
Marie Kondo With A Catch: The KonMari Method Of Tidying May Make You Feel Worse

Have your friends recently begun obsessively folding their t-shirts, or explaining how they have got rid of a book that no longer “brings them joy”? If so, they’ve probably been caught up in the new craze from lifestyle guru and “tidying consultant” Marie ...

Article - The Conversation - Jan 22 2019 - 4:46pm

If You Are Going To Communicate Science, Be Yoda Instead Of Spock

Nothing killed science culture more than Spock from the 1960s television show "Star Trek." He was wildly popular because he was so logical and reasoned. Emotions did not enter into his decisions. Scientists flocked to that mystique and so a whole ...

Article - Hank Campbell - Jan 29 2019 - 5:12pm

More Religious Belief Correlated To Lower Belief In Organic Food Claims

In a recent experiment, participants were asked questions to gauge how religious they were and then about their willingness to purchase a fruit cup. Half were told the fruit cup was organic and half were told it was gluten-free. People who were very religi ...

Article - Hank Campbell - Feb 2 2019 - 9:00am

The Science Reason So Many People Believe In Psychic Powers

Mind reading and the ability to predict the future are not skills people generally associate with the human race. Yet, research shows many people genuinely believe in the existence of psychic powers. ...

Article - The Conversation - Feb 4 2019 - 3:13pm

Media Are Drowning Young People In A Tide Of Perfectionism

We recently conducted one of the largest-ever studies on perfectionism. We learned that perfectionism has increased substantially over the past 25 years and that it affects men and women equally. We also learned that perfectionists become more neurotic an ...

Article - The Conversation - Feb 7 2019 - 2:58pm

This Is Your Brain On Love

Is love a mystery or can it be reduced to chemical processes in the brain? And, what are those chemical processes? And, perhaps most importantly, can you prepare the brain for love? Falling in Love When you are falling in love a kind of chemical bomb goes ...

Article - Michael Merzenich - Feb 12 2019 - 12:58pm

Humanities Scholars Say If You Look Like A Stereotypical Scientist, You're More Likely To Become One

A new paper says that how much you look racially stereotypical, like other members of your racial group, influences how likely you are to get a degree in science, technology, engineering or math (STEM) fields. ...

Article - News Staff - Mar 5 2019 - 2:50pm

Progressive White People Will Try To Appear Less Verbally Competent When Communicating With Minorities

When we think of racial bias we usually think about differences when being stopped by the police or being watched more closely in a small deli, but there is another facet of it, an indirect bias by people who otherwise behave in ways that seem diverse and ...

Article - Hank Campbell - Mar 25 2019 - 4:10pm

Have ADHD? Study Says Maybe Your Mother Didn't Eat Enough Omega-3 Fatty Acids

As if mothers don't get blamed for enough, a new paper claims attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD)may have been caused by her diet during pregnancy. The results of a study led by a team from the Barcelona Institute for Global Health (ISGlob ...

Article - News Staff - Mar 28 2019 - 9:41am

Millennials Needed More Psychological Nurturing To Have Success In College

Since the oldest millennials are now nearing 40 it may be time for sociologists and psychologists to stop writing papers on how much nurturing they will need when they arrive. They are already here. Yet papers will keep coming, perhaps until people stop wa ...

Article - News Staff - Mar 28 2019 - 11:40am