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Gregory O'Kelly
About Gregory Mr. O'Kelly has a B.S. from the USAF Academy, and an M.A. in philosophy from U.S.C. He has investigated the field of electrical medicine for over thirty years, and published a paper in the journal Theoretical Biology and Medical Modeling entitled "The terrestrial evolution of metabolism and life - by the numbers," that expands upon the allometric scaling of metabolic energy in such a way as to explicate the energetic circumstances behind the origins of life, and behind all biological organization. The explication, in which biomass is defined solely in terms of batteries made of aggregations of organic molecules, places primacy in the development, evolution, and longevity of the biomass, upon the role of electrochemistry and thermodynamic pressure for stability. The analysis supports the use of electrochemical intervention as a sound form of electrical medicine, one that relies upon monophasic voltage wave forms, to trigger chemical changes necessary for anabolic building and longevity increase. The procedure by which this is done has been patented in the U.S. and Europe.
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