Neolamarckia cadamaba (Roxb.) Bosser (=Anthocephaus cadamba (Roxb.) Miq. The name given in Disc is (=A. chinensis (Lam.) A. Rich. ex Walp. syn. A. cadamba (Roxb.) Miq., A. indicus A. Rich. Family Rubiaceae Used Part Inflorescence. Kadamb tree was supposed to be widely distributed in Mathura district the land of Lord Krishna Howerver its disappearing fast from the wild of that region but can be seen in some temples and conserved areas near river Yamuna in Vrindavan and adjoining area. The plant is reported to have medicinal value. Distribution Area Found all over India and also cultivated. It is found in the sub-Himalayan tract from Nepal eastwards on the lower hills of Darjeeling terai in West Bengal where it is common; in Chota Nagpur (Bihar), Orissa and Andhra Pradesh, in Karnataka and Kerala on the West coast, and the western ghats. Common Uses . The ripe fruit is acidic and pleasantly flavoured, and is eaten, both raw and cooked, though suspected to have a bad effect on digestion. However, the fruit juice, along with cumin and sugar, is given to children in gastric irritability. The fruit is cooling and it is said to destroy the phlegm and impurities of blood when eaten. The juice is given in fever with persistent thirst. The leaves are fed to cattle; young leaves are slightly aromatic with unpleasant taste, whereas the older ones are odourless and sour. They are said to be nutritious, astringent and bitter; their decoction is reported to be used for gargling in aphthae or stomatitis. The stembark is reported to possess tonic, astringent, febrifugal and anti-diuretic properties, and is given in coughs. The juice of the bark forms a constituent of a compound to treat inflammation of the eye.