Smug supposedly 'pro-science' people who seem to embrace science primarily to ridicule religious people don't have all that much science understanding.  Instead, they believe science, including evolution.  Most of them know very little about adaptive radiation or any mechanism of evolution.

Fundamentalism does not just happen among religious types. But most people are not fundamentalists for or against anything, we accept science because a world made up of natural laws makes more sense than one made up of arbitrary (and conflicting) supernatural ones.

Writing at Big Think, Jeffrey Israel notes that if he were asked, “do you believe that human beings evolved millions of years ago from ancestors shared in common with gorillas and chimpanzees?” he would answer yes without much issue, even though he lacks the understanding of an evolutionary biologist, who sees a lot more power and nuance in common descent than the ordinary person.

The why of his acceptance without absolute understanding is important.  And interesting to read.  So give it a read:

What Is “Real Scientific Understanding”? by Jeffrey Israel, Big Think