After the show I stopped to meet Kosmas, and our discussion quickly moved to his recent visit to Svalbard, where he could observe the total eclipse of March 20th. There he produced some pretty amazing pictures, like the one published in the Earth science picture of the day site. I asked him if he would share some other pictures with me and you, and he kindly agreed - so below you can find a selection. All images are copyright K. Gazeas, reproduced with permission from the author.
Below is Kosmas with his equipment at the observation site.

Below is a broader view of the site aimed at the low-lying sun.

And below you can see a quite amazing picture, a composite of several shots taken around the few minutes of totality. This allows you to see the evolution of the two almost symmetric "diamond rings" that the eclipse displayed, along with several Baily beads. I found this picture really remarkable (please click here for a full-resolution version).

Below is a wonderful shot of the totality, which shows a large amount of detail in the corona (please click here for a full-resolution version).

And below is an aerial view of the island - a quite remarkable landscape of the deserted area.

Finally, a classic collage of seven shots to show the evolution of the eclipse:
