OK, so I'm a 62-year old moron. Like *you're* so perfect?  This probably explains why I couldn't pass on this one. 

The word "green" has become so ubiquitous that it has become a parody of itself. Everything is green! Especially the vast amounts of green paper, which portrays formers presidents. Which is the type of green that those who sell you green stuff are lining their pockets with. 

It has gone way past crazy. Like green garbage bags:

Although they claim that their bags are made from recycled Winnebagos, I'm suspicious.

Lest you think that that fast food industry is ignoring this trend, Chipotle, a company that isn't exactly looking so great lately, is chipping with their new corporate mission statement, which is more or less "We use only GMO-free ingredients, except when we don't use only GMO-free ingredients." This isn't going over so well either

The fast food industry is nothing if not completive

So, it is not the least bit surprising that Burger King joined the fray. Using Nobel-worthy science, they added blue dye to their buns, and let nature do the rest

Behold! The Halloween Whopper. It won't make your s###t stop smelling, but it will make it turn green! If this isn't a metaphor for the insanity that has become the "green movement," (wink) then nothing is. 

One can only imagine what some of the greatest minds in science and medicine might think about this:

Which makes me wonder about their ad campaign. Maybe one of these? 
  • Eat the Whopper—Go green!  
  • Burger King—doing our doodie to keep the earth's beauty
  • It's true what you've heard—you'll have a green turd!

And, what can be done about the following?
"If it's yellow, let it mellow, if it's brown, flush it down."  New York Mayor Ed Koch (1989)
What are we supposed to do during the next drought? (That is, if the garbage bags don't prevent one.)

The following ad campaign is sure gonna have to be changed:

New York Jets

Having a green thumb may now be such a good attribute anymore. Especially for a proctologist with defective gloves.

And this has the potential for causing all sorts of personal hygiene issues: