Stress Up The Stress

I was away from the site for a while now. I have a good excuse for it since all this while- I got...

Understanding The Human Face

The human face is, by far, one of the most complex features that has stumped the scientists in...

User picture.
picture for Hank Campbellpicture for Patrick Lockerbypicture for Pranay  Sharma
Payal JoshiRSS Feed of this column.

I am currently serving industry as a Director and Head at Shefali Research Laboratories, India. My current research interests include food chemistry, green catalysis and sustainability. Prior to... Read More »

Every now and then, someone invites me to join some social network, and the same thing usually happens:
- I sign up, enter in some subset of the usual 'profile' questions (especially the personal section is worth looking out for)

-I find a few people and become "friends" with them. Further ‘so-called’ dumb friends visit you and send friend requests and later are in no mood to communicate.

- I don't visit the site for a few months
Smile away

Smile away

Jan 08 2010 | comment(s)

Sunshine smile is the most amazing expressions on a human face. Cheeky chuckles, blushing ones, blah, blah are the happy expressions on the human face. What happens when the sunshine smile is converted into ghastly graphics making pace in the normal communication across the internet. Yes, I am talking about the four letter word of the electronic world called smilies. It is not that I loathe at the techno smilies, but it is the techno smilies in the emails which is annoying. No matter how aggressive you can be---just be, since the smilies are there to cover it. Smilies are used
Bon Jour everyone. Recently, I attended a three day pharmaceutical conference at Ahmedabad. Conferences are events which always teach me about the venue rather than the scientific communication. During the meet, I met people of all shapes and sizes and established great rapport. After the conference there were excellent choices for the delegates to visit the city.

The deadlines for reports, projects, assignments make the students grumpy and tired. The pressure of preparing manuscripts and taking out those fine print make them work no end. However, little do they realize when the aspiring scientists had no access to online literature. Fortunately with Google, things are simpler today.
Internet is the greatest source of information, humans could ever create. It has taken over the university libraries wherein the thesis and the rare archives are gathering dust. It is not uncommon to observe graduate students completing their projects and assignments with their mastered copy-paste job. It's fast paced, comfortable access to the literature with one click, or its multiple clicks with the mouse.