At the workshop I attended last week ("Publish, blog, tweet - furthering one's career in science") I discussed blogging for a researcher. One of the points I made was that through a blog a researcher may sometimes ask for the help of his or her readers, with usually great results.

Today I would like to put my own creed to the test, because I am searching for an article and I have no idea how to do it - usual searches with Google are insuccessful in this case. It is a newspaper article of 1989, which I need as it has relevance for a chapter of the book I have been writing.

The article appeared on July 22nd 1989 (but the date could be wrong by a couple of days up or down) on the San Francisco Chronicle. The piece contains a few quotes by Nobel laureate Burton Richter, which I would really like to read (and possibly quote in my book). The existence of this interview has been reported to me by a trustable source, but as it happens with similar recollections of things happened 25 years earlier it is entirely possible that the article exists but was published on some other newspaper on that date, or on the SFC on another date, etcetera. This makes the search a little bit more interesting and harder.

So, if you have access to SFC archives, can you help me with a targeted search ? I would be sure to acknowledge your effort in my book...