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Prop 65 Is A California Gimmick That Raises Prices For The Poor

Proposition 65 was a voter referendum that stated if a chemical was correlated to cancer, it needed...

Chocolate Is A Treat - It's Not An 'Antioxidant' Or Anything Except Valentine's Day Candy

Ignore epidemiology claims that chocolate is healthy. It is not, claiming it is requires the same...

When Told Lower Incomes Mean Less School Funding, College Students Become More Liberal

So many people want to move to the United States of America because virtually anyone who arrives...

Yellowstone Wolves: Good For Urban Environmentalists, Bad For Everyone Else

A new analysis claims that crown volume of stream-side shrubs is a key metric for evaluating trophic...

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I founded Science 2.0® in 2006 and since then it has become the world's largest independent science communications site, with over 300,000,000 direct readers and reach approaching one billion. Read More »

Hims Inc., rebranded as Hims  &  Hers Health, Inc. after they went public in 2020, began as a telehealth company for erectile dysfunction and hair loss products.

No real issue there, the products are well-established and a phone call or website consultation is more convenient and far faster than visiting a doctor's office in the modern Obamacare milieu. It's entering the compounded glucagon-like peptide 1 agonists (GLP-1) injections market that got them new scrutiny.
While talking to farmers in Illinois on September 25th, 1956 who were concerned about increased government encroachment and regulations brought on by the descendants of eugenicists who had founded "environmental" groups like Sierra Club to promote their beliefs(1), President Dwight D. Eisenhower told them,  “Farming looks mighty easy when your plow is a pencil, and you're a thousand miles from the corn field”
Are young people dying off en masse or are predatorts at environmental groups who prey on public gullibility rending their holistic shaman-blessed hemp garments because a wave of improving public health has spread across America?
As we approach the fifth anniversary of the COVID-19 lockdowns, there has been ample time to look at what went wrong, and perhaps how we didn't learn much from history.

There are many examples and while politicians ignored it, storytellers have not. In "The Division" game, for example, eco-terrorists spread their pathogen using cash. That made sense. If you are a zealot, disease can do what eugenics and population control efforts did not; get rid of a lot of poor and minority people without controversy, and no one can be blamed because disease is both egalitarian and exculpatory.

Unless it isn't.
The US Environmental Protection Agency estimates about 35 million tons of plastics are generated just in America, and 12.% of that becomes is garbage like plastic containers and bags and even appliances.

Sorry folks, politicians in states like California who insist it's being recycled are lying to you, scientists know better. What really happens to plastic, even if your government is shipping it to China to be "recycled" is landfilling and incineration. A new study finds that measuring how much carbon dioxide a potential chemical looping system would pump out compared to conventional processes to produce synthesis gas could reduce emissions by up to 45.
Yesterday, the Senate confirmed former Congressman Lee Zeldin to lead the Environmental Protection Agency. Though the Trump administration has promised reform, there will be big challenges in that. Though high-profile jobs are appointees, the nuts-and-bolts work of governance is done by career employees, and nearly 90 percent of them are Democrats.