Basically No chance 2024 YR4 will hit Earth.

Recent observations have virtually eliminated any concern about an impact from asteroid 2024 YR4...

Asteroid 2024 YR4: A 2032 Threat? Not on Our Watch

Back in December 2024, astronomers caught wind of something unusual—a small, fast-moving rock...

No, Trump’s Executive Orders Can’t Cancel Your Rights.

Donald Trump does not have the power to rescind either constitutional amendments or federal laws...

The Sublime Idiocracy Of the 2024 Drone Panic. 99.99% Chance They Are Just Planes And Stars.

The "drone panic" of 2024 easily claims the title of the most absurd astronomy and physics-related...

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My research focuses on astrophysics from massive star formation to astroparticle physics. Born and raised in Chicagoland I have lived in Bellwood, IL since 1984 and attended public schools here... Read More »

PétionvilleCité Soleil  Two neighborhoods, same city Port au Prince.  They could not be more different.
Today mankind has a pretty good understanding of what physical processes followed the big bang, and lead to the universe we see  today. This understanding is based on the solid foundation of  direct observations of the first light to travel through a  transparent universe. We also have data gathered by experiments in nuclear and particle physics labs on Earth. From these pieces of data a picture can be drawn of how the universe evolved in the first half million years of existence.
I had an idea that the theories of the earliest stages of the universe were speculative.  I just never really knew how speculative until I really looked at them.  The CMB is as far back as we have actual data. From that we have to divine everything. 

Gender is socially mediated, and constructed, as well as neurologically predisposed.  Innate qualities have to be qualities that do not depend on social interaction.  Consider the so called feral children known to history.  They are what people are like without social interaction or culture.  These children display natural predispositions to certain behaviors, with no cultural overlay.   Complex cultural behavior, dressing, eating with table manners, and much of what we call gender identity are unknown to them.
You read right his "mad" idea is simply that electromagnetic fields effect the formation and evolution of cyclones.  What they proposed and measured in the paper, "
I am not the first to point out PhD snoobery.  This is an account from 1903 which appeared in the Harvard Monthly.
