While everyone panicked about NASA's
arsenic announcement, TechDirt informs us that a
TechDirt brings word that "Woman Claims Legal Loophole Means She Now Owns The Sun... And She Wants You To Pay Up". Citing the
UK DailyMail and using the same logic that makes
Dennis Hope rich with his claim of owning the moon, Angeles Duran claims she's the first to file ownership and thus owns the Sun.
Problems loom for Sun Empress Duran, however. First, a reader claims earlier rights:
I claimed the sun, along with a friend, almost ten years ago using the same loophole. This woman is a tad late. @Marc Abfleet The loophole is that exact treaty. It was not ratified by the majority of the members of the United Nations, and all of the world superpowers (if I remember correctly) refused to ratify it. Anyways, we did this in college via certified return-receipt mail as a joke. - Peter Anania, Orlando, United States, 1/12/201
Meanwhile, others suggest a class action suit, as Ms. Duran's property is responsible for their sunburn and skin cancer. Still others request that she turn it off, as they do not wish to pay for her services. Finally, one enterprising fellow has noted he claimed the region of space between Earth and Sun and thus she needs to negotiate easements if she wishes to deliver sunlight through his property.

Project Calliope, sponsored by Science 2.0, in 2011
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