Stabbed by his once most faithful man after many other blows received by the conjurors, Julius Caesar pronounced those words, according to reports, before falling to death.

Now, is history repeating itself ? Paolo Guzzanti, once one of Silvio Berlusconi's best men, is an aggressive journalist who became a politician under king Silvio the II. Guzzanti always maintained some sort of twisted coherence in his reactionary positions and vitriolic approach to the political issues he handled -one remembers, for instance, his leading of the Italian Mitrokhin commission which tried to assess the veridicity of some files disclosed by a russian ex-spy. From Wikipedia:

"In 2002 the Italian Parliament, then led by Silvio Berlusconi's right-wing coalition, the Casa delle Libertà, created a commission, presided over by Senator Paolo Guzzanti (Forza Italia) to investigate alleged KGB ties to opposition figures in Italian politics.
The commission was shut down in 2006 without having developed any new
concrete evidence beyond the original information in the Mitrokhin

Guzzanti left the party of his boss not long ago, apparently in disgust for what he called back then "mignottocrazia", the power of the bitches. Those were the times when some recordings of conversations between Berlusconi and Mara Carfagna, "the most beautiful minister in the world" as german newspapers dubbed her, became public (outside Italy).

Now Guzzanti really spills his guts. In his blog he talks about recorded conversations between some of the victims of the king's lust. Transcriptions of these recordings have been in the availability of several people now, and the content speaks a disgusting tale of abuses on women in search of a shortcut, during their stop at what has apparently become a required tribute for fulminating careers. From the site of the Italian magazine L'Espresso:

«Io dico, e lo confermo, che le
cose che mi sono state raccontate da più fonti (e io sono uno dei
mille e più di mille raggiunto dai dettagliati resoconti di chi ha
letto) sono assolutamente disgustose: rapporti anali non graditi,
ore e ore di tormenti in attesa di una erezione che non fa
capolino, discussioni sul prossimo set, consigli fra donne su come
abbreviare i tormenti di una permanenza orizzontale pagata come
pedaggio. I dettagli sono centinaia e non sono io che li nascondo,
perché io sono soltanto uno cui alcuni lettori dei verbali (persone
serissime, uomini e donne, tutti della stessa area di centro
destra) hanno raccontato ciò che hanno letto, ovviamente con una
massiccia concordanza dei dettagli stessi. Il giorno in cui un
magistrato, lette queste mie parole, volesse interrogarmi per
sapere da chi ho avuto queste relazioni e chi fosse il giornalista
che ha fornito il materiale in lettura, farei il mio dovere e farei
i nomi».

Quick-and-dirty translation:

"I say, and confirm, that the things that have been told me by several sources (and I am one of the thousand and more than thousand reached by detailed accounts from whom did read) are absolutely disgusting: unwanted anal sex, hours of torments waiting for an erection that does not arrive, discussions on the next set, advice between women on how to shorten the torments of a horizontal permanence paid as a tribute. There are hundreds of details and it is not me who hides them, because I am only one of those to which some of the readers of the transcripts (honourable persons, men and women, all from the same area of center-right) have told what they read, obviously with a massive concordance of the same details. The day a judge, reading these words, wants to question me to know from whom I received these relations and who was the reporter who gave away the reading material, I would do my duty and make the names."

Guzzanti is disgusted, and he speaks in his blog of mignottocrazia: as L'Espresso reports,

"confessa di aver lasciato Berlusconi anche «per il suo atteggiamento puttaniero
di disprezzo per le donne, tutte le donne, essendo un gran porco e
una persona che ha corrotto la femminilità italiana schiudendo
carriere impensabili a ragazze carine che hanno imparato solo
quanto sia importante darla alla persona giusta al momento giusto,
sollecitate in questo anche dalle madri, quando necessario. Quest'uomo ai miei occhi corrompe la gioventù e mina le basi della società
minando il rispetto nei confronti della donna».

Q&D translation:

[PG] confesses of having left Berlusconi also "for his attitude of despise of women, all women, being a real pig and a person who corrupted Italian feminility disclosing unthinkable careers to cute girls who learned only how it is important to give it away to the right person at the right moment, prompted in this even by their mothers, when necessary. This man to my eyes corrupts the young age and corrodes the bases of society mining the respect toward women."

No comment. I totally agree that Italy has become a place where young pretty girls have been reached with the strong and clear message that to become famous, make a fortune, take a shortcut, the way of using their looks is the best way. But not just that, which is not a secret anywhere in the world. They have learned that it is a morally acceptable thing, because success in life is all what matters. This, I think, is the worst damage.

So, is Julius Caesar falling at the end ? He sure is attached to power like few others, but pushes and pulls are coming from too many directions now. The other day, one of his daughters, Barbara, gave an interview to Vanity Fair, where she admitted that a public statesman should have no right to make a distinction between private matters and public life. The war on the money of dad has begun, and the five sons and daughters of Silvio Berlusconi -three from his second marriage with now ex-wife Veronica Lario- are starting to send around messages that they will not accept a unfair deal. More worries for king Silvio.