Dr P.K. Tewari  made observation that AN  un noticed dehydration in Rajasthan especially in Jaipur even when one sits under roof at home with fan running . The sign of dehydration is dry skin , face, and arms and legs, drying of tounge are some of the common symptoms of dehydration. Skin and tounge are the most sensitive index of dehydration Please take upto 5 to 7 litres of water if you are in Rajsthan or travelling in semi arid or arid regions to survive. The air in Haridwar has natural moisture while in Rajsthan the dry air due to excessive deforestation and lcak of plants ( Total forest area under 9 percent) the moisture in air is less. The lack vegetation results in dry air which when touches the body it takes moisture from the skin and makes it further dry. The dress of Saudi Arabia protects its people from dryness. Covering face and body by lots of people on road in Rajasthan will also protect the persons from drying and dehydration. However wearing jeans and tight fitting clothes will make body warmer and favour more dehydration.

A lay man can detect his dehydration by the colour of urine also

It its yello dark in a non medicated person he should take more water so that the colour of urine becomes colourless.

Plants are essential for our survival and if we raise plants it will provide rain, protect soil from degradation, result in moisture conservation in soil and air .

Green Rajasthan is essential for human survival especially in drier climates. If you have to remain healthy and feel good raise plants for your own survival . Support the Govt of Rajasthan plan for planting trees at school level college level and universtiy level and for the soul of diseased Let person be remembered by the plant in his name planted by all family members