Wetzler is situated near Gissen too. Wetzler is famous for optics Carl Zeiss and Leica are from here.  Our friend of 35 years took us there . Goethe the famous poet lived in Wetzlar for about three months.

During his period came a famous story of
a girl. I cant go into details of the story as its hard to verify the truth. However but famous poet left Wetzler after three months. Some people say as a broken heart as the girl he fell in love was already had a boy friend whom she did not leave though her bf even offered that she should leave him . A town of great lovers. Please dont ascribe this story to my site as I am no expert in history and more so in history of love found or lost.
Look at the beautiy of the city and admire its surroundings. Wetzler is not only best industrial town for optics in the world but has a very rich heritage.