Outside the companies getting subsidy money from the government, not many people like wind turbines.

It wasn't efficient in the 1300s and is not very good now, so energy scientists think it is a waste. There have been constant complaints about noise and health effects and putting them in remote places, like off the coast, has been a non-starter because rich political donors in the northeast don't want their yachting spoiled. Some environmental groups have bucked their fellows and noted that if a regular citizen killed endangered birds, they would be in federal prison, but the administration is sweeping eagle deaths due to its corporate-subsidized wind mills under the judicial carpet and dismissing instances with a token fine.

The political demographic that believes wind energy is clean are also more likely to believe in psychics, ghosts and that bats turn people into vampires, so they may not be concerned about 600,000 deaths per year, but in reality bats are friends. If you live anywhere near standing water, you want them killing insects. They also pollinate some plants. 

A new estimate inferred the probable number of bat deaths at wind energy facilities from the number of dead bats found at 21 locations, correcting for the installed power capacity of the facilities. They are killed at wind turbines not only by collisions with moving turbine blades, but also by the trauma resulting from sudden changes in air pressure that occur near a fast-moving blade. Mark Hayes of the University of Colorado says the actual figure could be 50 percent higher but is in rough agreement with some previous estimates. The data that Hayes analyzed also suggest that some areas of the country might experience much higher bat fatality rates at wind energy facilities than others: the Appalachian Mountains have the highest estimated fatality rates in Hayes's analysis.

The consequences of deaths at wind energy facilities for bat populations are hard to assess because there are no high quality estimates of the population sizes of most North American bat species. But Hayes notes that bat populations are already under stress because of climate change and disease, in particular white-nose syndrome. The new estimate is therefore worrisome, especially as bat populations grow only very slowly, with most species producing only one young per year.

Citation: Mark Andrew Hayes, 'Bats Killed in Large Numbers at United States Wind Energy Facilities', BioScience (just accepted) DOI: 10.1525/bio.2013.63.12.10