Until the advent of the CCA Cosmology hypothesis the sciences of Quantum Mechanics and Evolution were kept at a distance from each other because it seemed that these two existed independent of each other.  This was because, among other things, one has dependence mostly with “small” time durations while the other dealt with“large” (continuous) durations.  And neither could account for time durations larger than the age of the universe.  Also, it seemed that QM and Evolution by themselves, or combined are not adequate enough to support each other as extensions of a single theory. When the CCA Cosmology came along and can be considered as a candidate for General Theory of Cosmology, it brought with it both infinite and finite time and space and how these theories correlate together and even with us,intelligent beings.  By CCA Cosmology our universe is considered as a QM system and the quantum mechanical aspect is seamlessly continued to the Evolution events even if they are not what we consider as pure physical. When examined both QM and Evolution use probabilities in defining events.  CCA allowed a quantum mechanical treatment of the universe and what is within it to change as evolution. This CCA Cosmology hypothesis allows the merger of conservation rules with randomness and probabilities and “infinite durations so that a Sympan, which is “all there is”, can cause a Cosmos (our universe) to exist as it is and as we are.  From thepostulate (see CCA hypothesis, Science 2.0 forums) one can separate the“before” our universe and the after.  Byuse of both QM and Evolution via CCA Cosmology, applied to the Sympan before and to the Aylon and Cosmos after, it becomes possible to define the how of the cause of the Cosmos and understand the evolution of us and our universe. 

By CCA Cosmology our universe is a quantum system that can be evolved by probabilities of given attributes (collapsing wavefunctions in the Cosmos) thatmay and could have their origins in the pre-Cosmos “epochs”. 

                        |ySympan>  =         |Fattributes >              

One of theattributes of the Sympan is the “causing” of the perturbation within the infinite 4-d(?) Sympan (as Operator event, Achronon entity of the 2ndkind) that causes the Sympan to be divided into the infinite Aylon and thefinite Cosmos.  The Sympan Universal wavefunction can be “simply” represented as: 

                        |ySympan>=  |yAylon>+ |yCosmos1>  + (?) …..

Prior to the discontinuity (our universe) and time start, all the wave functions could be equated to probability of one, because they are all “virtual” and Achronon (considered as having infinite time yet “instantaneous”) but after time starts the probabilities within the Cosmos become interdependent and obey the standard quantum mechanical causal behavior.

             |yCosmos>  = |yobject> |yobject> |yobject>….   |fobject>

The universal wavefunction(s) for the Sympan prior to the perturbation can virtually include not only the universal wavefunctions of both the Aylon (which is Sympan minus Cosmos) and the Cosmos but possibly all the possible wavefunctions, or the “essence” (by defined rules) of all entities possible.  Since the Sympan is timeless (Achronon)these wavefunctions are static and cannot be “collapsed” for an observation ifthere is no Cosmos.   This may not be too different from the concept of Plato’s “ideal” or the essence of all objects which is not the material entity but the concept of the entity which may be the reality.  This concept of Plato’s ideal is interesting because one can consider the idea, or the concept, or the essence of an object as the specific wavefunction describing the item and its state.  This wavefunction until it is collapsed within the Cosmos only gives probabilities of the state of the object and is not the observable object until it is observed, but can define the object.  The observable object whether a dead or alive cat or a red or blue chair can only become real to us when the eigenvalues are “found” and observed (an Operator event, the Copenhagen interpretation is used mostly except for the First Prime Wavefunction).Similarly, the attributes for the Sympan or any object can be defined as quantum mechanical orthogonal states or “qualities” of the Sympan or object that cannot be measured or expressed (collapsed) prior to the perturbation that causes time and making observables possible. Past, present and future time for CCA Cosmology has some esoteric nuances that are not “standard” assignments. Since we only measure the change or reference of something with respect to something else and time, if nothing can be measured, it can still exist in the Sympan, but it is not directly accessible until the Cosmos happens.

To evolve our universe to the present (only the Cosmos) there is one attribute that for now must be barrowed, because assigning this specificattribute to only the finite Cosmos (our universe) presents difficulties.   For now it is taken as given and is the attribute of LIFE, or attribute “L". The use of CCACosmology with the Quantum mechanics and Evolution theories for our universe assumes a quantum mechanical system (QM does not restrict size) and as if a“Field of Beneficial Emergence” is permeating the universe as a directive.  One can think of this in a similar fashion asa gravity or other Physics field, but neutral to “Physical probing”.  One can use randomness, probabilities, or choices for evolutionary events, but the primary cosmic driving force is time and cause life to strive for reaching its “Ultimate Complexity” and avoid“non-live” once life happens.  The concept of Emergence and Entropy with time assures progressive beneficial evolution but seems to be destined for truncation because the Cosmos is finite and not eternal and the intelligence technology lags behind the Cosmos inhospitality to such intelligence.  This of course poses the question that cannot be answered by the Cosmos and is “then why the Cosmos?” 

Whatever the cause for the Cosmos and our existenceis, it is not assumed here and only possible evolution is taken after the physical universe or Cosmos by whatever cause is here.  The following assumes an undefined emergent life attribute.  The summation equation presents emergent iterations which can be considered as iterations of the defining eigenvalues.


Sn(S)DÎS  => S (Life attributes)

Such an equation obviously indicates alimit even perhaps to the Cosmos expansion and age (Cosmos ends orre-collapses?) but can allow the living entity to attain its Ultimate Complexity given an infinite number of emergent iterations. Infinities however exist only within the Sympan/Aylon and not within the Cosmos. Of course it can be shown that for an Achronon entity such iterations can be called “simultaneous”and the probability for any eigenvalues becomes one for any non-zero wavefunction.

For the Cosmos this could indicate that every emergent iteration DÎ, can be automatically sorted with net cumulative beneficial complexity.  They can also be truncated at any level of agiven number of iterations or at a specific threshold.   For life and living entities thisrelationship of the residents of the Cosmos can be presented as some “emergent mass”(Î) with operations<E> of iterations m on a large numberof subsystems until a combination causes a net beneficial result.  For the life attribute perhaps a special unknown “Bios” element, L-field is also added to cause existence of life and it can be as:

 Sn1Î1 e Sn2Î2e  ………SÎDL  => Bios (Strong Emergence from                                            inanimateto alive)

This may be a “directive” or a permeating field for the entire Cosmos where this field of beneficial emergence is the bias during the collapsing ofthe wavefunction for each iteration.  The rest of the beneficial emergent events follow with mostly weak emergence iterations. Some major milestones are:

            SnΠe  => Self-Awareness (Strong Emergence ? From alive to self-aware)                                                     

            SmΠe  => Intelligence (Weak Emergence from self-aware to                intelligence)                                      

After many iterations the CCA hypothesis results in the following beneficial emergence attributes for the Cosmos residents. 


We exist              

We are part of the Cosmos (made of star stuff)

We have achieved life

We have achieved self-awareness

We have achieved intelligence

We have proven there exists a path from inanimate Cosmos toanimated intelligence (field?)

We have achieved technology

We can achieve Global Cosmic Conscious by our technology;  given enough time


This evolution is possible because of the interactions of the finite and infinite qualities of the CCA Cosmology by the Sympan/Aylon/Cosmos and interpreted by quantum mechanical behavior and evolutionary results. The CCA Cosmology therefore can deal with concepts entirely of Physics and Cosmology and also have possible explanations for the paths of Evolution.