A New Theory of Everything That Sets Scalars Equal To Tensors Looks Like Nonsense.

If your theory of everything has tensors set equal to scalars then it is wrong. Simply put...

Robert Zubrin's Credible Proposal to Save the ISS From Destruction.

Robert Zubrin, a great Aerospace Engineer and advocate for human space exploration, has a credible...

The Northern Lights Seen As Far South As Arizona. G5 Magnetic Storm To Continue Through Sunday.

The northern lights as one would expect and see them if they were in the frozen reaches of Canada...

DEI Without Compromise: Embracing Diversity in the LISA Global Scientific Collaboration. A ESA NASA Project.

Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) have become buzzwords often debated within the United States...

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My research focuses on astrophysics from massive star formation to astroparticle physics. Born and raised in Chicagoland I have lived in Bellwood, IL since 1984 and attended public schools here... Read More »


Windows 8 will be the biggest thing in the world of Windows since Windows 95.   That is my prediction based on months of using it in virtualization and now natively on my convertible tablet PC.  In short it is a marked improvement over Windows 7.   The metro application framework, I predict, will lead to the old desktop paradigm being obsolete in the next  5 years.    (Other operating systems are moving towards this too.  Mandriva Linux and it's  ROSA desktop are a step in the same direction.) 

Occupy Hilbert Space is a quirky event proposed by a Facebook friend of mine.   A Hilbert space is a formal mathematical construct in which the information about a physical system is represented by vectors.  In physics we most often encounter the concept of Hilbert spaces in Quantum Mechanics.  They are not limited just to quantum mechanics.  For my submission I will show that we are all occupying a Hilbert space right now.   

Niel Bates describes it like so. 

News like today's new evidence for a standard model light* (~125 Gev) Higgs particle does much for theoretical physics.  In one fell swoop many theories can be ruled out.  While at the same time other theories gain direct support.  Still other theories, and the theorist who propose them, are vindicated for putting their faith in the standard model.  This model that has worked perfectly in every test it has had for 30 or so years.  One area which this will affect in the latter way is that of quantum gravity.

Call of Duty Modern Warfare 3 is my 24 year old Nephew's favorite game.  In it Russians invade Manhattan.  When I was a kid, suffice it to say, the Russians were not to be played with...except in games featuring nuclear war.  People not that much younger than me are totally disconnected from that reality.  At the beginning of Call of Duty's story mode New York City has been invaded by Russian forces.   As my father and I watched him we could not help but comment at how unrealistic that was.  Far less provocation than that would have lead to us nuking Russia, not a fire fight.

If we can produce neutrinos at the same time as photons,then detect which arrives first the question of neutrino speed vs light speed would be settled.    CERN – OPERA measured neutrinos arriving faster than light would have, astronomers have measured neutrinos and light arriving at about the same time from supernovae.  How can we verify the CERN – Opera experiment,reproduce the supernova result, and settle this question once and for all?  We can do this by repurposing one of the most destructive things ever created by the hands of man, a atomic bomb.

If neutrinos can move faster than light (FTL) it does not provide a means for FTL propulsion.  In the last many days I have seen much written about the possibilities that faster than light (FTL) neutrinos would open up.  One popular discussion is of "Faster than light propulsion".  In short this would not work in any way that is practical for us because we are not made of neutrinos.  Our bodies and everything around us, except, maybe neutrinos are made of particles that are well studied and have never ever been observed moving faster than light.