LONDON, November 10 /PRNewswire/ --
- Remembering the Two Great Wars, London Lawyer Sends Wake-Up Call to the World's Governments and Learned Bodies
International lawyer and world-affairs analyst, William Dunmore, (a grandfather and 2nd World War naval officer), has deep concerns for the children and future generations whose interests have been completely ignored in this troubled, money-mad world, where we are all sleep-walking into a crematorium.
Tomorrow he is, therefore, contacting all UNO, UNESCO and UNICEF permanent delegates and some 25,000 seats of learning by e-mail, with a unique Anti-Causal Plan For Rescuing The Young From The Dire Peril, namely, a Potential Third World War and Nuclear Doomsday.
The Dire Peril, he says, could be triggered by a regional dispute or act of terrorism, anytime, anywhere; and spread non-stop to nations everywhere.
Remember how the First World War started - and led to the Second, he warns? Remember also Hiroshima and Nagasaki? And certainly do not forget the subsequent Cold War's arms race and the 1,000's of multi-targeted, inter-continental ballistic missiles now waiting the world over to deal the young a final death blow.
Called Supra-Democracy, this Rescue-Plan is the universally-beneficial political and educational dynamic for the 21st century. It is featured in The Supra-Democracy Educational Foundation's Permanent Declaration at The Plan is also central to The Permanent Manifesto at
In essence, the Rescue-Plan is the author's scheme for governments to urge UNO to initiate his UNESCO-Supported Anti-Causal 4th R Schools-Programme, worldwide. This will progressively change universal conduct through universal education and transform society into a peaceful model, as required by the (1993) UNESCO-sponsored Montreal International Congress on Education World-Plan of Action.
The First Section highlights the defences of peace that must be constructed in the minds of men (when young), as required but not defined by UNESCO's Constitution - which is why UNO has not achieved its Charter's long-outstanding (1945) aim To Save Succeeding Generations From The Scourge Of War.
Mr Dunmore began studying world affairs seriously in the 1950's when Professor Albert Einstein, regretting his part in opening Pandora's box of nuclear secrets and starting the arms race, publicly tried to shut the box and stop the race - but could not do so.
The Rescue-Plan is derived from the author's principal work, The Supra-Democratic World-Plan at (with 6 regional editions)
All enquiries email to William Dunmore at
All enquiries email to William Dunmore at