Cannot resist posting the following paperclip, grabbed from a news site this afternoon (it's a Sunday, a critical detail you should not overlook; and this is an Italian newspaper, as should be obvious).

The piece reports news on the Chilean earthquake. Here is a quick-and-dirty translation of the relevant part: "In Conception 350 buried under the rubble. Jackals in action. The government imposes the offside."

"Fuorigioco", offside in Italian, sounds a bit like "coprifuoco" (curfew), which is probably the word the unwitty journalist should have preferred here. I can almost imagine the overloaded, listless neurons of that poor soul, at work on a Sunday afternoon while his friends are at the soccer game. Maybe his radio is transmitting news from the game in real time; or maybe he is just thinking he should be somewhere else.

A good candidate for the prize "Freudian slip of the month".