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Judging Research Articles on the Basis of Suspicion

Publication is not only about the distribution of information. It is a money-making business. With...

Assessment checklist for courses Instructional Design

FIER Procedural Flow FIER I.D. follows procedural stages. Each phase of FIER...

Formulating learning styles-based objectives/outcomes (LSBO)

Formulating Learning Styles-based Objectives/Outcomes (LSBO) The contents here are taken from...

Research Flow for Technical and Engineering Students

The following outlines the steps of a proposed research flow for technical engineering students...

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He is both a chemist and an educator. He teaches General chemistry, organic, and biochemistry for health sciences students as well as introductory chemistry courses for non- chemistry majors. He... Read More »


How can FIER (pronounced as “fire”) be of use if the program or the course is already in existence?  This article addresses this question.

As we may recall, part 1 introduced FIER to have four (4) phases namely, Formulation, Implementation, Evaluation, and Review (or Revision).  The four phases in sequence are essential in order to start a new educational program or a new course offering.

A lot of principles in teaching and learning are taught, tested, re-proven to work, and eventually found their applications. However, there are those that exist but are better left unsaid.

Examples of Some Principles that are are taught:

In Chemistry

"Like dissolves like" is a fundamental  truth in dissolution of substances.  This means that a polar solute dissolves in polar solvent, and non-polar solute dissolves in non-polar solvent. Thus, oil, being non-polar, will not dissolve in water (a polar solvent), but will dissolve in kerosene (a non-polar solvent)..

In Assessment and Evaluation

Many doctors agree that abnormally high level of cholesterol in the blood can lead to hypertension and/or heart problems (MNT, 2013).

Doctors often advise their patients to reduce the level of cholesterol in their blood through dieting, exercising, or even by taking cholesterol-reducing drugs such as statins;  but never will they advise one to masturbate.  Maybe, they are afraid that “masturbating”  is contrary to the patient's customs and/or moral/ beliefs, or perhaps it is because there are not enough studies to show that masturbation can reduce cholesterol level in the blood.

This article invites readers/researchers to investigate (study) for science sake, NOT to masturbate.

Most people drink alcoholic beverages without actually knowing what happens to it as it enters into their body. "A hangover" is a common thing alcohol drinkers know, or maybe they have heard that it is the culprit of many car accidents, some liver problems, and a bulging stomach. What really happens to the alcohol in your alcoholic beverages as you suck and empty its bottle?

Accountability plays a very important role in the realization of educational aims, goals, and objectives. Thus recognizing the “Who is/are” in its formation and/or its implementation is important. They are the local and international educational agencies, the school administrators, the teachers, support staff, and the learners.

According to Grossman and Loeb (2010),“the variation in teacher preparation pathways can propel understanding of how best to prepare teachers.” (p.22). Using this premise, I was able to synthesize the different pathways of actual teaching deliveries by the teachers who are teaching chemistry topics for engineering programs.