IPCC Seeks Independent Review Committee For 5th Report

The IPCC has started work on the preparation of its Fifth Assessment Report (AR5). 

They are currently looking for experts who can act as authors: http://www.ipcc.ch/

The IPCC is also seeking to establish an independent review committee:

While embarking on the preparation of its Fifth Assessment Report it was the intention of the IPCC that an independent committee of distinguished experts evaluate means by which IPCC procedures must be implemented fully and that they should also examine any changes in procedure that may be required.
That quote is from Statement of the IPCC Chairman on the establishment of an independent committee to review IPCC Procedures  Issued on 27 February 2010.

The textual content of that statement is reproduced verbatim and entire below,
without comment:


Statement  of the   IPCC   Chairman   on   the   establishment  of an independent committee to review IPCC Procedures

The IPCC strives to ensure that its procedures for use of published material in the preparation of its assessment reports are followed in all respects. But we recognize the criticism that has been leveled at us and the need to respond. While embarking on the preparation of its Fifth Assessment Report it was the intention of the IPCC that an independent committee of distinguished experts evaluate means by which IPCC procedures must be implemented fully and that they should also examine any changes in procedure that may be required. The proposal to set up such an independent committee was conveyed to governments by the IPCC Secretariat in a communication dated Tuesday 16 February

Further, during the 11th Session of the Governing Council/ Global Ministerial Environment Forum convened by the United Nations Environment Programme in Bali during February 24-26, IPCC pursued interaction with governments and the UN to establish an independent review of the IPCC procedures as proposed. The mechanism by which such an independent review will lake place is under active consideration.

Meanwhile, we stand firmly behind the rigour and robustness of the 4lh Assessment Report's conclusions, and are encouraged by the support demonstrated recently by scientists and governments around the world

The 4th Assessment Report's key conclusions are based on an overwhelming body of evidence from thousands of peer-reviewed and independent scientific studies. Most significantly, they rest on multiple lines of analysis and dalasets.

Details on the mechanism for setting up the proposed independent review will be shared sometime in early March.

                                                                           Rajendra K Pachauri