Congressman Raul Grijalva, (D-Arizona), has some interesting ideas about science.

Namely, he thinks that all of the government scientists in the State Department who did numerous environmental impact assessments regarding the Keystone XL project don't know what they are talking about. And that he can prove it with a few rocks.

His confusion is understandable. The White House was and is also a little confused over both science and their own policies.  While the President was stonewalling approval of Keystone XL, siding with environmentalists over science and union members in an election year, he was promising to fast-track the extension to the extension. Yes, he promised to 'cut the red tape' and start building an extension to Keystone XL before he had even approved Keystone XL, and the proposed route was right through Native American burial grounds. It wasn't a bridge to nowhere it was a pipeline from nowhere.

Now, with nothing left to run for and no reason to keep making scientists do more studies until they come up with results he wants, astute minds like Grijalva are taking to YouTube to make sure the White House doesn't begin embracing science.

Because he cares about transparency and free speech, Grijalva  shut off comments and ratings on this video when everyone started making fun of him. You can insert your own, of course, in the comments section.

H/T, who promises that Rep. Grijalva will next show how a swallow can grip a coconut by the husk and deliver it to King Arthur.