What can be really said about the physical origin and the ultimate nature of the properties of matter described by Quantum Mechanics? Is Quantum Mechanics really an ultimate fundamental property of matter and a law of Nature, or is it actually a consequence of a deeper (preonic) dynamics that generates its content and formalism?  In two recent papers, Quantum Mechanics and the Spinorial Space-Time and Quantum Mechanics, preonic vacuum and space-time contradiction, that are part of the material presented at the ICNFP 2015 Conference, I have tried to develop a precise answer to this question.

The basic idea is that a contradiction between:
- the arrow of time as seen locally by the ultimate constituents of matter (preons) inside the vacuum
- and the cosmic and macroscopic time,
forces the vacuum dynamics to forbid continuous motion of the standard particles, called nowadays "elementary" but actually made of preonic matter. The space-time contradiction between the preonic vacuum and the macroscopic world would lead to an overlap between particle structure functions "centered" at different times. The structures thus produced can turn out to be incompatible with the basic vacuum dynamics that produces a single solution "centered" at a given time.

Then, continuous motion will be impossible. A discrete motion with various possible paths will be the only possible evolution for standard particles, leading to a situation close to that described by the Feynman path integral at larger time and distance scales. Quantum Mechanics would thus be generated if the ultimate constituents of matter inside the vacuum have their own, local, view of space-time independent of the cosmic macroscopic one.

My poster contribution to ICNFP 2015 Spinorial Space-Time and the origin of Quantum Mechanics:
presented an example based on the spinorial space-time. But the potentialities of the basic mechanism suggested are actually more general, as pointed out in my plenary session talk Big Bang, inflation, standard Physics... and the potentialities of new Physics and alternative cosmologies:

In this context, the search for free superbradyons (superluminal preons) becomes an important experimental subject, as we expect the critical speed of preons to be much larger than that of standard particles, just as the speed of light is much larger than that of sound. A superbradyonic vacuum can provide a natural explanation for quantum entanglement.

The articles Quantum Mechanics and the Spinorial Space-Time and Quantum Mechanics, preonic vacuum and space-time contradiction are also available at the addresses of the Mathematical Physics Archive of the University of Texas at Austin:


More details will be given in a series of forthcoming articles on this blog. See also my two contributions to the ICNFP 2014 Conference http://www.epj-conferences.org/articles/epjconf/abs/2015/14/contents/contents.html :

BICEP2, Planck, spinorial space-time, pre-Big Bang.
On the possible origin of primordial CMB B-modes and gravitational waves. Potentialities of alternative cosmologies and open questions.


Tests and prospects of new physics at very high energy.
Beyond the standard basic principles, and beyond conventional matter and space-time. On the possible origin of Quantum Mechanics.

                                                                     Luis Gonzalez-Mestres