a homemade ionospheric detector, launching it into space, and applying sonification to convert the signals to MIDI so that any HAM receiver can play space 'live' or via our website. We're converting the ionosphere to sheet music, basically.Music. Made by space.
I was a terrific concept so we funded it. Unfortunately, the TubeSat we bought has never taken off. The company, InterOrbital, still has it on the upcoming launch list, along with Ars Technica and lots of others who have probably given up 12 years later. So that's something.

But the concept is still cool. You just don't need to go into space to experience what it might be like. Belgian mathematician Dr. Valery Vermeulen has made a whole album using data from simulations; "black hole mergers, gravitational waves, neutron stars, elementary particle behaviour near black holes and white dwarfs", according to his website.
I can't share any actual content, you can buy it December 3rd, but I have listened to it and it is definitely a concept album. A good musician can take sounds and build around it and that is what is happening here. Except the sounds themselves are made from data. Obviously whether or not you will like it is a matter of taste but I am happy to endorse someone making music the way we wanted with Project Calliope back in 2009.