A new report in Cancer Epidemiology, Biomarkers and Prevention suggests that individuals who consume two or more sodas per week face an increased risk of developing pancreatic cancer by nearly twofold compared to individuals who do not consume soft drinks.

Researchers followed 60,524 men and women in the Singapore Chinese Health Study for 14 years. During that time, there were 140 pancreatic cancer cases. Those who consumed two or more soft drinks per week (averaging five per week) had an 87 percent increased risk compared with individuals who did not. No association was seen between fruit juice consumption and pancreatic cancer.

The results from Singapore are likely applicable to the United States. "Singapore is a wealthy country with excellent health care. Favorite pastimes are eating and shopping, so the findings should apply to other western countries," said University of Minnesota professor Marc A. Pereira

Although people who consume soft drinks on a regular basis, defined as primarily carbonated sugar-sweetened beverages, tend to have a poor behavioral profile overall, the effect of these drinks on pancreatic cancer may be unique. "The high levels of sugar in soft drinks may be increasing the level of insulin in the body, which we think contributes to pancreatic cancer cell growth," Pereira said.

Despite the findings, other researchers urged caution, suggesting that the study results are intriguing but have some key limitations that should be considered in any interpretation. "Although this study found a risk, the finding was based on a relatively small number of cases and it remains unclear whether it is a causal association or not. Soft drink consumption in Singapore was associated with several other adverse health behaviors such as smoking and red meat intake, which we can't accurately control for," said Mayne, an editorial board member of Cancer Epidemiology, Biomarkers and Prevention.

Pereira points out that the findings are biologically plausible, held up in non-smokers, remained similar after taking other dietary habits into account and are consistent with findings in Caucasian populations.

Citation: Mueller et al., 'Soft Drink and Juice Consumption and Risk of Pancreatic Cancer: The Singapore Chinese Health Study', Cancer Epidemiology, Biomarkers and Prevention, February 2010, 19(2), 447–55; doi: 10.1158/1055-9965.EPI-09-0862