Lessons, Advice, And Reflections On Editing A Scholarly Book

In 2023, I bit the bullet by signing a book contract with Springer to work on a difficult compilation...

Overcoming Misinformation And Reconnecting With Science Deniers

 Scientific information has never been more widely accessible than it is today. While this...

Stress Up The Stress

I was away from the site for a while now. I have a good excuse for it since all this while- I got...

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I am currently serving industry as a Director and Head at Shefali Research Laboratories, India. My current research interests include food chemistry, green catalysis and sustainability. Prior to... Read More »


The human face is, by far, one of the most complex features that has stumped the scientists in the field of developmental science. The recent debates on human face transplant makes it obvious that there is a lot more to the story. Just like fingerprints, no two human faces are alike. Even twins have striking dissimilarities. In fact, every human lip has a unique lip print!

Semantics aside, human faces are generally accidents of development. The faces, we consider as beautiful and pretty, are a result of assembly of primary features. So let us understand faces, human faces that's all around us.  

In the days of yore, organic chemistry was considered a branch of science that dealt with endless interactions involving carbon atoms as atomic and molecular interactive forces were not understood.
I am back from attending the February-scheduled ongoings of the International Year of Chemistry, IYC 2011, as all the chemists and chemical educators are preparing the usual science stuff-------- presentations, seminars, workshops, industrial visits and even short films.
The lure of the far-off land, the thrill of crossing the seven seas, the dream of studying in a foreign university is still the most sought after by many Indian students and scientists. Indian students who pursue their academic dreams overseas need to be mentally prepared to rough it up.

Most importantly, they need to follow a legitimate path in pursuit of money, excellence, and exercise necessary precaution to avoid getting duped, lest they have their wings clipped, their beaks bent, claws tagged, ankles radio-tagged and their flight monitored by immigration authorities.

Recently, the news of the Trivalley University hit headlines and most prominently the Indian students looking up to brighter opportunities abroad felt the heat. 

Typography from Ronnie Bruce on Vimeo.

Must say, now that's effective communication !