The Scientology ad is still there (see below, right), a few days after I complained about it. I understand that it is quite hard to get rid of a single ad in a bundle, and I understand that it would cost money to give google back the whole bundle with the third finger pointed upwards. But that not-too-little glowing blue box on the right seriously impairs my belief that by writing for this site I am doing something positive for the diffusion and popularization of science.

Now: sorting out the matter may be hard, but it must be done, because this site diffuses science, not science fiction, and I do not believe I am the only one here thinking that the presence of the ad is decreasing significantly the credibility of the site, of the articles, and of the writers. I suggest the site owner to block the full google box until google gives instructions on how to get rid of it. In the meantime, my will to write here something meaningful is close to zero.