In 1970, Denis Hayes, former student body president at Stanford and an avowed communist, was the driving force behind the first Earth Day, to help students protest what he called a collapsing environment. One that could only be saved by more centralized government control.

To make sure it had as much participation from students as possible he chose...a Wednesday in late April?

Of course not, he chose April 22nd of 1970 because it was the 100th anniversary of Lenin's birthday. Everyone knew that. The New York Times covered the event because the Democratic mayor of the city had given them Central Park but even they called Hayes the "Angry Coordinator of Earth Day" and included his communist beliefs in their article. The L.A. City Council was concerned about participating at all because of the link to Lenin and asked them to change the date. Promoters refused, it had to be April 22nd of 1970. The resolution to allow it barely passed 8-6, even in a city dominated by Democrats.

Had Earth Day really been about the environment or student participation rather than disrupting government schools, he'd have held it on a Saturday. It had to be that date, which meant a Wednesday when relatively few students could participate. Yet the students who could go were what he wanted. Like Big Tobacco, environmentalists knew you had to groom the young who had some money. Which meant suburban white kids.

The modern anti-science movement opposed to GMOs and nuclear power and think cell phones cause cancer weren't born, they were created - and that successful template is why environmentalists continue to try and groom susceptible students now.

The new agenda created a schism in the environmental movement, which was once diverse. Angry white communists turning environmentalism into a new vision eroded that. African-Americans, who were early allies, saw an influx of white leaders claiming environmentalism was about legislating rivers and ending capitalism; fixing urban sewers became marginalized. They began to abandon it. Scientists, back when academia was equally represented by the left and right, were concerned that Earth Day promoted prominent ecologist Kenneth Watt's claim that Global Cooling was nigh, a belief the USSR continued to promote until its demise. 

You'd never know most of that today, Earth Day has been "whitewashed" in numerous ways. 

It looks wholesome, and it is. If you don't care about 99.9% of the world.

They staunchly deny their own origins, and in a world where most journalists are educated by Google, and revisionists working at environmental groups manipulate Wikipedia from the inside to create history, 95% of actual historical writing remains unavailable to the public. They can get away with it, for a time. Dominate search in Google and you dominate culture.

Once young people have been taught the message we cut to modern times, when a rich white woman un-ironically flies emissions-belching planes to cities on Earth Day to promote Earth Day - while running the Environmental Protection Agency. And claiming to care about the poor. And Stephen Colbert doesn't even think that is odd.

Generations change but environmental hypocrisy stays the same.