SAO PAULO, Brazil, October 7 /PRNewswire/ --

- There are more than 1.5 million open source Insigne OS users on PCs manufactured by SEMP Toshiba, Kelow, Kennex, Mirax and Qbex, and the expectation is to reach 2 million in 2008

When Brazil announced its Digital Inclusion program called "Computador para Todos" (Computer for Everyone) in November 2005, the goal was to offer the population computers with a free operating system and computer programs for Internet access, sending/receiving e-mails, and listening and recording music, among others.

Insigne, the first company to offer a free OS for home desktops since 2002, is the key player in "Computador para Todos" with the Insigne OS, which has contributed to the creation of the "Popular PC" in Brazil.

"It has been hard but pleasant work reaching 1.5 million families," says Joao Pereira da Silva Jr., Insigne's CEO. "Brand-new users considered the system very friendly, and the other systems' former users expressed admiration and a desire to migrate to Insigne. We are motivated to improve the Insigne OS to increase our market share."

According to Pereira, one of the main reasons for achieving these results is the full support program Insigne has offered manufacturers and retailers, the first point of contact for new users who go shopping.

"When we launched the first desktop open source OS, we were very close to store salesmen," says Pereira. "We have also built up a modern training center in Sao Paulo," he said.

Pereira confirms the strategy will lead Insigne to the target of 2 million computers with their OS, including home desktops, laptops and compact notebooks/netbooks by the end of the year.

Insigne had already trained more than 5,000 salesmen/promoters since the beginning of the "Computador para Todos" program. "When the salesman knows what he is offering, his ability to answer questions and convince the costumer is much greater. Whoever goes to a store looking for information prior to buying wants to look the salesman in the eyes and feel confident enough to make his decision. Insigne guarantees customer satisfaction and complete legality so no one will need to change the Insigne OS for an illegal Windows version, which poses many problems and risks," he said.

More information:

Press Contact Wilians Geminiano FonteMidia Américas +55(11)2743-6722 / 9869-3943 e-mail

Wilians Geminiano, FonteMidia Américas, +55-11-2743-6722 or +55-11-9869-3943,