Legal or not, marijuana is a drug just like alcohol, and it includes the toxic smoke of cigarettes.
I am not a social authoritarian progressive so I won't tell you how to behave just because my health insurance premiums went up so 50,000,000 others could get it cheaper, but you absolutely should not be smoking marijuana around kids. It ain't the 1980s, hippie.

If you must give yourself cancer the rest of us will have to pay higher costs to treat, at least do it when the grandkids aren't visiting.
A new study by UC San Diego analyzed the smoking habits in San Diego County. The youngest child (median age of three years) in 275 households was tested for cannabis biomarker detection in their urine. The results were that a whopping 69% had detectable cannabis biomarker levels. Forget the carcinogenic impact of the smoke itself on users, it's burning plants and paper at a time when people are trying to get away from wildfire smoke so that's obviously harmful. Activists claim virtual pollution like PM2.5 is a worry, and while second-hand smoke isn't known to give anyone lung cancer it is still smoke, and marijuana for three-year-olds is so risky it's hard not to be shocked.
What to do? California isn't going to ban it when they passed laws legalizing it so that they could gain tax revenues Mexican drug cartels did not pay, but there has to be more that can be done.
Government is throwing money at ending the vaping fad that was never an epidemic, and California just spent another $25 million to try and shelter illegal immigrants from being deported (at least until they are needed for census totals), so surely the government can caution parents with the reality that just because their marijuana was grown locally by some mom-and-pop group, it is not healthy.