Texas A&M University Chancellor John Sharp announced they have provided land nearby to build four nuclear small modular reactors. “Plain and simple: the United States needs more power. And nowhere in the country, other than Texas, is anyone willing to step up and build the power plants we need."

Credit: Texas A&M University
He's right. The progressives of the world have spent $4 trillion mandating and subsidizing solar and wind and it has changed conventional energy's share by 0.1% - basically nothing. For $4 trillion every person in the developing world currently burning wood and dung for fuel, all 2 billion of them, could have clean centralized energy rather than be emitting pollution. Meanwhile, Europe has gone backwards and many shut down their nuclear plants, and now are forced to buy energy from the Russia they claim to oppose - and even import wood to burn from developing nations who get 'charged' the emissions under the climate scheme Europeans created.
This is a big win. If President Clinton, Senator John Kerry, and the Democratic party hadn't ended nuclear science efforts, we'd have 4th generation nuclear by now, the same way cell phones are not stuck in 1994. Instead, President Obama went so far as to put back-to-back anti-nuclear activists in charge of the Nuclear Regulatory Commission, and that was after Senator Harry Reid of Nevada blocked all President Bush judicial appointments until Bush put his anti-nuclear staffer on the panel to vote down all nuclear plans.
Instead of embracing science the way Texas has, mandating and subsidizing solar panels has led to California government increasing electricity rates 100% just in the last few years. Much like Germany has done since their nuclear plants have shut down.
Democrats shouldn't be too despondent. Their Clinton-era war on science and health can still claim victories thanks to biofuels still being subsidized by the Department of Energy, supplements still being exempt from real FDA oversight, and organic food being protected inside USDA.