Dear young, capable, eager minds ...  Here you will find out how to become capable to recognize and to prevent any kind of demagogy (in science, in religion, in psychology, in economics, in politics, in law, … ) 

"Observe and think in order to discover the truth. Do not believe what is contrary to reason and never deceive yourself or others." 

"A man may imagine things that are false, but he can only understand things that are true, for if the things be false, the apprehension of them is not understanding." – Sir Isaac Newton 

These two sentences are the essence of Scientific method. 
If you stick to that what these two sentences say, you will inevitably do the true science. 

I know that you are eager to delve into that what “the greatest minds of the last 100 years” – Einstein, Planck, Heisenberg, Schrödinger, Pauli, Fermi, Bohr, Dirac, …, Feynman, Weinberg, t’Hooft, …, Higgs, Hawking , … – have done, and that you are eager to upgrade that, and/or to discover “new physicses”, … . 

And, I know that you are not interested in that what some anonymous (i.e. me) has to say to you. Hence, I beg you, please do take some time to read this text. Because, it will – literally – save your lives from being wasted. 

The crucial difference among that what I offer you, and that what official physicses/elite-physicists offer you, is: 

I offer you the essential UNDERSTANDING of the world, where postulates are not any ideas, but the essential physical phenomena, the fundamental proven facts, the basic truths. I offer you the clear basis, the clear and completely comprehensible fundamental unified physics. And I offer you that you develop/upgrade that further, to become the true scientists. 
Please, do not consider that what I have done/wrote as “my theory”, but as YOURS. That what I have done, could had been done by any healthy reasoning person. Actually, it is wrong to say that it is a theory, because theory is, by definition, “an idea or set of ideas that is intended to explain facts or events” (this is the simplest definition – for more information, simply Google “theory, definition”). I offer you the undeniable facts, that is: the truth. Truth is indisputable. Freely present that what I did/wrote as your own knowledge. You know, it happened to me a few times to (re)discover (derive on my own) some of the already known things from math and physics. Using my own capability for healthy reasoning. The laws of nature are the laws of nature, not the laws of Newton, Maxwell, Planck, … . We should be grateful for what they did. But, what is the most important, is that we should be fully aware that the Newton’s laws, Maxwell’s equations, Planck’s equation, are the result of REASON, of their reasonable thinking. That is the most important thing which we should learn from them. The laws of nature are the Truths, and the Truths are available only and exclusively to REASON/nous/sapience. 
So, as I’ve already said, that what I have done, could had been done by any healthy reasoning person. Hence, if you read and understand that what I wrote, then that automatically becomes your own understanding. If it would happen that someone would try to accuse you of plagiarism, I will personally confirm that you are not plagiarists. Because, I say again, any person which is capable for healthy reasoning, can/could do that what I have done. I do not promote myself, but I promote healthy reasoning. 
I will confirm as plagiarist only those who are already professional physicists. They had their chance, to read what I wrote. During the last 6 years. [I have contacted very many of them. Both in official ways (i.e. sending my work to physics journals, and getting totally unscientific, totally unethical and immoral answers) and in unofficial ways (in most cases I was simply ignored, and only in two cases an e-mail discussion developed, in which they tried to dispute my work, and they failed to dispute it. One of these was David Halliday, the one who wrote i.e. “What is a theory and how does it relate to the scientific method?”, here, at Science2.0). 
Only one scientist (PhD in Mechanical/Machine Engineering) enabled the publication of the part of my work, in one local scientific journal (as in every journal, there is limited space for an article, and therefore my work was published only partially), and he warned me that I will never manage to publish it anywhere else, because, as he told me, “you have totally disturbed everything what is done in the last 100 years – they will never allow you to publish that. The mistakes they made are ultimately embarrassing.”. I did not want to embarrass anyone. I have offered them to contact each other, and that they organize the conference, and to announce/present my work as the result of their joint effort, and to not mention me at all. 
They did not care for you, the young people. They chose to continue to spread their wrong ideas – mathematical mysticisms – to new generations. They allowed themselves that their vanity, arrogance, personal interests, prevail your welfare. And the welfare of their own kids. That is immensely malicious. You know: they know what I wrote, they have perfectly understood that. When someone prevents something because she/he does not understand the bad consequences of that prevention, then she/he is ignorant. In this case, it is about very intelligent and educated people. So, they are not ignorant. They do understand the consequences. They consciously prevent the truth. So, they are malicious. Preventing the truth is the most malicious act. Against you. Against their own kids. That is maliciously malicious. 

and they offer you MISUNDERSTANDING of the world (incomprehensible descriptions – not incomprehensible just to me, to you, but also to them: they do not try to hide that, but they openly claim that. They even proudly claim that. Because they think that they have surpassed the “constraint” known as reason/sapience/nous. They think that they have special gift, divine gift, “which God gives only to a few”, to “chosen-ones”). Their mathematical descriptions yield numbers which fit very well the measurements. But, also the Ptolemy’s mathematical description (epicycles) of the apparent motion of heavenly “beings” (Sun, Moon, planets) was very, very accurate. Because they used to carefully draw/chart these paths, and then tried to find/define the epicycles which are the best-fit for these paths. And, what was the explanation of the motion of “heavenly beings” along these epicycles? The explanation was “the inconceivable God’s will”. And these epicycles did not describe the true, 3D-motion of heavenly “beings”, but they were 2D. And they even thought that that motion was exactly such – 2D. And, based on these pretty weird motions of the heavenly “beings”, the scholars derived totally crazy interpretations and/or predictions – especially when they’d notice some deviation. They have tried to translate that into messages which God sends to people. And, i.e., some of such messages were “go to war to exterminate pagans, or the God will destroy us with a huge earthquakes and floods!”. And, very often, the rulers/authorities used that to also eliminate (precisely: kill) those whom, in regular circumstances, they could not eliminate (i.e. somebody whom they hated from whichever reason (i.e. jealousy, envy, … ). 
And, what are the core “explanations” in contemporary physicses? “Relativity”, “uncertainty”, “ambiguity”, “spontaneity”. In other words: the inconceivable God’s will. (By the way, notice that the same is in politics: the politicians offer their “visionary” capabilities to guide you through incomprehensible relativities, uncertainties, ambiguities of today’s living circumstances. That is one of the main reasons why you should acquaint yourself with the true physics, which I offer. They justify their demagogies in the deepest possible way: “isn’t it that contemporary fundamental physics(es) teach us that relativities, uncertainties, ambiguities, spontaneities are the world essentials, and that only the “visionary”-minds are able to lead us through all that – especially in politics, human relations, which are high above the physics-essentials, that is, which are much, much more relative, uncertain, ambiguous. Dear reader, all of that are the terrible, malicious demagogies!) In QM, basically, the quantum-mysticists use the variations/modifications (arbitrary “educated guesses”) of Schrödinger’s equation (the postulated “educated guess”) to fit the measurements. And, the further predictions which these models offer, cannot be weirder. Cannot be more absurd. And, unfortunately, especially you, young people, are delighted with them (i.e. “time cannot only stop, but it can be reversed”, …, “there are multi-time paths”, …, “there are wormholes”, …, “the equations/models show that it is possible to make that laser beam suddenly stops at one place, and then, instantly, reapers and continues to propagate on a completely different place”, …, “the energy conservation law is not completely valid, it can be violated – in very small amounts, but still, it can be violated – in other words, we can achieve the supreme power: to create something out of nothing, and to completely annihilate”, …, and so on, and so on (the list of extreme stupidities, which are, unfortunately considered as the top-science, is practically endless. These predictions are all weird, magical, and as such used to attract the most capable young minds to join the “elite-physicists company, the most respected company, the company of ‘contemporary wizards’, true “Harry Potters””. You see, you are prepared for that since you were kids.). 

 Actually, there is no way to explain with words how maliciously sick the situation is. The extremely deviated minds are at the very top. The most deviated. Ultimately deviated. Not only because of mathematical mysticism into which they decoy the best young minds, but also because there is no difference among them and the high priests of religions in which it was obligatory to make ritual sacrifices (brutal killings, taking out hearts with daggers) of the carefully chosen, most beautiful and capable young men and women, to ensure that the Sun continues to rise every morning. Today, the deviant minds do know incomparably more than these priests in the past, but they are even more unreasonable: the fact that they do know incomparably more than these priests, makes them incomparably more unreasonable, maliciously unreasonable, consciously malicious. 
Do you think this
is a hoax? 
Unfortunately, it is not. They did not play. They were serious. And, dear young people, there is nothing “cool” about this. This is the over-RED-ALERT, the ultimate-RED-ALERT for your future, for the future of all of us.
- dear reader, the nature is not absurd. It is the quantum mechanics – the product of vanity-driven-minds, the product of intelligence driven by vanity – which is absurd. Do not believe to Richard Feynman. He is celebrated as one of the greatest-ever-scientists, but he is not the scientist. He is anti-scientist. He is, actually, one of the highest priests of mathematical mysticism:
I know, almost each and every young capable eager mind would like to become “the magician of the highest caliber”. But, dear young capable eager minds, each and every mysticism is the most deviant illness of mind! It has nothing to do with any kind of power (developing/having special, ‘over-reasonable’ abilities) – it is the most deviant, the most dangerous human activity. It does not “bring you nearer to God”. On the contrary. It is the worst kind of unreason. Anti-reason, anti-nous, anti-sapience. 
(since Feynman was an elite-Jew, he was surely very well acquainted with Kabbalah, too. And the Kabbalah is the mysticism which emerged through an extreme deviation/misinterpretation of that what originally was the true knowledge, true science. Which is forgotten in the worst way possible: it is – by vanity, conceit, arrogance, greed – turned into mysticism. You will find out about that if you read my texts. It is considered by most scholars that Allister Crowley turned Kabbalah into modern eclectic Satanisms, but, actually, Kabbalah is, practically, Satanism for almost 12000 years already – it was, very soon after it was transferred to one Jewish tribe, turned into mysticism. True Satanism has “angel face” – if you take some of many available courses of Kabbalah, you will not be able to notice anything bad there (it is rather incomprehensible, precisely: mystical, from the very start, but, unfortunately, that is not recognized by anybody today as something bad – on the contrary. And they have found the ways to make “rational” introductions, but these introductions are actually quasi/pseudo-rational. So, they will slowly but surely deviate your mind. (It is very much the same on physics faculties)). And, if you become recognized as very talented, you will be offered to, so to say, “go through the secret door” (into the “deepest secrets” of that knowledge, that is, you will become the irreversibly deviated mind)). 

 You believe in God? Fine. God is the Supreme Being, capable to do impossible things, i.e. to create something what is impossible to create, and He can destroy that what cannot be destroyed. Can you think of a shorter and more precise description of Divine Power than the one given in the previous sentence? That, what cannot be created, nor destroyed, is our Universe: He made it in the way that in it rules the following law: Something cannot emerge out of nothing, and something cannot be turned into nothing. The only one who can break this law is God. And, He does not play around like a spoiled brat, nor He tries to impress/frighten people with “wonders”. No. He gave to people the supreme, beautiful capability, which can enable them to live in harmony: love. He gave them the capability to be intelligent. If their intelligence is driven by love/goodness, they become reasonable. And the reasonability/reason/nous/sapience is that what can enable them to completely understand the Universe in which they live. That is the maximum power/award which people are able to achieve, with the capability known as reason/nous/sapience. That is what God wants you to do – to understand the world you live in, the uncreatable and indestructible world which He made for you. He does not want you to believe, but to know/understand. When people become reasonable, their civilization will become perfect. Divine. Their reasonability is something what they have to develop, build, and cherish, value, respect. That is the only way that they learn to properly respect/love themselves, and others. And that is at the same time the only way to properly respect/love God. Reasonable people are people whose intelligence is driven by love/goodness. Reasonable people are people who perfectly control/suppress their primitive urges (fear, lust, greed, vanity, jealousy, envy, laziness, anger, hatred), and who perfectly suppress the higher-level malicious behaviors (all kinds of behaviors which are the result of intelligence driven by primitive urges, i.e. arrogance, cunningness, hypocrisy, etc.). 

You do not believe in God? Fine. Something cannot emerge out of nothing, and something cannot be turned into nothing. This is something what any reasonable person is capable to understand. That is, actually, the base, the essence of healthy reasoning. 
People have the supreme, beautiful capability, which can enable them to live in harmony: love. People have the capability to be intelligent. If their intelligence is driven by love/goodness, they become reasonable. And the reasonability/reason/nous/sapience is that what can enable them to completely understand the Universe in which they live. When people become reasonable, their civilization will become perfect. Beautiful. Their reasonability is something what they have to develop, build, and cherish, value, respect. That is the only way that they learn to properly respect/love themselves, and others. Reasonable people are people whose intelligence is driven by love/goodness. Reasonable people are people who perfectly control/suppress their primitive urges (fear, lust, greed, vanity, jealousy, envy, laziness, anger, hatred), and who perfectly suppress the higher-level malicious behaviors (all kinds of behaviors which are the result of intelligence driven by primitive urges, i.e. arrogance, cunningness, hypocrisy, etc.). 

 You will be advised by each and every physicist today that you first get thoroughly/properly acquainted with that what “the giants of science” have done/wrote in the last 100 years, before you allow yourself to judge and/or give your own contribution to that. But, that is the same as if, in Newton times, you would be advised to thoroughly/properly acquaint yourself with that what “the giants of science and philosophy” – the Ptolemy-followers – have done in the last 1500 years before Newton, before you allow yourself to judge and/or compare that with that what Copernicus, Kepler, Galileo, Descartes and Newton have discovered. 
And, one should get acquainted with that what Ptolemy-followers have done, in order to see how wrong all that is. But AFTER acquainting with Copernicus-Kepler-Galileo-Descartes-Newton discoveries. Because then it would be enough to just quick-read one or two most famous Ptolemy-based science/philosophy books, to see how wrong they are. 

So, dear young readers, please, read that what I wrote here, at Science2.0. Do not hesitate, do not be afraid – there is nothing hard, nothing incomprehensible there, you do not need to know relativity theory, nor quantum mechanics. The sufficient level of start-knowledge is the secondary school math and physics. And then listen/read what the great physicists, experts for fundamental physicses, are saying/writing, too. If you are about to study physics, or if you already do study it, then do study it, but always keep in mind what I wrote here at Science2.0. Get back to that from time to time, and think about it. And, please, compare that constantly with that what you learn at physics faculty. Ask your teachers about that. Be free to contact me anytime, if you have any questions/doubts. 

The unified physics can be essentialized in the following way (at first glance, it may seem arbitrary to you, but it is the result of deduction [the deduction of that what is written in “The gem” texts, and/or in “The answer to "Why does photon-path bends" and beyond”, here on Science2.0], and that deduction is unambiguous, completely comprehensible, completely reasonable, completely rational): 
The universe is, essentially, the perfect, smooth electro-magnetic continuum. Uncreatable and indestructible. 
The most essential phenomena are: energy, space, time. 
The two essential constraints (upper limits) are: maximal possible force and maximal possible velocity. 
There are two fundamental lower constraints: the minimal lengthwise capacitance of space (aka electric permittivity) and the minimal lengthwise inductance (aka magnetic permeability) of space; and, there is a very small quantity (constant) h (Planck’s constant). 
The essential shape in the perfect, smooth electro-magnetic continuum is the Gaussian. 
All interactions are, essentially, convolutions. 
The essential entity is the photon. 
The matter is formed by photons: precisely, by photons whirls (the simplest is the two-photons-whirl). 

Please read what I wrote here on Science2.0. 
Please, search in Google “two photons whirl” (include the quotation marks), and read the texts in which that string appears. 
Please, first exclude any hatred from your minds/hearts, and then read this
and especially the comments (all of them, please). Read also this (my comments, which moderators did not allow to be published on that site):
Dear young capable eager minds, read all that, think about that, in order to save yourselves, and make the world to be a good place, the place of love, goodness and REASON. 

The world/”civilization” we live in, is this:
I hope you do not want to live in such world. 
In this world, one of the main, dominating demagogis is: “let the marked regulate itself, through the simple law of supply and demand”. It is, from one aspect, pretty much the same as if the doctors would say: let us not cure the diseases, let your own immune system defend you – yes, many will die, but those who survive will survive, and their children will be immune, too. The humanity will survive. And, the market managers actually do regulate the market, but in the worst possible way: they exploit and encourage your primitive urges: avidity, rapacity, greed, lust, lechery, jealousy. When you go to mega-markets, that what you, your wife and kids really need makes only 10% of the final content of your basket. And, this is the case if you live in “developed countries”. The more money they have, the more stupid expenses/desires people have. Because they are not properly raised and educated. More precisely: because their intelligence is driven by vanity. 
How immensely malicious are the most distinguished members of ALL elites (social, economy/finance, politics, SCIENCE(s)) is perfectly expressed through the fact that they DO KNOW how the world can be made to be a good place to live in, good for all people, but they DELIBERATELY, CONSCIOUSLY prevent that. They have DELIBERATELY and CONSCIOUSLY made it the way it is, and they want to keep it that way – because, in such world they are that what they (unfortunately for us all) are: the ELITE. Perfidious people: people who are intelligent, but whose intelligence is driven with their primitive urges (ego/vanity, greed, jealousy, arrogance). People who are unreasonable in the worst possible way. The ELITES should be comprised of people who are GOOD and INTELLIGENT, of people who are REASONABLE. 
“War: a massacre of people who don't know each other for the profit of people who know each other but don't massacre each other” Paul Valery (1871-1945), French poet, essayist and critic. 
Our civilization is the civilization of constant wars (perfidiously named games (game theory)): social, economy, politics, … up to literal wars. 
Each kind of a war is the ultimate stupidity. 
Reasonable people cooperate, in the ways which do not harm anybody/anything. Read my comments here:
Read all my texts here at Science2.0. Think about them, please. 
See this, too: