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Feeling no pain: plants were first to let it happen

Age of Herbals somewhere  during  1565 in this part of globe saw many medical man searching...

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Ethnobotany and Ocimum sanctum (Tulsi)

The term 'ethnobotany' was first applied by Harshberger in 1895 to the study of plants used by...

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Professor Emeritus ,Former Head of the Department of Botany, and Director Life Sciences, University of Rajasthan, Jaipur. 302004, India At present freelance consultant with Bioenergia. Spain and... Read More »


The use of plants as source of medicine dates back to about 4000 to 5000 B.C. The Indian and Chinese were the pioneers in using plants as valuable sources of medicine. 

 List of some important medicinal plants common in various traditional system of medicine S. No. Botanical Name Ayurvedic Name Tibbi Name Siddha Name Tribal Name 1. Acacia nilotica (L.) Delile Babul Schmaghe-e-arabi Randoalu Gubul-daru 2. Achyranthes aspera Linn. Apang Apamaga Naayurivi Rechari 3. Acorus calamus Linn. Bach Vaj-e-turki Vasambu Nai-naglea 4. Allium sativum Linn. Lashuna Seer Vallaipondu - 5. Aloe vera Linn. Ghrtia Kumari Sxbr Soathukttalai - 6. Alstonia scholaris (L.) R. Br. Sapta Sapta Aalilai Chatini-daru 7. Andrographis paniculata (Burm. f.) Wall ex. Nees Kirata Chirata Nilava embu Bhui-nimb 8. Aristolochia indica Linn. Iswar mul Zarawand Garudakkodi Isher-mul 9. Asparagus adscendens Roxb.

Sanganer has developed as major hub of textile dyeing and  printing. Besides it is also famous for hand made paper. But this is causing havoc to the environment and almost none of the industry has mandatory wastewater purification plants which can be built and insatlled very cheap compared to losses to the environment. Profesor K.P. Sharma of our Department of Botany , University of Rajasthan has developed such a treatment plant but of no avail.  

Euphorbia tirucalli L. (Family, Euphorbiacae) a succulent cactus-like plant growing to a height of about 10 m, was introduced from Africa as a garden plant. E. tirucalli Grows in arid zones as well as zones that are more mesophytic, the species makes a good living fence post. The plant grows well in dry regions or land that is not suitable for growing food. E. tirucalli is called petroleum plant because it produces a hydrocarbon substance very much like gasoline. Whole plant harvesting is worthwhile from energy point-of-view with rubber, petroleum, and alcohol as energy products and resins, which may find use in the linoleum, oilskin, and leather industries. The charcoal derived there from can be used in gunpowder.


If you have developed  cough and cold  and asthamatic symptoms due to excessive exposure to differing temperatures and from dust allergies . If you have tried  allopathic medicines and they have helped  you  cure some part of it but some part of it  still continues.  One can try this traditional remedy with some modifications made by me   (   However one should confirm that one does not have pathological infection in chest as per x ray reports and doctors advice) Once  it is  confirmed that   there is no other chest problem one can try this formulae 
If you trust in traditional medicine just try this out and tell if it helps . 
1. Take two cups of water and boil it