A New Theory of Everything That Sets Scalars Equal To Tensors Looks Like Nonsense.

If your theory of everything has tensors set equal to scalars then it is wrong. Simply put...

Robert Zubrin's Credible Proposal to Save the ISS From Destruction.

Robert Zubrin, a great Aerospace Engineer and advocate for human space exploration, has a credible...

The Northern Lights Seen As Far South As Arizona. G5 Magnetic Storm To Continue Through Sunday.

The northern lights as one would expect and see them if they were in the frozen reaches of Canada...

DEI Without Compromise: Embracing Diversity in the LISA Global Scientific Collaboration. A ESA NASA Project.

Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) have become buzzwords often debated within the United States...

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My research focuses on astrophysics from massive star formation to astroparticle physics. Born and raised in Chicagoland I have lived in Bellwood, IL since 1984 and attended public schools here... Read More »

Brian Cox and Jeff Forshaw commented to the effect that it's wrong in some professional or moral way to blog about science.  (How odd coming from a man who presents science on TV, and another man who authors books.)  Others have posted thoughtful measured responses;I will now proceed to say the impolitic things that only a “hero outside of science”, beholden to almost no one could get away with.  Thus I will demonstrate one of the main benefits of this open medium.  

Here I will give you a rundown of papers that have made it to pre-print which point out these errors.  Much will be written about CERN’s latest numbers, allot of it will not spend much time on “systematic errors”, here are a few examples.   CERN's setup having systematic errors is not what makes them wrong, that they did not recognize these things does.

The postulate of special relativity, which in common terms means that no particle can travel faster than the speed of light, has been tested and shown to be correct in literally billions of measurements.  So the scientists at CERN who report measuring neutrino's moving faster than light are either WRONG or are being grossly misrepresented in many media outlets.   Every other time a packet of particles collided with another packet of particles special relativity has been borne out.  The experiment reported in many outlets, conducted at CERN,  has been reported as "showing Einstein was wrong".  I don't think so. 
Dark matter has proven harder to find than anyone anticipated in earth bound experiments, furthermore astronomical observations have revealed how it is spread through the universe.  How can these null results be explained? 
Racist S.O. B. Satoshi Kanazawa said “Asians can’t think”, are raised to be conformist, plagiarize by copying ‘verbatim’  the work of established scientist while sincerely thinking it’s honoring their masters and not seeing a problem. After reading an article in International Business times by Tech Analyst Jake Thompson on the Samsung VS Apple i pad/Galaxy Tab patent battle. Thompson cited Kanazawa’s 2006 paper in the journal Evolutionary Psychology in which Kanzawa let Asians have it. What a racist prick he is for that.
A prediction based on common sense and recent history. In light of Japan's struggle with the Fukushima "nuclear disaster" (Which was triggered by a enormous earthquake and tsunami) Germany has decided to close all nuclear plants by 2022.  Germany gets 25% of it's energy from nuclear power.  If the Germans actually shutter those plants and do not ramp up their reliance on coal due to environmental concerns they will experience a huge economic collapse by 2023 or not much latter. Greening the energy sector of the economy has been presented by Angela Merkel, chancellor of Germany, as a plan for economic prosperity. This sort of plan has failed everywhere it has been tried.  My reason for saying this is Iceland. 
What Angela Merkel said.