While progressives scramble to rationalize President Obama's new restrictions on energy companies with everything but science (arguments instead are things like 'something had to be done' or 'it's important') actual liberals worry about even more overreach by his administration.

Harvard's Laurence Tribe, America’s foremost liberal voice on constitutional law, the man who led the campaign to vilify Robert Bork in order to keep him off the Supreme Court and then did his best to put Democrat Al Gore in the Presidency in 2000, has come down against President Obama's Environmental Protection Agency, 

Everyone predictably left-wing has turned on him for adhering to the same Constitutional principles they once lauded when he was more reliable to their scientization of politics; NPR even acted like journalists when interviewing him, something they would never have done in the past, and a fellow academic told New York magazine he is “destroying his reputation” as a constitutional theorist - whatever that even is.  The charge against him? He is a shill for Big Coal because he believes President Obama's interpretation of the Clean Air Act is a naked abuse of executive power.

So this staunch liberal now thinks NPR is comprised of “venomous snakes”, which everyone not a rich liberal elite (their media kit brags about the wealth of NPR listeners) knew for decades. 

“As I’ve said — some people said I was being a little melodramatic — I don’t think burning the Constitution instead of coal will really be a way of saving the environment.”

There is a bigger issue. 

While the wealthy elites funneling donations into the coffers of the Natural Resources Defense Council claim to care about poor people, 

And we may be rolling back generations of progress that are owed to the benefits affordable energy brings.


We're on our way to being Jamaica, where everyone drives a cab and only wealthy elites have jobs.