plant. In:Progress in Photosynthesis Research. Ed. Biggins, J. (The Netherlands + Martinus Nijhoff Publishers), 403-406.
144. Roy S. and Kumar, A. (1987): Uptake and Metabolism of 14C sucrose by axenic culture of Claviceps fusiformis. Indian J. Plant Pathology 5, 158-161.
145. Roy, S. and Kumar, A. (1987): In vitro and in vivo studies on control measures of ergot of bajra. Indian J. Mycol. and Pl. Pathol 17, 138.
146. Garg, J. and Kumar, A. (1986): Charcoal rot and ashy stem blight of Euphorbia lathyris caused by Macrophomina phaseolina (Tassi) Goid. A new report. Indian J. Mycol. Pl. Pathol. 17, 138.
147. Roy, S. and Kumar, A. (1986): Influence of various factors on production of alkaloids by Claviceps fusiformis on Pennisetum typhoides callus cultures. Acta Horticulturae 188, 91-98.
148. Bender, L., Kumar, A. and Neumann, K.H. (1985): On the photosythetic system and carbohydrate metabolism of Daucus and Arachis cell cultures. In: Primary and Secondary Metabolism of plant cell cultures. Eds. Neumann, K.H. K.-H. Barz, W and Reinhard, E. (Heidelberg +Springer Verlag), 24-42.
149. Roy, S. and Kumar, A. (1985): Production of alkaloids by Ergot Claviceps fusiformis Lov. on Pennisetum typhoides (Burm.) Stapf and Hubb. In vitro. In: Primary and Secondary metabolism of plant cell cultures, Eds. Neumann, K.-H. Barz, W and Reinhard, E. (Heidelberg +Springer Verlag),117-123.
150. Kumar, A. and Kumar, P. (1984): Agronomic Studies on Growth of Euphrobia lathyris. In: Bioenergy. 84. Vol. II Biomass resources, Eds. Egneus, H. and Ellegard, A. (London + Elsevier applied Science Publishers). 170-175.
151. Kumar, A., Bender, L. and Neumann, K.H. (1984): Growth regulation plastid differentiation and the development of photosynthetic system in cultured carrot root explants as influenced by exogenous sucrose and various phytohormones. Plant Cell Tissue Organ Culture 3, 11-28.
152. Kumar, A. (1984): Economics of bioenergy in developing countries. In: Bioenergy 84 Vol.4, Bioenergy in developing countries. Eds. Egneus, H. and Ellegard, A. (London + Elsevier Applied Science Publishers), 172.
153. Kumar, A., Bender, L. and Neumann, K.-H. (1983): Photosynthesis in cultured plant cells and their autotrophic growth. J. Plant Physiology and Biochemistry 10, 130-140.
154. Kumar, A., Bender, L., Pauler, B., Neumann, K.-H., Senger H. and Jeske, C. (1983): Ultrastructural and Biochemical Development of the Photosynthetic Apparatus During Callus Induction in Carrot Root Explants. Plant Cell Tissue Organ Culture. 2, 161-177.
155. Kumar, A. and Joshi, B. (1982): In vitro Growth and Differentiation of Euphorbia lathyris. In: Energy from Biomass , Eds. Strub, A. Chartier, P. and Schlesser, G., (London:+ Elsevier Applied Science Publishers), 261-264.
156. Bender, L., Kumar, A. and Neumann, K.H. (1981): Photoautotrophe phanzliche Gewebekulturen in labor fermentatern.. In : Fermentation, Ed. Lafferty, R.M. (Germany + Springer Verlag), 193-203.
157. Bender, L., Kumar, A. and Neumann, K.H. (1981): Influence of various phytohormones and sucrose on chlorophyll development and photosynthesis of cultured carrot root explants. European Journal of Cell Biology. 24, 3.
158. Kumar, A., Bender, L., and Neumann, K.H. (1980): Characterization of photosynthetic system of Daucus carota callus cultures. In: Plant Tissue Culture, Genetic manipulation and somatic hybridization of plant cells, Eds. Rao, P.S. , Heble, M.R. and Chaddha, M.S. ( Bombay + BARC) , 169-178.
159. Kumar, A. (1974a): Effect of iron and mangnesium on the growth and chlorophyll development of the tissues grown in culture. Indian J. Exp. Biol. 12, 595-596.
160. Kumar, A. (1974b): In vitro growth and chlorophyll formation in mesophyll callus tissues on sugar free medium. Phytomorphology 24, 96-101.
161. Kumar, A. (1974c): Vitamins requirement of callus tissue of Arachis hypogaea L., Indian J. Exp. Biol. 12, 465-466.
162. Kumar, A. and Kumar, V.R. (1974): Recent advances in plant tissue and cell culture. Planto ( India) 4, 13-21.
163. Kumar, A. and Kumar, V.R. (1974): Temperature effect on Cleistothecium formation of curcubits powdery mildew. Indian J. Mycol. Pl. Pathology 4, 201-202.
164. Kumar, V.R., Kumar, A. and Arya, H.C. (1974): Nature of disease resistance and susceptibility in leaf blight of wheat caused by Alternaria triticina Prabhu and Prasada in vivo and in vitro conditions. Indian Phytopathology 27, 455-458.
165. Kumar, V.R., Kumar, A. and Arya, H.C. (1974): Chemical nature of disease resistance and susceptibility in leaf blight of wheat caused by Alternaria triticina. Indian J. Mycol. and Pl. Pathol. 4, 203-204.
166. Kumar, A., Kant, U. and Arya, H.C. (1972): Auxins and vitamins as related to growth, chlorophyll development in Dolichos lablab tissues culture. Indian J. Exp. Biology 10, 65-67.
C. Published Contributions to Academic Conferences
1. Sharma, M Sharma A and Kumar A (2013)Enhancing secondary metabolite production in hairy root cultures of
Asparagus racemosus
1. Kumar, A (2012) Metabolic engineering and production of next generation biofuels. Proc. 99th session of Indian Science Congress section Plant Sciences held at Bhubaneshwar January 2012. 288-289.
2. Kumar, A (2012) Next generation bio-fuels for green house gas mitigation and role of biotechnology. Proc. Natl Conf. Emerging trends in biotechnology and pharmaceutical research, Mangalayatan University, Aligarh Feb. 18-19. , pp 38.
3. Kumar, A ( 2012) Biofuels and green house gas mitigation present status and future prospects. Natl Seminar on Enviornmental concerns and sustainable development: Issues and challenges for India. Varanasi, March, 2-4, pp157.
4. Kumar, A. (2011): Metabolic engineering and production of next generation biofules. Proceedings of 19th European Biomass Conference and Exhibition, Berlin, Germany, June, 2011, 680-682.
5. Kumar, A. (2011): Production and demonstration of high quality plant material of Jatropha curcus. Proceedings of 19th European Biomass Conference and Exhibition. Berlin, Germany, June, 2011, 682-683.
6. Kumar, A. and Kumar, V.R. (2011): New and renewable source of energy : Salicornia spp., A halophyte has potential for biomass yield in coastal axes of the world. Proceedings of 19th European Biomass Conference Textilation, Berlin, Germany, June, 2011, 686-688.
7. Kumar, A and Sven Schubert ( 2011) The role of genotype differences in PEP carboxylase (PEPcase) activity between sensitive and resistant maize genotypes in salt resistance Hannover.
8. Kumar, A. ( 2011) Next generation biofuel for green house gas mitigation. Proceedings of Indo German Seminar on adaptive management of ecosystems at Bangalore, India. October 2011, 7.
9. Kumar, A. and Roy, S. (2011):Natural energy sources , next generation biofuels and climate change mitigation. Proceedings of Indian-German Workshop at Noida, India, March 2011, 64.
10. Sharma, S. and Kumar, A. (2011):Improving growth and productivity of Plumbago zeylanica (Chitrak) : a medicinal plant of semi-arid region of Rajasthan. Proceedings of Indian-German Workshop, at Noida, India, March 2011, 65.
11. Vijayvargiya, S. and Kumar, A. (2011):Evaluation of salinity levels of Jaipur division, its influence on wheat cultivation and bioremediation of soils using halophytes. Proceedings of Indian-German Workshop, at Noida, India, March 2011, 66
12. Kumar, A. und S. Schubert (2010) : The role of genotypic differences in PEP carboxylase (PEPcase) activity between sensitive and resistant maize genotypes in salt resistance. Jahrestagung der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Pflanzenernährung, September October, 2010,
13. Hatzig, S. V., A. Kumar, A. Neubert und S. Schubert(2009): PEP-carboxylase activity supports organic acid metabolism of maize (Zea mays) under salt stress. Intern. Plant Nutr. Coll. XVI,26.-30.08.2009, Sacramento/USA http://repositories.cdlib.org/ipnc/xvi/1038
14. Hatzig, S., A. Kumar, A. Neubert und S. Schubert(2009): PEP-carboxylase activity supports organic acid metabolism of maize (Zea mays) under salt stress. Jahrestagung der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Pflanzenernährung, Osnabrück, 11.-12.06.2009 (ausgezeichnet mit dem 1. Posterpreis; First Prize was awarded to this Poster presentation).
15. Kumar, A., S. Hatzig, A. B. Neubert und S. Schubert (2008): Sugar accumulation and PEP carboxylase activity in young and old maize shoots in the first phase of salt stress.Jahrestagung der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Pflanzenernährung, Speyer, 23.-24.09.2008
16. Kumar A. and Kumari, A. (2007): High yielding accessions and improvement. Proceedings of FACT seminar on Jatropha curcas Agronomy and genetics, at Wageningen, The Netherlands, March 2007, 26-28
17. Kumar, A. and Kumari, A. (2007): Strategies for biofuel production and improvement in developing countries: Problems and prospects. Proceedings of FACT seminar on Jagtropha curcas Agronomy and genetics, at Wageningen, The Netherlands, March 2007, 26-28.
18. Kumari, A. and Kumar, A. (2007): Influence of growth regulators on flowering and fruiting in Jatropha curcas. Proceedings of FACT seminar on Jatropha curcas Agronomy and genetics, at Wageningen, The Netherlands, March 2007, 26-28.
19. Kumari, A., Kumar, A. (2007): Strategies for improving productivity of Jatropha curcas : A biodiesel plant. Proccedings of 15th European Biomass Conference at Berlin, Germany May, 2007, 3250.
20. Kumar, A. and Kumari, A. (2007): Jatropha curcas: High yielding accessions and improvement. Proccedings of 15th European Biomass Conference at Berlin, Germany May, 2007,, 3251.
21. Kumar, A. and Kumari, A. (2007): Influence of growth regulators on flowering and fruiting in Jatropha curca. A biodiesel plant. Proccedings of 15th European Biomass Conference at Berlin, Germany May, 2007, 3252.
22. Kumari, A. and Kumar, A. (2005): Some potential biofuel plants for semi-arid and arid regions and improving their growth and productivity. Proceedings of 14th European Biomass Conference, at Paris, France October 2005, 276-278.
23. Kumari, A., Kumar, A., Kumar, V.R. (2005): Productivty of Calotropis procera in Semi-arid Regions of Rajasthan and its use as Renewable Source of energy. Proceedings of 14th European Biomass Conference, at Paris, France October 2005, 279-281.
24. Tewari, A and Kumar, A. (2005). Improving biomass use efficiency for semi-arid regions. Proceedings of 14th European Biomass Conference, at Paris, France October 2005, 2187-2190.
25. Kumar, A. and Vijay N. (2004): Studies on Laticifer Development in Calotropis procera an Important Plant Yielding Hydrocarbon and Improvement of its Growth Potential, Biomass for Energy, Industry, and Climate Protection. Proceedings of the Second World Conference on Biomass for Energy, Industry and Climate Protection at Rome, Italy, May 2004, 176-179
26. Kumar, A. and Kotiya, A. (2004): Some Potential Plants for Bio-energy. Proceedings of the Second World Conference on Biomass for Energy, Industry and Climate Protection at Rome, Italy, May 2004, 180-183.
27. Kumar A. and Roy, S. (2004): Jatropha curcas: A Potential Plant for Bio-Fuel. Proceedings of the Second World Conference on Biomass for Energy, Industry and Climate Protection at Rome, Italy, May 2004, 331.
28. Kumar, A., Kumar, V.R., Parveen, S., Shekhawat, V.P,S and Kotiya, A. (2004): Production and Improvement of Hydrocarbons in Laticifer Plants, Biomass for energy, industry, and climate protection. Proceedings of the Second World Conference on Biomass for Energy, Industry and Climate Protection at Rome, Italy, May 2004, 346.
29. Kumar, A. and Sharma, S. (2004): Improving Growth and Productivity of Euphorbia Antisyphilitica; a Potential Bio-Fuel Plant from Semi-Arid Regions, Biomass for energy, industry, and climate protection. Proceedings of the Second World Conference on Biomass for Energy, Industry and Climate Protection at Rome, Italy, May 2004, 353.
30. Sharma, S, Kumar, A. (2004): Studies on Biomass Utilization in the Rural India and Its Impact Assessment on Environment with Suggestions for Possible Alternatives. Proceedings of the Second World Conference on Biomass for Energy, Industry and Climate Protection at Rome, Italy, May 2004, 2508.
31. Kumar, A. and Vijay, N. (2004): Problems and Prospects of Biofuel Production in India, Biomass for energy, industry, and climate protection. Proceedings of the Second World Conference on Biomass for Energy, Industry and Climate Protection at Rome, Italy, May 2004, 2526.
32. Kumar, A. and Tewari, A. (2004): Improving the Biofuel Utilization Efficiency in the Rural Villages by Modifying the Fire Stove ‘Chulha’, Proceedings of the Second World Conference on Biomass for Energy, Industry and Climate Protection at Rome, Italy, May 2004, 2544.
33. Tewari, A. and Kumar, A. (2004): Improving biomass use efficiency for semi-arid regions. Proceedings of the Second World Conference on Biomass for Energy, Industry and Climate Protection at Rome, Italy, May 2004, 2187-2190.
34. Kumar, A. and Sharma, S. (2004): Rural Energy Needs of India and Role of Women in Developing Alternative Sources of Energy: A Case Study, Proceedings of the Second World Conference on Biomass for Energy, Industry and Climate Protection at Rome, Italy, May 2004,, 2510.
35. Kumar, A., Singh, A. and Shekhawat, V.P.S. (2004): Effect of Location on The Growth and Hydrocarbon Yield of Calotropis procera: A Case Study. Proceedings of the Second World Conference on Biomass for Energy, Industry and Climate Protection at Rome, Italy, May 2004, 350-353.
36. Kumar, A., Kumar, V.R., Parveen, Shekhawat, V.P. S. and Kotiya, A. (2004): Production and Improvement of Hydrocarbons in Laticifer Plants. Proceedings of the Second World Conference on Biomass for Energy, Industry and Climate Protection at Rome, Italy, May 2004,, 346-350.
37. Kumar, A. (2004): Calotropis procera: A Potential Plant for Hydrocarbons from Semi-Arid and Arid Regions, Proceedings of the Second World Conference on Biomass for Energy, Industry and Climate Protection at Rome, Italy, May 2004, 173-175.
38. Kotia, A. and Kumar, A. (2003): Ethnobotanical studies of some medicinal plants collected from semi-arid wasteland of Rajasthan. Proceedings of First National Interactive Meet on Medicinal and Aromatic Plants, CIMAP at Lucknow, India March 2003, 119-125.
39. Kumar, A. and Kumar, V.R. (2003): Bio-fuel Production from Plants: Evaluation and Improvement of Hydrocarbon Production from Calotropis procera. Proceedings of Intl. Biotech. And Lab Automation. Europe, 2003, 13.
40. Mahendriwaria, C.P. and Kumar, A. (2000): Prospects of Biomass Production in Wastelands: Growth and Productivity of Selected Tree Species in Rajasthan. Proceedings of 1st World Conference on Biomass for Energy and Industry at Madrid, Spain, 2000, 315-317.
41. Gupta, S., Roy, S. and Kumar, A. (1996): Micropropagation of Peanut in Culture. National Symposium on Current Trends in Biotechnology and Plant Pathology Jaipur, India, September 1996, 39.
42. Kumar, A. (1996): Growth, physiology and Improvement of Bioenergy Resources in Semi Arid Regions. Proceedings of Focal theme Symp. Science & Technology for achieving food economic & health security at Patiala, India. January1986, 87.
43. Kumar, A. and Roy, S. (1995): Biochemistry of Honey Dew Biosynthesis in Ergot of Bajra. Proceedings of Global conference on Advances in Research on Plant Disease and their Management at Udaipur. 1985, 101.
44. Bhatnagar, S.K. and Kumar, A. (1995): Mushroom Culture as Cottage Industry in India. Proceedings of Global Conference on Advances in Research on Plant Disease and their Management. Udaipur, 1995, 102.
45. Kumar, A. (1994): Bioenergy Sources in India: Present status. Symposia Focal Theme, Science in India Excellence & Accountability, Jaipur, 1994, 38-39.
46. Kumar, A. (1991): Growth and Cultivation of Latex Bearing Plants Under Semi-Arid Conditions of Rajasthan, Proceedings of Bioenergy for Humid and Semi-humid Regions, New Delhi, 1991, 449-462.
47. Rani, A., Roy, S. and Kumar, A. (1991): Effect of Salinity Stress or Growth and Hydrocarbon Yield of Pedilanthus tithymaloides Variety Green (Linn.) Point. Proceedings of Bio-Energy for Humid and Semi-humid Regions, at New Delhi, 1991, 456-461.
48. Johari, S., Roy, S. and Kumar, A. (1991): Influence of Growth Regulators on Biomass and Hydrocarbon Yield from Euphorbia antisyphilitica Zucc. Proceedings of Bioenergy for Humid and Semi-humid Regions at New Delhi, 1991, 462-464.
49. Kumar, A., Garg, J. and Rani, A. (1989): Growth and Physiology of Hydrocarbon Yielding Ornamental Plant. Proceedings of Int. Symposium on Horticulture Germplasm cultivated and wild. Beijing, 1989, 276.
50. Roy, S. and Kumar, A. (1989): Growth and Physiology of Jatropha curcas in Semi-Arid and Arid Conditions of Rajasthan. Proceedings of Intl. Symposium of Horticultural Germplasm, Cultivated and Wild, Beijing, 1989, 277.
51. Kumar, A. (1987): Petrocrop Resources of Rajasthan Proceedings of Bio-energy Society fourth Convention and Symposium 87 at New Delhi, 1987, 98-102.
52. Roy, S. and Kumar, A. (1987): Potential of Different Tree Species as Source of Biomass in Rajasthan. Proceedings of Bio-energy Society fourth Convention and Symposium 87, at New Delhi, 1987, 62-66.
53. Bhargava, N. and Kumar, A. (1987): Growth and differentiation of Eucalyptus camaldulensis Dehn. Proceedings of Bio-energy Society fourth Convention and Symposium 87, at New Delhi, 1987, 67-70.
54. Garg, J. and Kumar, A. (1987): Improving Growth and Hydrocarbon Yield of Euphorbia lathyris L. Proceedings of Bio-energy Society fourth Convention and Symposium 87, at New Delhi, 1987,93-97.
55. Kumar, P. and Kumar, A. (1986): Effect of Water and Salinity on Euphorbia tirucalli L. A Hydrocarbon Yielding Plant. Proceedings of the 1986 International Congress on Renewable Energy Sources at Madrid, September 1986, 240-252.
56. Kumar, A. and Kumar, P. (1986): Improving the productivity of petrocrops in Rajasthan. Proceedings Bioenergy Society Second Convention and Symposium. New Delhi, February 1986, 125-129.
57. Garg, J. and Kumar, A. (1986): Studies on biomass production and improvement in biocrude content, Proceedings of Workshop on Petrocrops, New Delhi, 1986, 69-81.
58. Roy, S. and Kumar, A. (1986): Induction of chlorophyll development in maize callus cultures. Proceedings of 6th Intl. Cong. of Plant Tissue and Cell Culture. Minneapolis, USA, 1986, 367.
59. Roy, S. and Kumar, A. (1986): In vitro Studies on Growth and Differentiation of Allium cepa. Proceedings of XXII International Horticultural Congress, Univ. of California, Davis, USA, August, 1986, 209.
59 Kumar, A. and Kumar, P. (1986): Improving the Productivity of Petro-crops in Rajasthan. Proceedings of Bio-energy Society Second Convention and Symposium, New Delhi, 1986, 125-129.
60 Kumar, A., Roy, S. and Vaidya, T. (1986): Induction of Greening in Wheat Callus Cultures. Proceeding of 6th Intl. Cong. of Plant tissue and Cell Culture, Minneapolis, USA, 1986, 367.
61 Kumar, A. (1984): Unconventional Energy Sources. Proceeding of VIIth Botanical Conference, Jaipur, 1984, 24-26.
62 Kumar, A. (1984): Hydrocarbons from plants in arid and semi-arid regions. Proceedings of Applications on Science and Technology for Afforestation. Jaipur, 1984, 81-86.
63 Roy, S. and Kumar, A. (1984): In vivo and In vitro Alkaloid Production by C. fusiformis on Pennisetum typhoides (Burm) Stapf. and Hubb. Proceeding of National Symposium, on applied biotechnology of medicinal, aromatic and timber yielding plants, (NSABMATP) at Calcutta, 1984, 81-88.
64 Bhargava, N. and Kumar, A. (1984): In Vitro Studies on Eucalyptus camaldulensis Callus Cultures. Proceeding of National Symposium on Applies Biotechnology of Medicinal Aromatic and Timber Yielding Plants, (NSABMATP) at Calcutta, 1984, 211-218.
65 Kumar, A. and Kumar, P. (1984): Agronomic studies on growth of Euphorbia lathyris. Proceeding of Bioenergy 84. Vol II Biomass Resources, London, 1984, 170-175.
66 Kumar, A. and Roy, S. (1983): Studies on nature of host-parasite interaction in ergot (Claviceps fusiformis Lov.) of bajra (Pennisetum typhoides S&H). Proceedings of Natl. Symp. Adv. Front Pl. Sci. at Jodhpur, 1983, 20.
67 Roy, S. and Kumar, A. (1983): Studies on Pathogenicity and Verietal Reaction on Ergot of Bajra in vivo and in vitro. Proceedings of Natl. Symp. Adv. Front Pl. Sci. at Jodhpur, 1983,236.
68 Bafna, M. and Kumar, A. (1983): Studies on Germination and Growth of Guayule (Parthenium argentatum) Proceedings of Natl. Symp. Adv. Front Pl. Sci. at Jodhpur, 1983,246.
69 Kumar, P. and Kumar, A. (1983) : Effect of Gibberellic acid and Nitrogen, Potassium and Phosphorus on Growth of Euphorbia lathyris, Proceedings of Natl. Symp. Adv. Front Pl. Sci. at Jodhpur, 1983,246.
70 Vaidya, T., Kumar, V.R. and Kumar, A. (1983): Influence of Alternaria triticina Prasada & Prabhu on Photosynthesis in Wheat leaves. Proceedings of Natl. Symp. Adv. Front Pl. Sci. at Jodhpur, 1983,268.
71 Kumar, A. (1983): Occurrence of mango malformation disease in Rajasthan. Proceedings of Annual meeting of Society of Mycology and Plant Pathology at Udaipur, April 1983. 14.
72 Roy, S. and Kumar, A. (1982): In vitro Growth and Honey Production by Claviceps fusiformis Lov. On Pennisetum typhoides (Burm.) Staf and Hubb. Proceedings of 5th All India Botanical Conference, December 1982, 44.
73 Neumann, K.-H., Bender, L., Kumar, A. and Szeque, M. (1982): Photosynthesis and Pathways of Carbon in Tissue Cultures of Daucus and Arachis. Proceeding International Congress of Plant tissue and Cell Culture at Tokyo, Japan, 1982, 251-252.
74 Kumar, A., Bender, L. and Neumann, K-H. (1980): Development of Photosynthetic Apparatus in Daucus carota L. Callus Cultures. Proceedings of 8th American Society for Photobiology Annual Meeting, Colorado Springs, Colorado, USA, February 1980, 71.
75 Roy, S. and Kumar, A. (1980): In vitro studies on Callus Initiation and Organogenesis in Allium cepa. Proceedings 3rd Indian Botanical Conference, December 1980, 66.
76 Narayanan, L., Kumar, V.R. and Kumar, A. (1980): Studies on Growth and Differentiation of Wheat Callus Culture. Proceedings of 3rd Indian Botanical Conference, December 1980, 62.
77 Narayanan, L. and Kumar, A. (1980): On the Taxonomy of Alternaria triticina Causing Leaf Blight of Wheat. Proceedings of Plant Disease Problems Under Diversification of Crop Production in India November at Jaipur 1980, 11.
78 Kumar, A., Bender, L. and Neumann, K.-H. (1978): The Development of the Photosynthetic Apparatus of Tissue Cultures (Daucus and Arachis) and Autotrophic Growth. Proceedings of 4th Intl. Congress for Plant Tissue and Cell Culture, Calgary, Canada, 1978, 173.
79 Kumar, A., Bender, L., Jeske, C., Neumann, K-H., Senger, H. and Strasberger, G. (1977): The Development of Photosynthetic System of Carrot Tissue Culture, Proceedings of Intl. Congress on Photosynthesis, Reading , U.K., 1977, 207.
80 Neumann, K-H., Kumar, A. and Bender, L. (1977): Autotrophic Growth and Photosynthetic System of Carrot and Peanut Tissue Culture. Proceedings of Intl. Congress on Photosynthesis at Reading, U.K., 1977, 270.
81 Kumar, A. (1974): In vitro growth and chlorophyll development in Dolichos lablab and Arachis hypogaea. Proceedings of 3rd Intl. Cong. Pl. Tissue and Cell Culture, Leicester, U.K., 1974, 289.
82 Batra, A., Kumar, A., Kant, U. and Arya, H.C. (1972): Enhanced nucleic acid metabolism of gamma ray irradiated tissues of Arachis hypogaea and Dolichos lablab L. Proceedings of International Symposium on use of Isotope and Radiation in Agriculture and Animal Husbandry Research, at New Delhi, Decmber 1972, 302-307.
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