Here is a list of Windows 10 Hits and Misses, points which I consider a good point or a area still in need of work.   Right now it is mostly hits.  Over time I will find and post the misses. 

The start menu/screen transition is now a smooth and sensible continuum from a mouse friendly start menu to a finger friendly start screen.  If one has a convertible tablet PC like the Surface Pro this matters. 

If you have the Surface Pro 3 you have the pen.  When one clicks the button on top in Windows 8.1 it launches one note.  Click twice you get a screen shot.    That behavior is mostly back in Windows 10's latest build. 

CORTANA is a hit so far.  She does not say my name quite right but then almost no one does.  I can't tell her say my name as in Pocahontas but without the poca.

Upgrade process.  The upgrade process from Windows 8.1 to Windows 10 preserved all my applications.  Vmware Player and all my Linux applications are available and functioning. 


While the core function of being able to click the  button on top of the Surface Pro 3's Pen and get straight to one note is back......  The most interesting version of this, waking the pen from sleep and doing this on a lock screen without having to log in is gone.  The use case of having to quickly take notes is a very real one for those of us who buy a device like this.  I hope it is back in the final version.