When Salt Is An Endocrine Disruptor, The Term Is Officially Meaningless

A new environmental claim about endocrine disruptors would seem to be an early Christmas gift for...

Rant: Enough Damn Awareness Days Already!

Dear Awareness People:Shut the F......... (1) I'm begging you.I already have more than enough to...

Old Man Balls: Fact Or Fiction?

Disclaimer: If you read this, don't blame me for whatever psychological damage that will inevitably...

European Endocrine Disruptor Study Is Lightweight Of Evidence

So, if you take literally what Patricia Hunt, Ph.D. and colleagues reported in the new...

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Josh Bloom, Ph.D. Director of Chemical and Pharmaceutical Ph.D. at the American Council on Science and Health, New York. He earned a Ph.D. in organic chemistry at the University of Virginia, and... Read More »


The Harlem Globetrotters had very little to worry about. After all, they had won 2,499 straight exhibition games against their foils, the Washington Generals. What could possibly go wrong? 

This one had all the suspense of a Harlem Globetrotters – Washington Generals game. (1)

Earlier this week, former National Basketball Association star Lamar Odom was found unconscious in a Nevada brothel, after taking what the owner said was a large quantity of “herbal Viagra.” He is said to be near death at this time.

It may be little consolation for his family and friends, but this tragic development can serve as a cautionary tale for the American public, which has been systematically been fed lie after lie about the benefits of dietary supplements.

Thanks to the Dietary Supplement Health and Education Act (DSHEA) of 1994, courtesy of Senators Orrin Hatch (R, UT) and Tom Harkin (D, IA), so-called dietary supplements have been given a special niche. 
OK, so I'm a 62-year old moron. Like *you're* so perfect?  This probably explains why I couldn't pass on this one. 

The word "green" has become so ubiquitous that it has become a parody of itself. Everything is green! Especially the vast amounts of green paper, which portrays formers presidents. Which is the type of green that those who sell you green stuff are lining their pockets with. 

It has gone way past crazy. Like green garbage bags:

Although they claim that their bags are made from recycled Winnebagos, I'm suspicious.
It's a lovely narrative. Modern medicine fails, but ancient Chinese medicine comes to the rescue!

The only problem is that it is completely false. But you wouldn't know that from reading the news. Many in the press are telling their own story, facts be damned.

It’s always heartwarming when an elected official jumps on a hot topic, opens his or her yap, at which point very little resembling the truth comes out, and scores a few cheap points with the public. If this makes things worse, hey, no one is perfect. And it sure sounds good on the evening news.

The schmuck du jour is Peter Shumlin, the Governor of Vermont. He has a lot to say about narcotic abuse and addiction in his state. So much, in fact, that he is apparently willing to “bend” the truth just a teensy bit. And who would be surprised if he just happened to throw in a bit of irrelevant and incorrect information. After all, and he makes his point rather convincingly. Or does he?