Passed in 2010, the Affordable Care Act, commonly called Obamacare, went into full force in 2014 and remains controversial for a few reasons. First is, of course, skyrocketing costs, with premiums commonly up 300% while with the mandate forcing people to buy insurance removed meant under a million people unable to get insurance are now covered but half of everyone who doesn't otherwise have health insurance opting out.

Second is that doctors hated it because it added a new layer of paperwork. It was up to medical staff to insure premiums had been paid because if they didn't do so, they were stuck without getting compensated. That is why nearly 70% of doctors won't accept ACA patients at all.

Government gave everyone equal access to...basically nothing. With doctors not accepting it, some health insurance companies abandoned entire states because it was not viable. The ACA was basically a medical form of net neutrality, promising very expensive equal access when poor people would rather have what they need and have it be affordable instead.

Third, it changed medical care to where many doctors now only want 'easy' patients. To be fair, that was already in progress, thanks to government involvement. More and more doctors had abandoned private practice because of regulations, defensive medicine to prevent lawsuits - the government has refused to engage in tort reform - and rampant costs and concern (nearly 75% of OB/GYNs will get sued for malpractice within 15 years of starting.) Those have meant medical schools creating a 'teach to the protocol' environment. No more medicine, check the boxes, obey the manual.

Academics are thus calling for 'the culture of medicine to change' back to where doctors cared more about patients, but that means tort reform and far less government involvement, things the political proclivities of academics mean they are against.