Among a number of scientific and education activities, our network organizes a yearly congress in November, always including in the dates November 10, which is the UN day for Science. During the congress many things happen, and one of them is the announcement of the yearly USERN prize, which is bestowed to five researchers under 40 years of age who distinguished themselves for their innovative and groundbreaking work in five macro-areas of science. Each prize includes 2000$ as an acknowledgment of the achievements, 1000$ as a travel grant, and 2000$ for research activities.
This year the congress was held in the Medical University of Plovdiv, in Bulgaria. It was an excellent setting for the event, and I am grateful to the local organizers, in particular Marianna Murdjeva and Maria Tokmakova, for their painstaking work and for making everything run smoothly. They also served as chairs in the event together with Nima and myself.
On the first day I could sign on behalf of USERN an agreement for cooperation with the rector of the Medical University of Plovdiv, Prof. Angel Uchikov. Here is us signing the papers:

The first day also included a very touching moment, where the winners of the 10th International Festival of Paintings by Pediatric Patients (IFPPP) received prizes for their works. The children, in four age groups, came literally from all over the world (it was a headache to arrange for visas for them!), with their families to receive the prizes.
It was awesome to knee in front of five-year-old toddlers who produced awesome drawings, all themed on "science and heart". In particular, many of these winners have lived maybe only a few years, but that was long enough to experience sickness and prolonged hospitalization. USERN has a network of physicians who visit these kids in the pediatric hospitals and engage them in various activities, all around the world.
During the three days of its duration, the congress featured many lectures by distinguished scientists, parallel sessions, poster sessions, and "meet the scientist" sessions when young researchers could interrogate accomplished seniors on topics within their expertise, as well as ask for career advice. There was also music (I played a concert with my wife), and theatre (a piece written by students in Iran). Plus, of course, the prize giving and the USERN laureates lectures during the last day.
So who are the winners? Here are their names:
- Prof. Dongliang Chao, from Fudan University.
- Prof. Tiziana Cappello, from University of Messina.
- Prof. Andrea Luppi, from Oxford University.
- Dr. Fabiana Corsi Zuelli, from Sao Paolo University.
- Dr. Ewa Szumowska, from Jagiellonian University Krakov.
The five young researchers will join the USERN advisory board (which collects over 600 top-1% scientists from all disciplines) for a period of three years. Congratulations to all of them!