Now I know what happened to Michael Jackson: he tried to self-treat his eczema at home with Clorox.

A study in the May 5 issue of Pediatrics suggested a combination of "bleach baths" and intranasal mupirocin ointment led to statistically significant reductions in the extent and severity of ezcema, compared to children who received placebo ointment and took normal baths. 31 children (6 mos to 17 years) were randomized into "bleach bath" group (half a cup of 6 percent bleach per full standard tub) or normal bath. All patients also received oral cephalexin daily for two weeks.

The children in the "bleach bath" group also had significant reductions in the amount of body surface area affected by eczema, but only on the parts of the body submerged in the bath water - eczema on the neck and head was not reduced. The improvement was five-fold - not a small amount.

How do you treat eczema on the face and neck? One of the doctors suggested dunking under the water to treat affected areas on the face.

For more, read the BBC article.