Alva-Amco Pharmacal Companies, Inc. is recommending that parents give their children a placebo - something real doctors would never do. The product they are selling is called Nauzene and they are promoting it for gastroenteritis, the inflammation of the stomach and intestinal tract that can cause nausea, vomiting, diarrhea and abdominal cramping and is commonly called "stomach flu."

The manufacturers say it will relieve upset stomach "without the added risk of salicylates found in some other remedies that can cause health issues in young children." They also say it is paraben-free and Free of artificial flavors or dyes.

It is also free of any actual medicine. That seems pricey for $9.99 but if you are one of the rich elites who believe in homeopathy (they may have express shipping to Manhattan and the beaches of the west cost) cost is no object and you can also bundle in their wellness-based skin cream and long-distance-healing-based pain relief.