LONDON, March 23, 2011 /PRNewswire/ -- As the NHS embarks upon widespread transformation, organisational and structural change is in the first throes of implementation. PCT clusters are being formed, GP pathfinders have been selected and, individually, healthcare organisations are looking at the best ways to support this era of radical reform, whilst simultaneously trying to achieve efficiency savings.

If the vision of joined-up cooperation with PCTs, local authorities and, especially, the transition to GP consortia, is to be successful, the existing NHS data glut must be transformed into valuable insight and information along the lines of that established by Bexley and its GPs. This one-day workshop offers GP pathfinders, SHAs and PCTs the opportunity to discuss the present challenges they face and offers guidance on how to facilitate change as the timetable for NHS evolution gathers momentum.

The driving force behind the workshop is Bexley Care Trust; a forward-thinking healthcare organisation, which was one of the first to be granted GP pathfinder status. Bexley has built upon its established principles of practice-based commissioning and, with the support of a powerful informatics solution from MedeAnalytics, has delivered 10 million pounds Sterling in cost savings to the NHS, whilst increasing quality and delivering award-winning improvements in cardiac and diabetes care.

A panel of leading clinicians and practitioners from the Trust will be on hand to deliver expert advice and share best practice on the role of information in NHS transformation. Key speakers will include Dr. Sid Deshmukh, clinical lead for Bexley Care Trust, and Charmaine Stephens, business development manager for Bexley Health Limited, who will aim to address key topics including:

-- How to create the right local environments for GP-led commissioning -- A guide to PCTs and SHAs engaging local practices in a shared vision of healthcare provisions -- The role of information in facilitating and supporting changes in clinical practice

Stephens, who has been the MedeAnalytics lead at Bexley for the last two years, comments, "Data is readily available, meaningful information is not. MedeAnalytics has enabled Bexley to turn data into powerful information that can be immediately accessed, put into practice and shared across Bexley, and I am looking forward to sharing our experience with all those who attend."

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