For the past the 1,000,000 years the global climate has cycled every 100,000 years, between long glacial periods (with great masses of ice covering the continents in the northern hemisphere) and shorter interglacial periods, lasting around 10,000 years. It has been 12,000 years since the last one so enjoy that while it lasts.

However, within the long periods there have been abrupt climate changes, sometimes happening in the space of just a few decades, with variations of up to 10º C in the average temperature in the polar regions caused by changes in the Atlantic ocean circulation. These changes affected rainfall in southern Africa. 

And that rapid change in climate impacted early man and the technology needed to survive. 

Archaeological and genetic evidence suggests that modern humans originated in Africa during the Stone Age, from 30,000 to 280,000 years ago. The latest archaeological excavations in southern Africa have shown that technological innovation, linked to the emergence of culture and modern behavior, took place abruptly: the beginnings of symbolic expression, the making of tools from stone and bone, jewelry or the first agricultural settlements.

The scholars led by Universitat Autonoma de Barcelona have pieced together how rainfall patterns varied in southern Africa over the last 100,000 years, by analyzing river delta deposits at the edge of the continent, where every millimeter of sediment core corresponds to 25 years of sedimentation. The ratio of iron (dissolved from the rocks by the water during the rains) to potassium (present in arid soils) in each of the millimeter layers is a record of the sediment carried by rivers and therefore of the rainfall throughout the whole period.

The reconstruction of the rainfall over 100,000 years shows a series of spikes that occurred between 40,000 and 80,000 years ago. These spikes show rainfall levels rising sharply over just a few decades, and falling off again soon afterwards, in a matter of centuries. This research has shown that the climate changes coincided with increases in population, activity and production of technology on the part of our ancestors, as seen in the archaeological records. In turn, the end of certain stone tool industries of the period coincides with the onset of a new, drier climate.

The findings confirm one of the principal models of Palaeolithic cultural evolution, which correlates technological innovation with the adoption of new refuges and with a resulting increase in population and social networks.

For these researchers, the bursts of demographic expansion caused by climate change in southern Africa were probably key factors in the origin of modern humans' behavior in Africa, and in the dispersal of Homo sapiens from his ancestral home.

The study forms part of the GATEWAYS ( project of the European Commission's 7th Framework Programme, coordinated by Rainer Zahn, a researcher with the Institute for Environmental Science and Technology (ICTA-UAB) and the UAB's Department of Physics, and taking part in it was Martin Ziegler, a post-doctoral researcher at the School of Earth and Ocean Sciences of the University of Cardiff (UK) and scientists from the Natural History Museum, London (UK).

Published in Nature Communications.