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Feeling no pain: plants were first to let it happen

Age of Herbals somewhere  during  1565 in this part of globe saw many medical man searching...

Sitopaladi churna is an ayurvedic medicine for cough and cold

Sitopaladi churna is an ayurvedic medicine for cough and cold and sneezing nose. A little portion...

Ethnobotany and Ocimum sanctum (Tulsi)

The term 'ethnobotany' was first applied by Harshberger in 1895 to the study of plants used by...

Gene, gene expression, gene silencing and RNAi

Gene Expression?–What is a Gene?A gene codes for a homogeneous ‘functional unit’ – classically...

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Professor Emeritus ,Former Head of the Department of Botany, and Director Life Sciences, University of Rajasthan, Jaipur. 302004, India At present freelance consultant with Bioenergia. Spain and... Read More »

There are over 400 different tribal and other ethnic groups in India. The tribals constitute about 7.5 per cent of Indian population (Gupta, 1970). Apart from the tribal groups, many other forest dwellers and rural people also possess unique knowledge about plants. Tree worship played an important role in the religious history of India. The plants form the oldest association with human dwelling and ancient Indian cultures flourished in the midst of dense forests. They are offered in worship to several deities and different species are associated with different Gods. Some important plants like Ocimum sanctum L. (Tulsi), Aegle marmelos L. (Bel) and Musa sapientum L.
Family Mimosaceae has 56 genera and 2800 species which are found in tropical and subtropical region. The mimosaceae plants are climber (Acacia caesia), tree (Acacia catechu), Shrub (Acacia farnesiana), deciduous tree (A. leucophalia), tree (babul), climber (A. pennata), low erect tree (A. senegal), tree (A. lebbeck) tree (Prosopis spp.). Albizia lebbeck Benth is widely distributed in India and is also found in South Africa and Australia. It is a host of lac insect and is reported to have antiseptic, antidysentric and anti-tubercular activities (Chadha, 1985) . Review of Literature National Status : Acacia caesia Willd (Aila) It is important plant. Its roots are used in pleurisy, measles, smallpox and bronchitis.
There are two principle objectives of Ayurveda. One of them is the protection, preservation and promotion of health in a healthy person and the other is the prevention and treatment of disease in the patient (Shivsharma, 1929). Thus Ayurveda provides the knowledge to preserve, promote and correct the bodily tissue as well the quality and strength of mind so that one can aspire to attain a state of supreme eternal happiness. On the other hand it advocates employing holistic and comprehensive and Ayurveda conceives life as a fourd imensional entity comprising of physical body(Sharira), the sense organs(Indriya), the mind(Satva), and soul(Atma), thus, the individual is a comprehensive psychophysicospiritual entity, which is highly dynamic and is in constant interplay with the nature.
Santosh Sharma and Ashwani Kumar, Department of Botany University of Rajasthan, Jaipur, 302004 - India [msku31@yahoo.com] Introduction Chitrak (Plumbago zeylanica L. - Plumbaginaceae) has traditionally been used by rural and tribal people in traditional system of medicine,and also in Ayurveda. It is a perennial shrub with rambling branches (Chopra, 1933). Leaves ovate with bisexual flowers. The root is light yellow, when dry, internal colour is brown, fracture short,taste acrid and biting.
• Climate change is any long-term significant change in average temperature, precipitation and wind patterns. Climate change takes place due to emissions of greenhouse gases which causes environmental damage to any given area. .Carbon dioxide (CO2) is the most important greenhouse gas and increasing the use of biomass for energy is an important option for reducing CO2 emissions. Photosynthetic organisms use solar energy to generate reducing equivalents and incorporate atmospheric CO2 into organic molecules. This helps in carbon sequestration. First generation biofuels - ethanol and biodiesel are predominantly produced from corn kernels, sugarcane or soybean oil rape seed oil, palm oil etc.
If scientists could develop modelling system to predict the yield of a crop in particular area and time by calculating parameters of soil moisture, soil pH, rainfall, temperature range etc there should be some psychological method to gauze the mind of a voter or how to win heart of a voter in a democratic system by permissible means ? Perhaps its too early to suggest this but sooner or later this is going to happen that science will be able to read mind of person opposite to you.